June 2023 Newsletter

Healthy Sheboygan County is currently conducting our 2023 Community Health Needs Assessment. We are looking for input from ALL communities in Sheboygan County to help identify the top health issues that need to be addressed. The information we receive from you with this survey will drive the HSC coalition's work through 2026.

This survey will close after June 30th.

Take it now to make sure your voice is heard!

Take the Survey!

Mental Health America Lakeshore now has a resource that addresses stigmatizing language surrounding mental health called Facts Not Stigma. This resource is also available in Spanish and Hmong.

You can watch the 3-minute 'Support not Stigma' video

and take the pledge here.

Medication Take Back Day

The spring medication take back event was held on April 22nd. Between the County's permanent drop off boxes and the take back day, Sheboygan County residents disposed of 1,476 pounds of expired/unused medications!

Wisconsin as a whole disposed of 55,000 pounds!

The next medication take back day will be held in October. In the meantime you can use any of the permanent

Sheboygan County Medication Drop Boxes

Local Events

Join us at different locations and events throughout the county for our Playtime POP-up booths! Look forward to fun activities geared towards elementary aged students and their families to boost positive mental health. Get information on the play benefits of play for youth mental health and connect with local community resources. 

All events are free and/or donation based. Have youth dress in fitness oriented clothes that you don't mind them getting messy or dirty for movement based play and art crafts! 

Play is Healing Website

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