Limited Submission 10/28/2020
----- Office of Sponsored Programs -----
Please forward and share with other faculty who may be interested.
HRSA Behaviorial Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Professionals - HRSA-21-089

The purpose of the BHWET Program for Professionals is to develop and expand experiential training opportunities, such as field placements and internships, to improve the distribution and supply of the behavioral health workforce. The BHWET Program for Professionals emphasizes relationships with community-based partners (e.g., hospitals, crisis centers, state and local health departments, emergency departments, faith-based organizations, first responders, and judicial systems) to increase access to quality behavioral health services for populations across the lifespan in high need and high demand areas.1 A special focus is placed on demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the specific concerns for children, adolescents, and transitional-aged youth who are at risk for behavioral health disorders. Additionally, the BHWET Program for Professionals emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration by utilizing team-based care in integrated behavioral health and primary care settings and recruiting a workforce that reflects participation in the institutions’ programs of individuals and groups from different racial, ethnic, cultural, geographic, religious, linguistic, and class backgrounds, and different genders and sexual orientations, interested in serving high need and high demand areas.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Limited Submission
UNLV is limited to ONE application.
OSP Required Notice of Intent Due: 11/11/2020 12:00pm
Submit NOI via the Limited Submission Portal
No late submissions will be considered. Information needed: PI information, project title, one page abstract and three potential internal reviewer names

Sponsor Application Due: 01/21/2021
Award Amount: Up to $1,920,000 ($480,000/yr)
Period of Performance: July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2025 (4 years)

Notice of Intent
At least two weeks will be given to submit a NOI (abstract/summary 1 pg max).

If NOIs received exceeds maximum number of proposals permitted, at least two weeks will be given to submit a pre-proposal (project narrative 4 pg max and budget amount overview).

Internal Review
A review committee of peers is established and will have at least two weeks to review submitted pre-proposals. The committee recommends which proposal(s) best meet sponsor's criteria and which best align with the mission of the department, college, and university.
Althea Sheets, Communications Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs,, 702-895-1880