Blue Ribbon Award Acceptance

Today, Brecksville-Broadview Heights City School District staff members, including Superintendent Mr. Jeff Harrison, Mrs. Darlene Wallace, and Mr. Kevin Jakub, were honored in Washington, D.C., with the Blue Ribbon Award, a recognition by the U.S. Department of Education. This achievement, completed through a rigorous application process by the Blue Ribbon Committee, reflects the dedication of committee members: Joshua Backo, Margaret Burling, Jim Crooks, Emily Garlock, Denise Gawlik, Kelli Izzo, Craig Kowatch, Leslie Labbe, Benjamin Lesh, Caroline Loomer, Beth Mieskowski, Bonnie Montelone, Jaci Owens, Kelly Petros, Allison Reynolds, Louis Rundo, Robert Schank, Mary Shaffer, and Jason Simonetti.

The award underscores the collaboration between parents, the communities of Brecksville and Broadview Heights, and the teaching staff to Educate, Empower, and Engage the exceptional students at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School. This is the fourth Blue Ribbon recognition for the district, with prior awards given to Hilton Elementary in 2001, Brecksville-Broadview Heights Middle School in 2018, and Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School in 2008. Join us on October 14th at 9:00 AM in the main lobby during the PSO meeting for the plaque installation ceremony.

Ohio Senate Bill 29 Required Parent Notification

Please be aware of important updates regarding parental notifications related to Ohio Senate Bill 29, which was communicated to all district families by BBHCSD Superintendent, Mr. Jeffery Harrison on October 25th. The new provisions in Senate Bill 29 require schools to notify parents or guardians of flagged internet activity identified through our student data and technology monitoring systems. Our school partners with Lightspeed, a technology provider that monitors student data and internet usage to promote online safety and appropriate use of school-issued technology and secure networks.

BBHHS parents have begun receiving emails from the BBHHS administration notifying them of any “flagged” internet activity related to their child’s internet usage as identified by Lightspeed. While the overwhelming majority of these flags relate to appropriate use of school technology aligned with students' academic work, we are still legally required to notify families whenever flagged activity is identified.

To streamline this process, we have implemented an email notification system to promptly alert parents regarding any flagged activity identified by Lightspeed. If you receive one of these notifications, please do not be alarmed; the flagged internet activity has been reviewed and determined to align with our Authorized Use Policy for students, and no further action is required.  If any student activity is cause for concern, as always, a member of the BBHHS administration will reach out to you via phone to notify you of elevated concerns.  

We will continue to refine our protocols and notification systems as we adapt to this new law. Thank you for your understanding and support as we work to maintain a safe school environment while complying with the requirements of Senate Bill 29

Honor Roll and Merit Roll Students

Congratulations to all of our Bees who have earned placement on the Honor Roll or Merit Roll for the first academic marking period. This accomplishment reflects their hard work and dedication towards academic achievement and growth. The criteria for obtaining Honor Roll or Merit Roll at BBHHS:

  • Honor Roll: Achieved by students who maintain a GPA of 3.75 or higher.
  • Merit Roll: Earned by students with a GPA between 3.0 and 3.74.

We are thrilled to congratulate the students listed below on this well-deserved success and thank them for their dedication to their academic pursuits. Please note that students enrolled in all CCP courses are not included as their academic term has not yet concluded.

Drive-In Movie at BBHHS

Join Brecksville-Broadview Heights Student Government for a drive-in movie night on Friday, November 8, 2024, in the lower gold lot at BBHHS. The event features "Inside Out 2" at 7:00 PM for K-8th grade and "Corpse Bride" at 9:30 PM for 9th grade to adults. Tickets are $10 per car per showing, available until the start of each respective movie. All proceeds support Student Government and classes of 2025-2028. General admission, first-come, first-served. Each ticket is valid for one car load per movie. Link to event.

RaDIUM Girls

Join Troupe 1260 for their annual fall play, RaDIUM GIRLS, next weekend! This is their second production of the year, following the outstanding and humorous performance of Six in September. Tickets are available for purchase through Hometown Ticketing. Don't miss this showcase of talent from Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School's drama club students!

This year's fall play is about the women at the turn of the century who were unwitting victims of our failed understanding of the dangers of radium poisonings. 

This show will be performed in "arena" style, with the audience onstage with the actors. It is sure to offer a unique experience for actors and audience alike, but seating will be limited for performances! Do not miss your chance to buy tickets for RaDIUM GIRLS.

Thankfest Colony Announcement 

We are excited to announce that the student and staff favorite Colony Period event, Thankfest, is back! On Wednesday, November 20th, we will come together for this BBHHS tradition, by taking a break before the holidays to celebrate in a class party setting. Thankfest is a time for students and staff to take a few moments to relax, express their gratitude, and build community within BBHHS.

Students can actively participate in this event by working with their Colony Period teacher to organize food/snack donations that can be shared and enjoyed within their Colony and neighboring Colonies.  

  1. Breakfast-type items are suggested, as the students will eat during our morning Colony period.
  2. Items should be brought in ready to serve and considerate of dietary restrictions. 
  3. To ensure all students can enjoy the day, we welcome parent donations of food and snacks, which will be distributed Colonies needing extra support. 
  4. Students can start to bring in items for Thankfest on Tuesday, November 19th.

Seeley Test Prep

BBHHS is pleased to announce a new partnership with Seeley Test Pros, a test prep leader in Northeast Ohio! Founder and lead presenter Amy Seeley is offering three opportunities for full day test prep seminars for both the ACT and SAT college entrance exams.

The first seminar for the ACT will be held on Friday, Dec. 6th. Cost of attendance is $69 per student. Please click here for the official flier and electronic registration link. Be sure to take advantage of this phenomenal test prep opportunity!

Yuletide Hunger Drive

The BBHCSD through the district PSO will be helping our local cities collect food and toiletries for the Yuletide Hunger Drive starting 11/13 through 12/5. The high school will be collecting the following items:


Toilet Paper           Bar Soap 

Paper Towels         Dish Soap 

Kleenex               Toothpaste

This is the 42nd year of this Yuletide collaboration with the cities of Brecksville, Broadview Heights, Seven Hills, and Independence! Please see the attached flyer with additional information on the Adopt a Family Program as well.

Adopt a Family Program

Midterm/Final Schedule Announced

Please be aware of the planned Midterm and Semester Final Exam schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. The exam date and period schedule are established below. It is important to note that Midterm/Finals will be scheduled BEFORE the winter holiday break.

BBHHS will provide a daily lunch option, operate with the regularly scheduled transportation schedules, and offer an Open Campus structure for all students. If you do not wish to allow your child to have Open Campus privileges during exams, please complete the included Google Form.

Bees Holiday Spirit Shop and Student Section T-Shirt

If you are in need of some new Bees Gear or are interested in some Bee-autiful holiday gifts, the Bees Online Holiday Shop and Winter Spirit Wear Shops will be Open from 11/1/24 till 11/11/24! You can access the team shops by clicking the links below! All orders received within this order window will arrive 2 weeks prior to Christmas!  

Winter Spirit Wear Sale

Bees Holiday Team Shop

Our student section leaders Carly Strmac and Luke Sokolowski have collaborated with BSN to create this year's Basketball Student Section T-Shirt. The student section t-shirt can be purchased online through the special BSN team shop listed below. $3 from every t-shirt sold will go directly back to the BBHHS Unified Sports Program ! The team shop will be open from 10/31 to 11/11!  

We are hoping to wear these special student section t-shirts during a "Black-Out" for one of the first home games of the season. Students who wear the special edition student section t-shirt to the selected game will also get FREE ADMISSION to the game! . All Parents, Fans, and Staff Members are welcome to purchase shirts as well to help support the Unified Sports cause. Hurry, this shop is only open for six more days!

Student Section T-Shirt Team Shop

Jostens Orders

On November 4th, Jostens provided order packets for Sophomore class rings and senior graduation packages, including graduation announcements, caps, and gowns, etc. Packets will be distributed to students in Language Arts classes; however, if your student does not have a Language Arts class at BBHHS, they can pick up their packet from Mrs. Kraus in the Assistant Principal's Office.

On November 15th, John Armstrong from Jostens will be on campus to assist with final order placement and to collect completed orders. This is an excellent opportunity for students to get the help they need to finalize their graduation gear.

Orders can be placed at or a check mailed in along with your order form to the address below:


Attn: John Armstrong

PO Box 944

Medina, OH 44258

Additionally, Senior families, as a reminder, please complete the Google Form for name verification by Friday, November 15th. If you do not submit your preferred name by then, your diploma will be ordered using the name submitted in Final Forms, which may not match your preference. For example, if you're listed as Michael but prefer "Mike," it won't be changed without your authorization on the form.

Your prompt attention to this task is appreciated to ensure your diploma accurately reflects your name. For questions, contact Ms. Dara Treter in the Main Office.

This Week at BBHHS!

This week at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School was packed with events, achievements, and meaningful contributions from our students.

Monday, we held a school safety drill utilizing our new emergency response notification system Centegix. This drill was run in cooperation with the Broadview Heights and Brecksville Police Departments with both departments providing several offers to serve as responders to an intruder based scenario and observers to offer feedback to our staff. Our new system performed outstanding in reducing notification times to first responders both in the building and in the community. Our students and staff also did an outstanding job in making real time decisions based on limited information on deciding to ensure that everyone is prepared and informed for emergency situations.

Our Blood Drive was a success, highlighting the students’ commitment to giving back to the community, a central value in our "Attributes of a Bee." Students from our Key Club showed up early ready to make a difference as they organized and ran the event in partnership with the American Red Cross. Additionally we saw the generosity of our students first hand as over 60 of students took time from their day to donate. 

The commitment to the community at BBHHS is truly evident.

Several of our students served as poll workers on Election Day, gaining first-hand experience in the election process and taking an active role as engaged citizens. This opportunity gave them valuable insight into civic responsibilities. We are so grateful that these students took part in helping to facilitate what is our most essential right as citizens. 

On Wednesday, students continued to show their commitment to civic education. We had several Bees come, after school, to take part in the Americanism test offered by the Brecksville American Legion. The Americanism test is designed to promote a better understanding and an emphasis on civic values. 

At this week’s Lunch and Learn, Gabe Wasylko from Destination Cleveland spoke to students about Cleveland’s community landscape, career paths, and the importance of local engagement, giving students new perspectives on future opportunities.

Our cheerleading team earned an impressive 2nd place at the Suburban League Cheer competition, continuing to represent BBHHS with spirit and energy. Their consistent dedication uplifts our school community at events throughout the year.

Members of the BBHHS band participated in the Veterans Day recognition ceremony at Cuyahoga Valley National Park, performing to honor area veterans. Their participation contributed to the event’s success, allowing them to show their appreciation through music.

Important Dates

11/2 CVCC Holiday Craft Show

11/4 School Lockdown/Intruder Drill

11/4 Bee Athletic Meeting

11/5 Election Day~No School CVCC Only

11/5 Band Boosters Meeting

11/6 American Legion Americanism Test

11/7 Brecksville-Broadview Heights Robotics Tournament Day 1

11/8 Brecksville-Broadview Heights Robotics Tournament Day 2

11/8 No Afternoon Classes CVCC Students Only

11/9 Brecksville-Broadview Heights Robotics Tournament Day 3

11/11 Veterans Day

11/12 CAPA Meeting

11/13 NCAA Signing Day

11/14 Fall Play~Radium Girls Day 1

11/15 Fall Play~Radium Girls Day 2

11/16 Fall Play~Radium Girls Day 3

11/20 Extended Colony~ Thankfest

11/25 Waiver Day~ No School Students

11/26 Waiver Day~ No School Students

11/27 Thanksgiving Break Day 1

11/28 Thanksgiving Day 2

11/29 Thanksgiving Break Day 3

12/2 Junior Parent College Planning Night

12/3 CAPA Meeting

12/3 Band Booster Meeting

12/5 PSO Council Meeting

12/6 SAT Prep Day w/ Seely Test Prep Services

12/10 Extended Colony Suicide/School Violence Prevention

12/10 BBHHS Alumni Meeting

12/10 BBHHS Band Holiday Concert

12/12 Final Senior Portrait Sessions @ BBHHS

12/12 NHS Induction Rehearsal Practice~After SChool

12/13 BBHHS PSO Breakfast

12/13 NHS Induction Ceremony

12/13 Madrigal Dinner Performance #1

12/14 Madrigal Dinner Performance #2

12/16 Financial Aid Night

12/17 District Holiday Caroling

12/18 Midterms/Finals Day 1

12/19 Midterms/Finals Day 2

12/20 Midterms/Finals Day 3

12/23 Winter Break Begins

Important BBHHS Contacts

High School Administration

Principal: Mr. Kevin Jakub 440-740-4712

Assistant Principal Last Names A-K: Mrs. Kelli Izzo 440-740-4717

Assistant Principal Last Names L-Z: Mr. Josh Backo 440-740-4718

Administration Administrative Assistants

Main Office: Ms. Dara Treter 440-740-4711

Assistant Principal Office: Mrs. Wendy Kraus 440-740-4754

Athletic Department

Athletic Director: Mr. Mark Maslona 440-740-4771

Athletic Director Secretary: Mrs. Megan Schiavone 440-740-4770

School Counselors

Grades 9-10 Last Names A-K: Ms. Bridget Milano 440-740-4723

Grades 9-10 Last Names L-Z : Ms. Megan McNeeley (LTS) 440-740-4727

Grade 12 Last Names A-E: Mrs. Jaci Owens 440-740-4719

Grade 11/12 Last Names F-0 Mrs. Gina Baeslach 440-740-4725

Grade 11/12 Last Names P-Z: Mr. Kyle Drypolcher 440-740-4726

Counseling Office Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jennifer Zlojutro 440-740-4721

Student Accounts and Bursar Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Kelly Petros 440-740-4728

Attendance Office

Mrs. Nicole Tagalicod

Attendance Line: Last Names A-K 440-740-4705

Attendance Line: Last Names L-Z 440-740-4715

Clinic Information

District Nurse: Mrs. Kim DiRocco (440) 740-4406

High School Clinic: Ms. Colleen Walsh (440) 740-4706

CAPA Office

Mrs. Kelly Lazar: 440-740-4751

Download the "Stopit App" to have 24/7 access to report anything that threatens the safety of our school. With Stopit, you have the power to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate, or unsafe behavior. BBHHS Code: beeshighschool

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