HT Notes
n ews & updates July 23, 2020
Love Your Neighbor
Now more than ever, it is an act of Christian love to wear a face covering when you are away from your home. Please love your neighbor by wearing a mask, including whenever you come to our church buildings! We have masks available in the church office and at our outside worship services, just in case you get out the door without one.
Online Worship Information
All the information you need for joining our online worship services can be found on the new HTV page on our Holy Trinity website. The HTV page has links to the bulletin for Sunday service, as well as videos of recent Morning Prayer and Compline services. Other topical videos, such as Rector's Forum, will also be located there. The link to HTV is provided below and is also located on the home page of the website.
Outside Worship at St. Paul's
Our first outdoor worship service at St. Paul's was such a joy! We had 37 people in attendance, and almost everything worked as it was intended. We will adjust our set up a little bit this week to take advantage of the shade, and it will be very important to make sure that adjustment still allows for safe distancing for the congregation. We're counting on those who attend to be very careful of the spacing before, during, and after the service. During the service, we need to make sure that we are maintaining 10 feet of separation because we will be singing. Before and after the service, 6 feet of separation will be fine. Oh, how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters can worship together!
Online Coffee Hour
Bring your favorite mug of coffee and join us this Sunday following Morning Prayer for an online coffee hour through Zoom. Because it's hard for a large number of people to chat through Zoom at once, we will have participants muted and a facilitator will call on each participant to share anything you like, or you may pass if you prefer to, when it is your turn.   
To join the meeting, click on the link below and follow the prompts. If this is your first time on Zoom, allow five to ten minutes for download. The password for this meeting is 020315.  
Join the Zoom meeting by clicking the link below.
Singing Rooster Coffee
We still have plenty of Singing Rooster coffee available for $10 a bag and chocolate bars for only $3 each. Just text Lynne Farmer at 864.710.0011  and let her know what you want.
Parish Prayer List
Mikaela, Don, Greg, Cathy, Amanda, Matthew, John Gautsch, Frances, Gary and family, thanksgiving for Noah’s arrival, Zachary Luszcz, and Patience and John, Hunter Ramey, Jim Spencer, Bill, Christine Harvey, thanksgiving for the birth of Jaime and Jordan Gilmore, David, Brenda, and Delilah.
For our brothers and sisters in Cange and Bois Joli.
For those who grieve, those who have lost jobs. 
For healing for our nation
For justice and peace.
For the President and all who are in authority.
For health care workers and all first responders.
For hospice care workers.
For all students, faculty and staff of schools and universities.
For the repose of the souls of Nina and Brent LeTellier.
To add a name to the list, send an email to Serena DuBose at  [email protected] . Please consider if you need to speak to someone before adding a name to the list to prevent misunderstandings.
Thanks for Giving
Thanks to your continued faithful giving, Holy Trinity remains in good financial health. We are blessed by generous pledgers and other givers who support the mission and ministry of Holy Trinity. During this time, although we are not able to meet in worship as usual, the work of the Parish goes on. We hope that if you are able, you will continue to make your weekly contribution by mail or via our website .
Lectionary Readings
This Sunday is July 26th, the eighth week after Pentecost. Our readings are:
  Psalm 128
Romans 8:26-39
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Here's the link if you would like to join the study:
Book Study Continues
Mtr. Suz will facilitate a study of the New York Times Bestseller, So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo. It is highly acclaimed for presenting "a user-friendly examination of race in America." The book can be ordered from your favorite bookseller. Tonight's discussion will cover chapters three and four. This discussion group will meet each week on Thursday nights at 7:00 through Zoom.
We're Here for You
Holy Trinity is working hard to stay connected and provide support through the trials of pandemic restrictions. The Vestry and Neighborhood Group Leaders continue to reach out to parishioners in their areas regularly. Please contact your Neighborhood Group Leaders or the church office if you have any need, and we will do our best to help you out. The office staff are not necessarily in the office at all times, but we are all checking email and phone messages regularly. The office number is 864-654-5071. To reach Lynne Farmer, Parish Administrator select ext. 3, or Sheryl Shankles, Parish Secretary select ext. 0. You can reach Mtr. Suz at 864-364-1952 to call or text. Noah Stansbury's cell number is 864-723-0391.
Vestry List
As you probably know, the term vestry refers to a body of lay members elected by the congregation to run the business of a church parish. Our Vestry is a very important part of our church. Each member is assigned as liaison to a particular area of ministry. Click here for a list of the Vestry members, their area of responsibility and their contact information.
Clemson Community Care
Clemson Community Care's special needs this week are oatmeal. grits,mixed vegetables, tomato sauce, tomato paste, pasta, and paper towels. CCC is completely out of paper towels. Any size package of paper towels will be helpful. Donations may be dropped off to the purple bin on the Purkerson's front porch (111 Dogwood Terrace Lane, Clemson) or taken directly to CCC (105 Anderson Hwy, Clemson). Thank you for your generosity! 
Produce RX at Clemson Free Clinic
The Clemson Free Clinic has remained open throughout the pandemic and has supplied medical and nutrition prescriptions curbside each week. A few weeks ago, the leadership team, led by Dr. Quattlebaum, decided to resume seeing clients in-person, under strict protocols. Prescription deliveries are still curbside. We have enhanced our produce offerings this spring and summer to provide additional nutrients during this unsettled time--and are seeing more consistent participation.

One unanticipated consequence of the pandemic has been to the 3 local farmers from whom we purchase the produce. Their incomes have been impacted by the closure of restaurants and farmers markets, so we have been able to provide some consistency to their incomes.
We continue to rely on refrigerator and storage space at Holy Trinity and greatly appreciate that. A special thanks to Dr. Quattlebaum, Judy Surak and Sandy Smith for your steady guidance through this process, and to David Robb at the Student Organic Farm for growing amazingly delicious food and delivering it to the church while the farm is closed!  Beth Kunkel
Update on Family Promise. The Coronavirus has impacted all of us and has implications for the families supported at Family Promise. At the moment JoAnn Brink, Case Manager for Family Promise, is working with a few families. JoAnn said there is a need for Gift cards to local grocery stores, gift cards for gas, and gift cards to local restaurants are needed. FYI the Easley Walmart does not have a gas station connected to the store. Gift cards can be mailed directly to Family Promise of Pickens County, c/o JoAnn Brink, 104 Stewart Drive, Easley, SC 29640. We will keep everyone informed. We hope to count on your support for Family Promise of Pickens County. If you have any questions please contact me Liz Halpin (864) 903-6340 or [email protected]. Families are our neighbors. A check made out to Family Promise of Pickens County is always acceptable and welcome. Family Promise of Pickens is a United Way Agency and a 501©3.
Thank you and stay safe.
Letter from Thomas Clanton

Due to the ongoing health crisis, Family Promise of Pickens County has been thinking of innovative ways to serve the homeless community in our area. The staff has been conducting contactless intakes, installing safety and cleaning equipment in the day center, and providing case management for those in need.

In order to host more homeless families during this time, we have brainstormed some ideas that could help create additional lodging space. ( Read More )
Phone: 864-482-2040
Address: PO Box 1246
               525 East Main St.
               Seneca, SC 29679
Our Daily Rest
Our Daily Rest homeless shelter in Seneca sends their thank you's to Holy Trinity for all your generous donations. At this time during Covid, especially needed are your prayers, and donations of cleaning supplies, trash bags, paper products, gift cards from Dollar General, Lowes and Walmart, and cash donations are always good too:)
Many thanks again from Our Daily Rest.

And By the Way...
Tempo Deadline
The deadline for articles for the August issue of Holy Trinity's monthly e-magazine, Tempo, is July 24th.
Sunday Morning Email Update
Beginning this Sunday, Holy Trinity members will receive an email containing links and information necessary for that day's events. There will be a section where you can print the bulletin or click on the Zoom link for any of our online Sunday worship events. In another section, there will be an area where, if it becomes necessary, Mtr. Suz may alert you to any changes or cancellations of that day's events. And then, lastly, there will be an area where anyone who wants to may offer their financial gift to God through Holy Trinity. Please cultivate a habit of checking your email Sunday mornings after 7:00am so that you have everything you need.