HRTI Resource Roundup ~ November 2018
Each month HRTI will be sharing our favorite picks from the various resources we come across. If there are materials or resources you are seeking or interested in sharing,
please contact Christine Rodriguez, HRTI Manager at .
CDC Launches 2nd Edition of Hepatitis C Online Training
RESOURCE:  Hepatitis C Online -- Free CMEs/CNEs
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and University of Washington; Updated October2018

"Check out the updated Hepatitis C Online a free, up-to-date comprehensive educational resource for healthcare providers that covers diagnosing, monitoring, and managing HCV infection. Free CME credits and CNE contact hours are available for 33 lessons, in addition the site features an in-depth HCV medications section, none clinical calculators, and individual or group progress tracking. Users can start anywhere on . This project is funded by CDC and developed by the University of Washington (UW) National Hepatitis Training Center"
Employment Opportunities
Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition
Harm Reduction Regional Ambassadors; Statewide
(part-time; five positions)
Deadline: December 14, 2018
Details and to Apply: Click here (pdf)

"BHRC is hiring Harm Reduction Regional Ambassadors from across the state of Maryland to support the coordination of a statewide network for harm reduction advocacy. Ambassadors are expected to represent different regions in Maryland outside of Baltimore City. These positions are designed to be learning opportunities and previous advocacy experience is not required. The hours of these positions are flexible, and Ambassadors should expect to work approximately 5 hours per week (20 per month) from January through the end of April 2019 with potential to add hours or extend additional months. These positions are paid a $440 per month stipend."

Southern AIDS Coalition
Senior Manager of Government Affairs and Advocacy; Birmingham, AL / Remote
Deadline: Rolling, Apply ASAP

"This position is responsible for managing the federal, state, and local efforts to secure systemic policy changes and strategic investments necessary to reduce HIV-related health disparities and promote greater health equity among people living with or at heightened risk for HIV. […] We prefer candidates who reside in or who are wiling to relocate to Birmingham, but we will consider exceptional candidates based elsewhere in the South who demonstrate experience working, collaborating, and supervising remotely. Reasonable relocation assistance is available."
Local Health Departments & Opioids ~ Learning from our Neighbors
RESOURCE:  North Carolina Essential Actions to Address the Opioid Epidemic: A Local Health Department's Guide
North Carolina Association of Local Health Directors' Opioid Work Group, Division of Public Health Injury and Violence Prevention Branch; November 2018
“This toolkit was inspired by the Massachusetts Health Officers Association's Essential Measures: Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Toolkit and structured around the 10 Essential Public health Services framework. This online resource/website provides information, tools, and best practices for health directors, health department staff, and their partners to reference when planning efforts to reduce opioid-related harms in NC communities.”
Rural Rocks: New National Listserv for Rural Harm Reduction Programs!
RESOURCE:  Rural Rocks National Listserv  
  • Request to Join by Emailing – Rural[dot]Rocks[at]gmail[dot]com

" Hello and welcome to Rural Rocks!!! In this space we can share ideas and resources, discuss policy and plan advocacy for Rural areas. Please feel free to post, share and support! We are new so it will take all of us to design this in the way that works best for rural programs. Thank you and here is to a great and healthy future for Rural Harm Reduction Programs! "
Safer Consumption Spaces ~ NEW Report
RESOURCE:  Bringing Safer Consumption Spaces to the United States
AIDS United , Project Inform ; November 2018
“AIDS United and Project Inform released a report today examining current efforts to bring safer consumption spaces - protected places used for the hygienic consumption of pre-obtained drugs in a non-judgmental environment and under the supervision of trained staff - to the United States […]
The report offers strategies for extending funding and advocating for legally sanctioned safer consumption spaces in a manner that focused on the leadership and needs of people who use drugs.”