Important Dates
12/29 Holiday Wrestling Tournament (Day 1)
12/30 Holiday Wrestling Tournament (Day 2)
1/2 PSO Council Meeting
1/4 Dual on the Stage
1/6 Bee Athletic Booster Meeting
1/8 EOC Retakes-Algebra 1 and ELA II
1/9 EOC Gov Test AM/PM Session
1/13 End of 2nd Quarter
1/14 Teacher Record Day No School
1/14 CAPA Meeting
1/15 CVCC Semester Exams Day 1
1/16 CVCC Semester Exams Day 2
1/16 CVCC Student Parent Night
1/17 CVCC Staff In-Service No School
1/17 American Red Cross Blood Drive
1/18 OMEA Solo and Ensemble
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School
1/22 Quarter 2 Grades Posted to Power School
1/24 Winter Pep Rally (55-Minute Assembly Schedule)
1/27 College Credit Plus/College Options Night
1/30 Tentative School Safety Drill
1/31 Ticket to Broadway
2/1 Robotics Tournament- Launch Day 1
2/2 Robotics Tournament- Launch Day 2
2/3 8th Grade Academic Planning Night
2/4 Band Booster Meeting
2/5 Extended Colony 24-Minute Bell Schedule- Scheduling Information
2/5 CVCC Tenth Grade Visitations (No Afternoon CVCC Classes)
2/6 PSO Council Meeting
2/6 CVCC Tenth Grade Visitations (No Afternoon CVCC Classes)
2/12 Extended Colony 24-Minute Bell Schedule- Teen Dating Violence
2/12 All Student Scheduling Request Due
2/13 BBHHS PSO Meeting
2/14 Tri-M Singing Grams
2/17 President's Day No School
2/20 BBHHS Band Invitational @ Youngstown State
2/20 Schools Foundation: A Toast to the Future at Michelangelo's
2/28 SAT Prep with Seely Test Prep Services