November 23, 2021
Parent & Student Survey!
Thank you to all of you that have already completed the Student and Parent Surveys released! The 2021-22 HS^2 school goal is to increase student and parent engagement throughout the year. A few ways we are doing this is through implementing this HS^2 Newsletter, increasing the number of and involvement of HS^2 student representatives, individual check-ins between advisors and students, and monthly emails home to parents from the students regarding progress. Now that we are one quarter of the way through the school year, we would like feedback from you all! If you have not already, please complete this Student or Parent survey to share your feedback with HS^2.
Join us for Coffee on December 1st
Join us on December 1st from 9:30 - 10:15 am at HS^2 for our first Parent Coffee! This informal opportunity will allow current and future Parents and Guardians to learn more about the school, with a focus on school operations, community partnerships, outreach, and volunteering. Please complete this google form if you are interested in joining us on December 1st!

Next parent coffee: January 5, 2022
HS^2 & KM Explore Students Learn About Microgreens!
4th and 5th graders from KM Explore were able to come to the High School to learn about microgreens alongside the HS^2 Nutrition Class! A guest speaker from Jackrabbit Greens spoke about their small indoor urban farm startup that grows microgreens with sustainable and organic values. The students learned about growing microgreens, sampled some, and were even able to plant their own that they will watch grow over the following days!
Looking For Parent Guest Speakers!
We are in the midst of planning workshop seminars for December and would like to bring in a few guest speakers that work in the healthcare field. If you are interested in speaking with a group of High School students about your career, please reach out to Mrs. Ladsten. The ideal timing would be around 12pm any day between December 13th and 22nd. The presentation would include information about your career path journey, a day in the life of your position, and any advice you may have for students interested in pursuing a similar occupation.
Interpreting the MyLC Parent Digest!
If you've signed up to receive the MyLC parent digest, you should've started recieving an email every Monday. Each email is broken down into 2-3 sections: Recent & Upcoming Tasks, Recent Evidence Submissions, and Recent Teacher Notes. The email should give you a quick snapshot of how your learner is progressing towards their yearly goals, hopefully prompting any necessary conversations and/or celebrations!

If you haven't signed up yet, don't worry! Specific instructions for signing up to receive weekly parent emails from MyLC can be found in this document.
HS^2 Information Nights!

HS^2 will be hosting information nights on the dates listed above. These meetings are for students and families who are interested in attending HS^2 for the 2022-2023 school year. Please spread the word if you know anyone who is interested in learning more about our school. For more information click HERE.
Calendar Highlights
11/24-11/26: Thanksgiving Break

12/1: Parent Coffee

12/14: Parent Information Night

12/23-1/2: Winter Break

1/5: Parent Coffee
349 N. Oak Crest Drive | Wales, WI 53183 | 262-968-6200 ext. 8448