Junior Parent College Night Announced

The college and career counseling team visited Junior English classes this week to discuss college and career planning. Please click here to view the presentation shared with students this week during their English classes. If you have not already done so, please also review the video shared  here that outlines the Junior Checklist and provides a tutorial for the Naviance College Supermatch


As a reminder for parents, Junior Parent College Planning Night is coming up on Monday, Dec. 2nd @ 7:00PM in the high school auditorium. Parents, please be sure to attend for important information on the college process and future planning. 

Bees Selected for Ohio State University Honor Band

Congratulations to Jacob Astey, Muyiwa Bolaji, Logan Smith, Nick Thompson, and Camille Yu on being selected to participate in The Ohio State University Honor Band!

This prestigious event, one of the longest-running and most distinguished of its kind, honors top high school musicians in the State of Ohio. These outstanding students are chosen through a rigorous process that includes a director nomination and performance audition submissions.

While participating in the Honor Band students will perform challenging pieces under the direction of Ohio State University band faculty. A culminating concert experience will also take place. Congratulations again to these talented musicians on their significant achievement!

Yuletide Hunger Drive

The BBHCSD, through the district PSO, will be helping our local cities collect non-perishable food and toiletries for the Yuletide Hunger Drive starting 11/13 through 12/5. The high school has been assigned to collect the following items:


Toilet Paper           Bar Soap 

Paper Towels         Dish Soap 

Kleenex             Toothpaste

This is the 42nd year of this Yuletide collaboration with the cities of Brecksville, Broadview Heights, Seven Hills, and Independence! Please see the attached flyer with additional information on the Adopt a Family Program as well.

Adopt a Family Program

Staff Movember Efforts

This year several BBHHS staff members including Mr. Backo, Mr Rundo, Mr. Sam Smith, Mr. Palumbo, Mr. Clerget, Mr. Adams and Mr. Lesh have signed up to participate in the national MoVember Movement program. Movember is an annual event in November where men grow mustaches to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. Participants, known as "Mo Bros" and "Mo Sistas," use their mustaches to spark conversations, raise funds, and support research and programs focused on improving men's well-being. 

Our staff efforts are well underway, and the mustache’s are looking better than ever (depending on who you talk to).  Please consider donating to the BBHHS staff member with the best mustache and in support of their effort to raise funds for Men’s Mental Health!  You can donate by visiting the BBHHS MoVember Team page and clicking on your favorite mustache by following the link below!

MoVember BBHHS Team Page and Donation Links

Favorite Mustache Contest: Vote Now!

Seeley Test Prep

BBHHS is pleased to announce a new partnership with Seeley Test Pros, a test prep leader in Northeast Ohio! Founder and lead presenter Amy Seeley is offering three opportunities for full day test prep seminars for both the ACT and SAT college entrance exams.

The first seminar for the ACT will be held on Friday, Dec. 6th. Cost of attendance is $69 per student. Please click here for the official flier and electronic registration link. Be sure to take advantage of this phenomenal test prep opportunity!

Midterm/Final Schedule Announced

Please be aware of the planned Midterm and Semester Final Exam schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. The exam date and period schedule are established below. It is important to note that Midterm/Finals will be scheduled BEFORE the winter holiday break.

BBHHS will provide a daily lunch option, operate with the regularly scheduled transportation schedules, and offer an Open Campus structure for all students. If you do not wish to allow your child to have Open Campus privileges during exams, please complete the included Google Form.

This Week at BBHHS!

As we prepared for Thanksgiving, our school community came together for Thanksfest, a time to decompress, enjoy snacks, connect with classmates, and share gratitude with peers and staff. A heartfelt thank you to all the BBHHS families who supported this event, allowing us to take a brief pause and connect as one school.

This week, our high school students also visited BBH Elementary School as Student Ambassadors for the elementary school’s behavior reward program. They enjoyed lunch with recognized students and shared conversations about being difference-makers in their school community. Thank you to our high school students for making a positive impact on our younger Bees!

BBHHS staff members Mrs. Bridget Milano and Ms. Megan Boulton were interviewed by WEWS about our district needs closet the Colony Cupboard. This project has sought community support to provide area families in need with household items, cleaning supplies, toiletries and staple food items. Their feature will air next week and we are hopeful that the piece will bring more awareness of the availability of these items for BBHCSD families in need and also the need for co donations.

The Math Club hosted a morning coffee truck fundraiser to support their annual competitions, while the Biology Club explored science and creativity by making microbiology art plates. Using sterile techniques and five different strains of colored bacteria, students cultured plates to create original artwork. Below are some of their incredible designs!

Important Dates

11/25 Waiver Day~ No School Students

11/26 Waiver Day~ No School Students

11/27 Thanksgiving Break Day 1

11/28 Thanksgiving Day 2

11/29 Thanksgiving Break Day 3

12/2 Junior Parent College Planning Night

12/3 CAPA Meeting

12/3 Band Booster Meeting

12/5 PSO Council Meeting

12/6 SAT Prep Day w/ Seely Test Prep Services

12/10 Extended Colony Suicide/School Violence Prevention 55 Min. Assembly

12/10 BBHHS Alumni Meeting

12/10 BBHHS Band Holiday Concert

12/12 Final Senior Portrait Sessions @ BBHHS

12/12 NHS Induction Rehearsal Practice~After SChool

12/13 BBHHS PSO Breakfast

12/13 NHS Induction Ceremony

12/13 Madrigal Dinner Performance #1

12/14 Madrigal Dinner Performance #2

12/16 Financial Aid Night

12/17 District Holiday Caroling

12/18 Midterms/Finals Day 1

12/19 Midterms/Finals Day 2

12/20 Midterms/Finals Day 3

12/23 Winter Break Begins

Important BBHHS Contacts

High School Administration

Principal: Mr. Kevin Jakub 440-740-4712

Assistant Principal Last Names A-K: Mrs. Kelli Izzo 440-740-4717

Assistant Principal Last Names L-Z: Mr. Josh Backo 440-740-4718

Administration Administrative Assistants

Main Office: Ms. Dara Treter 440-740-4711

Assistant Principal Office: Mrs. Wendy Kraus 440-740-4754

Athletic Department

Athletic Director: Mr. Mark Maslona 440-740-4771

Athletic Director Secretary: Mrs. Megan Schiavone 440-740-4770

School Counselors

Grades 9-10 Last Names A-K: Ms. Bridget Milano 440-740-4723

Grades 9-10 Last Names L-Z : Ms. Megan McNeeley (LTS) 440-740-4727

Grade 12 Last Names A-E: Mrs. Jaci Owens 440-740-4719

Grade 11/12 Last Names F-0 Mrs. Gina Baeslach 440-740-4725

Grade 11/12 Last Names P-Z: Mr. Kyle Drypolcher 440-740-4726

Counseling Office Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jennifer Zlojutro 440-740-4721

Student Accounts and Bursar Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Kelly Petros 440-740-4728

Attendance Office

Mrs. Nicole Tagalicod

Attendance Line: Last Names A-K 440-740-4705

Attendance Line: Last Names L-Z 440-740-4715

Clinic Information

District Nurse: Mrs. Kim DiRocco (440) 740-4406

High School Clinic: Ms. Colleen Walsh (440) 740-4706

CAPA Office

Mrs. Kelly Lazar: 440-740-4751

Download the "Stopit App" to have 24/7 access to report anything that threatens the safety of our school. With Stopit, you have the power to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate, or unsafe behavior. BBHHS Code: beeshighschool

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