A regularly recurring roundup of news and resources for Orange County High Road Transition Collaborative members

November 6, 2023


We know you have the dates for our upcoming HRTC meetings, and as of now, we have no future stakeholder group meetings set. However, we wanted to remind this group of important upcoming dates related to CERF:

November 30: Catalyst program application due 

December 31: Regional Summary Report Part 1 final draft due

May 2024: Catalyst program awards made 

June 30, 2024: Regional Summary Report Part II due 

Here are some graphics that help capture this program:


First 5 Orange County

First 5 Orange County was created as a result of Proposition 10, the California Children and Families Act of 1998, which added a 50-cent sales tax on tobacco products sold in California. Prop 10 required that funds raised be used to support education, health, and child development programs for children from the prenatal stage through age 5. 


Since our inception more than 25 years ago, First 5 Orange County has become a leading convener and collaborator, as well as a valued capacity builder and funder of best practices with an emphasis on elevating equity. In these roles, we offer the community deep expertise on the importance of early childhood in human development and the conditions that children and families need to thrive. 


We cultivate strong relationships with our community partners and support innovative, research-based services that have been shown to improve outcomes. We engage directly with families and neighborhoods to offer them the information and tools they need to become advocates for their young children. 


Finally, we promote a “system-level perspective” that recognizes the importance of seamless cross-agency coordination to improve the family experience and child outcome. 


To learn more, please visit: 

Cooperación Santa Ana

Cooperacion Santa Ana is a worker-owned cooperative business developer that envisions a strong, locally-owned shared economy, where products and services are created with dignity and respect for the people who work them and the planet that sustains us. In Santa Ana and Orange County, Cooperacion Santa Ana envisions collectively addressing the needs of people of color and low-income families through democratically owned and operated businesses, networked in solidarity with each other and supporting their communities.  


We believe that worker cooperatives offer an asset creation opportunity for those who may not be eligible for employment or lack access to capital, and that the deep-rooted democracy in cooperatives transforms entire communities and local economies. 


To learn more, please visit:

The Kennedy Commission

The Kennedy Commission is a community-based nonprofit that collaborates with residents and community organizations to increase the production of homes affordable to lower-income households in Orange County. Launched in 2011, the Kennedy Commission develops housing solutions that affirm the dignity of families with very low- and extremely low-incomes and unites communities across Orange County to develop homes affordable to all. The Commission engages impacted residents and partner organizations to build their capacity to advocate for policies that increase affordable housing opportunities.  


We serve all general low-income populations. We also have a strong focus in serving the low-income Latinx community in Santa Ana, Anaheim, and in broader Orange County.  


To learn more, please visit 


2023-2024 Community Indicators Report & Rollout

What is it?: Since 2010, the annual Orange County Community Indicators Report has served as a critical tool for assessing the performance of the nation’s 6th largest county. The report tracks a comprehensive range of vital issues, including education, health, housing, income, infrastructure, and the economy.

Join OC Forum and Orange County Business Council (OCBC) on Tuesday, November 7, to be among the first to hear what this year’s report reveals about Orange County, plus the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

This annual snapshot of Orange County’s key performance metrics is authored by a distinguished partnership between OCBC, Orange County United Way, Orange County Community Foundation, First 5 Orange County, and CalOptima Health. Ever timely and insightful, this year’s area of special focus in the report is Housing Barriers.

When is it?: Tuesday, November 7, 2023, from 11:30 am-1:30 pm

Where is it?: Hyatt Regency Irvine, 17900 Jamboree Rd, Irvine 92614  

To learn more, please visit:

Orange County Community Foundation Annual Meeting 2023

What is it?: Orange County Community Foundation’s (OCCF) Annual Meeting will be an inspiring celebration and inside look at philanthropy’s power to amplify impact and build momentum for good. Event highlights will include the celebration of a major milestone in OC giving, an update on OCCF’s ConnectOC community data, and inspiring stories of impact.

When is it?: Thursday, November 9, 2023, from 11:30 am-1:30 pm

Where is it?: Irvine Marriott, 18000 Von Karman Ave., Irvine 92612

To learn more and register, please visit:  

Saluting Our Veterans: An Evening of Gratitude and Recognition

What is it?: The Small Business Diversity Network and the Black Chamber of Orange County are excited to invite you to their November joint mixer collaboration celebrating Veterans Day. It’ll be an inspiring evening of gratitude and recognition as SBDN and BCOC honor Veterans and showcase the entrepreneurial spirit of small businesses that enrich our community. There will be great food, music, and networking. This event will have limited seating, so please register early. 

When is it?: Friday, November 10, 2023, from 4:00-8:00 pm 

Where is it?: Anaheim VFW Post 3173, 805 E. Sycamore St., Anaheim 92805 

To learn more and register, please visit:!event/2023/11/10/sbdn-bcoc-november-joint-mixer-celebrating-quot-veterans-day-quot  


Urban Greening

Urban Greening Program will fund projects that reduce greenhouse gases while also transforming the built environment into places that are more sustainable, enjoyable, and effective in creating healthy and vibrant communities. These projects will establish and enhance parks and open space, using natural solutions to improve air and water quality and reducing energy consumption, and creating more walkable and bike-able trails. 


To learn more about this grant, please visit:

Please note that applications close on November 20, 2023

Breaking Barriers

The Foundation for California Community Colleges, in partnership with the California Workforce Development Board, is pleased to announce the availability of up to $4,200,000 in funding through the Breaking Barriers to Employment Initiative. Breaking Barriers provides individuals with barriers to employment the services they need to enter, participate in, and complete broader workforce preparation, training, and education programs aligned with regional labor market needs. Under the initiative, services shall be delivered principally through a collaborative partnership between mission-driven community-based organizations and local workforce development boards to strengthen the America’s Job Center of California system.

To learn more about this grant, please visit:

Please note that applications close on December 8, 2023

Outdoor Equity Grants Program

OEP will increase the ability of residents in low-income communities to participate in outdoor experiences at state parks and other public lands by funding program operation and transportation costs. OEP encourages applicants to establish a home base in an underserved community as the hub for local activities and trips to natural areas. OEP empowers youth and families through outdoor leadership education, career pathways, and access to nature. 

To learn more about this grant, please visit:  

Please note that applications close on December 14, 2023

Have a suggestion for something you’d like to see in a future HRTC Hub newsletter? Email Jesse at to share your idea.


A major objective of the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) planning phase is the creation of a High Road Transition Collaborative or HRTC. The HRTC is an inclusive planning group that consists of balanced and meaningful representation from regional stakeholders.


Want to keep up with all things CERF and/or HRTC? Please visit for information and resources.

Have a question? Please email