Happy Holidays from BBHHS

As we approach the holiday break, I wish you all a restful and peaceful two-week holiday break. It is truly a pleasure and honor to work with the talented students of BBHHS and to benefit from the incredible parental and community support that makes our school such a special place.

Amazing things happen in the hallways and classrooms of BBHHS each day. We are truly blessed to witness the growth, creativity, and accomplishments of our students, supported by a community that values and supports their successes at every turn.

During this holiday season, I hope you find time to embrace the stillness and magic of this special time of year. I hope you can set aside the stressors that often accompany the season and instead focus on the moments that matter most, which is joining with family and friends to reflect on the year past and welcome the new year ahead with hope and joy.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday and a happy, healthy New Year!

Happy Holidays,

Kevin G. Jakub


Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School

College Credit Plus/College Options Night

Students interested in participating in the College Credit Plus (CCP) program for the 2025-2026 school year! We strongly encourage you to attend this year’s College Credit Plus/College Options Night on Monday, January 27th, at 7:00 PM in the high school auditorium. Essential steps to be eligible to participate in CCP programming will be explained and completed during this essential meeting.

This annual meeting is invaluable for both new and returning CCP students, as it provides important updates on the program's rules, policies, procedures, and any recent changes.

If you are unable to attend in person, the event will be recorded and made available to students and parents later that week. For questions, please contact Mr. Drypolcher in the counseling office.

End of Semester/2nd Quarter

Students absent for any midterm or final exam must coordinate directly with their teachers to arrange a time to make up the missed exam.

Please note the following key dates as we wrap up the second marking period:

  • The second marking period will continue through the first week we return from Winter Break and will officially end on Monday, January 13th.
  • Tuesday, January 14th is a Teacher Record Day, and there will be no school for students.
  • The second semester will officially begin on Wednesday, January 15th, and students can access their new semester schedule via PowerSchool at that time.

If you have any questions, please contact your child's teachers or the Main Office for assistance with any questions regarding midterms/finals or the end of the semester.

American Government EOC Administration

All students enrolled in a first semester American Government course will take their End of Course exam on Thursday, January 9th. Students who are scheduled in their Government class during periods 1-4 will take their exam beginning at 7:45am in the Auxiliary Gym, while students who have their Government class during periods 5-9 will take their exam beginning at 11:00am in the Auxiliary Gym.

Students will need to ensure their BBHCSD-issued Chromebook is charged and ready for the testing session, as the exam is taken electronically. Students received emails on Thursday, December 19th, with details about their assigned room and testing time.

This Week at BBHHS!

This week at Brecksville-Broadview Heights, we wrapped up Midterm/Finals week with many students showing incredible dedication and effort in their exam preparation. It was inspiring to see students gathering at local spots like Starbucks and Panera Bread in the mornings before school, preparing for exams, while others collaborated in small study groups at the library and café throughout the day.

In Mr. Bourquin's Science Survey class, students had the option to attend an astronomical observation as they explored the constellations, the Moon, and other planets through telescopes as an alternative to the traditional essay-based midterm. Students from his class volunteered to meet on campus early (5:30 am) Thursday and Friday mornings.

While the Thursday session was clouded over, Friday's group had clear skies and got a close-up view of the Moon’s craters through the powerful Catadioptric Telescope. Students also shared insights from the semester, discussing scientific concepts to demonstrate their understanding and communication skills.

Our music programs also brightened the week by sharing their talent throughout the community. The annual Madrigal Dinner held at Country Lakes Party Center was a sell-out success, packed with laughter and beautiful music.

The entire music program also took on the challenge of caroling throughout the community, visiting places like Starbucks, Heinen's, senior centers, assisted living facilities, and our first responders to engage with our stakeholders. It was great seeing our students so empowered and so many people in the community enjoying our students’ performances that they otherwise might not have a chance to enjoy.

Additionally, our Speech and Debate team made us proud at the Vermilion tournament on Saturday. Every student who competed placed! Special congratulations to Nakshatra Mohan for placing 2nd in Congressional Debate, and to Nicky Toth and Katie Young for earning 1st in Duo Interpretation. All competitors received bids to the State Tournament—good luck to everyone competing at Kenston this weekend!

Finally, we bid farewell to our beloved BBHHS Elf on the Shelf, Backo, who headed back to the North Pole to help with worker shortages in Santa's workshop before finals. Before leaving, Backo generously left two gift cards for our Bees. Thank you for all your messages and positive comments about our social media content over the past few weeks. We hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse of what makes BBHHS such a special place!

Important Dates

12/29 Holiday Wrestling Tournament (Day 1)

12/30 Holiday Wrestling Tournament (Day 2)

1/2 PSO Council Meeting

1/4 Dual on the Stage

1/6 Bee Athletic Booster Meeting

1/8 EOC Retakes-Algebra 1 and ELA II

1/9 EOC Gov Test AM/PM Session

1/13 End of 2nd Quarter 

1/14 Teacher Record Day No School

1/14 CAPA Meeting

1/15 CVCC Semester Exams Day 1

1/16 CVCC Semester Exams Day 2

1/16 CVCC Student Parent Night 

1/17 CVCC Staff In-Service No School

1/17 American Red Cross Blood Drive 

1/18 OMEA Solo and Ensemble

1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School

1/22 Quarter 2 Grades Posted to Power School

1/24 Winter Pep Rally (55-Minute Assembly Schedule)

1/27 College Credit Plus/College Options Night

1/30 Tentative School Safety Drill

1/31 Ticket to Broadway

2/1 Robotics Tournament- Launch Day 1

2/2 Robotics Tournament- Launch Day 2

2/3 8th Grade Academic Planning Night

2/4 Band Booster Meeting

2/5 Extended Colony 24-Minute Bell Schedule- Scheduling Information

2/5 CVCC Tenth Grade Visitations (No Afternoon CVCC Classes)

2/6 PSO Council Meeting

2/6 CVCC Tenth Grade Visitations (No Afternoon CVCC Classes)

2/12 Extended Colony 24-Minute Bell Schedule- Teen Dating Violence

2/12 All Student Scheduling Request Due

2/13 BBHHS PSO Meeting

2/14 Tri-M Singing Grams

2/17 President's Day No School

2/20 BBHHS Band Invitational @ Youngstown State

2/20 Schools Foundation: A Toast to the Future at Michelangelo's

2/28 SAT Prep with Seely Test Prep Services

Important BBHHS Contacts

High School Administration

Principal: Mr. Kevin Jakub 440-740-4712

Assistant Principal Last Names A-K: Mrs. Kelli Izzo 440-740-4717

Assistant Principal Last Names L-Z: Mr. Josh Backo 440-740-4718

Administration Administrative Assistants

Main Office: Ms. Dara Treter 440-740-4711

Assistant Principal Office: Mrs. Wendy Kraus 440-740-4754

Athletic Department

Athletic Director: Mr. Mark Maslona 440-740-4771

Athletic Director Secretary: Mrs. Megan Schiavone 440-740-4770

School Counselors

Grades 9-10 Last Names A-K: Ms. Bridget Milano 440-740-4723

Grades 9-10 Last Names L-Z : Ms. Megan McNeeley (LTS) 440-740-4727

Grade 12 Last Names A-E: Mrs. Jaci Owens 440-740-4719

Grade 11/12 Last Names F-0 Mrs. Gina Baeslach 440-740-4725

Grade 11/12 Last Names P-Z: Mr. Kyle Drypolcher 440-740-4726

Counseling Office Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jennifer Zlojutro 440-740-4721

Student Accounts and Bursar Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Kelly Petros 440-740-4728

Attendance Office

Mrs. Nicole Tagalicod

Attendance Line: Last Names A-K 440-740-4705

Attendance Line: Last Names L-Z 440-740-4715

Clinic Information

District Nurse: Mrs. Kim DiRocco (440) 740-4406

High School Clinic: Ms. Colleen Walsh (440) 740-4706

CAPA Office

Mrs. Kelly Lazar: 440-740-4751

Download the "Stopit App" to have 24/7 access to report anything that threatens the safety of our school. With Stopit, you have the power to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate, or unsafe behavior. BBHHS Code: beeshighschool

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