Financial Aid Night

We invite you to the BBHHS auditorium on Monday, Dec. 16th at 7:00 PM for our annual Financial Aid Night, presented by Cami Barber from Kent State University Financial Services. While this session is most valuable to families of the Class of '25 the session is open to any parent wanting to learn more about the financial aid process.

This informative session will cover important topics, including:

  • The revamped FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
  • Scholarships, loans, and grants
  • Key information for financing your student’s college education

After the general presentation, there will be an opportunity for a Q&A where you can ask specific questions about the financial aid process.

For those who cannot attend in person, a livestream option will be available. A link will be provided on the morning of the event and linked to our district Google calendar. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you on the 16th!

Reminder: Extended Colony 55-Minute Schedule 12/10

BBHHS will conduct a “55 Minute Extended Colony Bell Schedule” on Tuesday, 12/10/2024. During this extended Colony Period, students will receive content and instruction from BBHHS staff related to Suicide Prevention and Awareness. All content is provided by the Sandy Hook Promise, certified by the State of Ohio, and district-reviewed.

If you have opted your student(s) out of this HB 123 Colony, they will report to the cafeteria for a supervised study hall, where attendance will be taken. Students who opted out must report to study hall; they are NOT permitted to leave the building for Open Campus. 

If you have any questions pertaining to the HB 123 Suicide Prevention curriculum, please contact Megan Boulton (

55-Minute Extended Colony Bell Schedule

School Messenger System

This week brought us our first severe weather, which resulted in a calamity day. We have recently changed our mass communication system to a program called School Messenger. If you did not receive the mass notification call or text for the Thursday snow day, please take a moment to opt-in to School Messenger.

Information on how to join the BBHHCSD and BBHHS School Messenger lists can be found in the graphic below. Please note that some carriers may prevent mass calls from going through based on your phone settings. If you are not receiving calls and have opted in, please check with your carrier for potential setting issues to ensure important updates are received.

At this time, School Messenger is designed for use by parents only. We are working on developing protocols and settings to allow students to be added to School Messenger lists in the near future.

Senior Portrait Sessions w/ Cavanaugh Photography and Josten Orders

Please be aware that Cavanaugh Photography, the official Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School photography partner, will be on campus on Tuesday, December 10th, to offer THEIR LAST on-campus FREE PORTRAIT sessions for students in the Class of 2025. These photo sessions will be held in the BBHHS Aux Gym from 7:30 am until 10:30 am. Interested Seniors simply need to stop into the gym to get their photo taken. To appear in the yearbook Cavanaugh Photography must take the photo.

This will be the last time Cavanaugh is on campus for the year and all Seniors who have not yet taken their photo are encouraged to do so at this session. Future opportunities can only be scheduled at the Cavanaugh studio in Berea.

Please be aware that all Jostens graduation packet orders will need to be placed *online* via Jostens. Instructions for ordering online are available in the packet you received from Jostens. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wendy Kraus to discuss packages and ordering. 

CVCC Interest Exploration Trips

Due to the snow day on Thursday, December 5th, the interest exploration trip for 10th-grade students interested in attending CVCC next year with last name A-K has been rescheduled to Wednesday, December 11th, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM.

Sophomores are interested in learning more about CVCC with last names L-Z are still scheduled to attend their trip on Monday, December 9th, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM.

If you are a sophomore interested in exploring Career Technical Education programs at CVCC but have not yet signed up for the interest exploration trip, please contact Mrs. Bridget Milano immediately to register.

CVCC offers outstanding career technical education programs, and students are strongly encouraged to explore the many opportunities available to them. Don’t miss out on this valuable experience!

Midterm/Final Schedule Announced

Please be aware of the planned Midterm and Semester Final Exam schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. The exam date and period schedule are established below. It is important to note that Midterm/Finals will be scheduled BEFORE the winter holiday break.

BBHHS will provide a daily lunch option, operate with the regularly scheduled transportation schedules, and offer an Open Campus structure for all students. If you do not wish to allow your child to have Open Campus privileges during exams, please complete the included Google Form.

This Week at BBHHS!

The winter season is off to a strong start at BBHHS!. Our Boys and Girls Swim and Diving teams opened their season with a meet against Strongsville this week, while the Boys and Girls Basketball teams began their home schedules with impressive victories inside The Hive. Our Lady Bees are off to an especially strong start, opening at 3-0. The team would love to see you at a game this season to support them during what will surely be a very special season for them and the school. Good luck to our wrestlers who open their season this weekend at the Beast of the East tournament, one of the top early-season tournaments in the country.

Academics also took center stage as we hosted a well-attended SAT Prep session led by Seeley Test Prep. These sessions, highly valued by students, offer focused preparation for the SAT and ACT, providing an excellent school-day option for test readiness. Students consistently praise these opportunities for their effectiveness and impact. We encourage all BBHHS students preparing to take the SAT or ACT to explore the services made available by Seeley Test Pros.

Adding to the festive winter spirit, the BBHHS orchestra performed at their annual holiday concert, filling the auditorium with beautiful seasonal music and cheer. Meanwhile, Student Government brought the holidays to life with their "Deck the Halls" project, transforming the main hallway into a spectacular holiday display. Themes included a holiday-themed New York City, an elves’ workshop, a candy cane paradise, and a winter wonderland. Creative decorations, vibrant lights, and thoughtful touches have made the building especially bright and joyful.

And, of course, this week also marked the return of Backo, the BBHHS Elf on the Shelf. Backo's presence always brings enjoyment to BBHHS. We encourage you to join in some of the fun by following our socials over the next two weeks to see what mischief Backo is causing in the halls!

Important Dates

12/10 Extended Colony Suicide/School Violence Prevention 55 Min. Assembly

12/10 BBHHS Alumni Meeting

12/10 BBHHS Band Holiday Concert

12/12 Final Senior Portrait Sessions @ BBHHS

12/12 NHS Induction Rehearsal Practice~After School

12/13 BBHHS PSO Breakfast

12/13 NHS Induction Ceremony

12/13 Madrigal Dinner Performance #1

12/14 Madrigal Dinner Performance #2

12/16 Financial Aid Night

12/17 District Holiday Caroling

12/18 Midterms/Finals Day 1

12/19 Midterms/Finals Day 2

12/20 Midterms/Finals Day 3

12/23 Winter Break Begins

Important BBHHS Contacts

High School Administration

Principal: Mr. Kevin Jakub 440-740-4712

Assistant Principal Last Names A-K: Mrs. Kelli Izzo 440-740-4717

Assistant Principal Last Names L-Z: Mr. Josh Backo 440-740-4718

Administration Administrative Assistants

Main Office: Ms. Dara Treter 440-740-4711

Assistant Principal Office: Mrs. Wendy Kraus 440-740-4754

Athletic Department

Athletic Director: Mr. Mark Maslona 440-740-4771

Athletic Director Secretary: Mrs. Megan Schiavone 440-740-4770

School Counselors

Grades 9-10 Last Names A-K: Ms. Bridget Milano 440-740-4723

Grades 9-10 Last Names L-Z : Ms. Megan McNeeley (LTS) 440-740-4727

Grade 12 Last Names A-E: Mrs. Jaci Owens 440-740-4719

Grade 11/12 Last Names F-0 Mrs. Gina Baeslach 440-740-4725

Grade 11/12 Last Names P-Z: Mr. Kyle Drypolcher 440-740-4726

Counseling Office Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jennifer Zlojutro 440-740-4721

Student Accounts and Bursar Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Kelly Petros 440-740-4728

Attendance Office

Mrs. Nicole Tagalicod

Attendance Line: Last Names A-K 440-740-4705

Attendance Line: Last Names L-Z 440-740-4715

Clinic Information

District Nurse: Mrs. Kim DiRocco (440) 740-4406

High School Clinic: Ms. Colleen Walsh (440) 740-4706

CAPA Office

Mrs. Kelly Lazar: 440-740-4751

Download the "Stopit App" to have 24/7 access to report anything that threatens the safety of our school. With Stopit, you have the power to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate, or unsafe behavior. BBHHS Code: beeshighschool

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