March 2023 Newsletter

Healthy Sheboygan County Structure

The structure and pillars within HSC are developed through a data driven approach to address the identified gaps or needs within our community. Every three years a formal Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is completed collaboratively with the following partners: Sheboygan County Health and Human Services - Division of Public Health, Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Center, Lakeshore Community Health Care, HSHS St. Nicholas Hospital and the UW Extension, United Way of Sheboygan County. The current pillars include:

  • Positive Mental Health
  • Responsible Substance Use
  • Physical Activity & Nutrition

Healthy Sheboygan County is currently conducting our 2023 Community Health Needs Assessment. We are looking for input from ALL communities in Sheboygan County to help identify the top health issues that need to be addressed. The information we receive from you with this survey will drive the HSC coalition's work through 2026.

Take the Survey!

Mental Health Roadmaps

The Positive Mental Health pillar worked together to create several Sheboygan County Mental Health Roadmaps.

There are now local Mental Health Roadmaps for:

  • Mental Health Services
  • Crisis Response Services
  • Teen Mental Health Services
  • AODA Recovery
  • School Professionals
  • Procedure for a Third Party Petition
View Roadmaps

Save the Date!

The Spring 2023 Medication Take Back Day is Saturday, April 22nd!

More information will be posted on the HSC Facebook and Instagram pages in April.


You can always drop off your unused medication at one of the 6 permanent medication drop boxes in Sheboygan County.

Sheboygan County

Medication Drop Boxes

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