This Sunday, Feb 2 will be a Children's Service at 10:30. There will be no Children's Chapel or Sunday School.
Happening 92 will be March 21-March 23 for 9th-12th graders. Registration begins February 3. For more information on what 'Happening' is, you may click here. Please reach out to Jerae if you have a youth interested in attending.
Parents are strongly encouraged to view the parish calendar (linked above) to view the most up-to-date weekly happenings for children and youth.
RSVP by tomorrow for our Newcomer's Dinner: February 7 from 6-8 pm in our Parish Hall. Have you become part of our parish in the last 5 years? Click here to the view the flyer. Childcare will be provided for children up to 3rd grade. RSVP is important so that we can secure enough food and volunteers for childcare.
Coffee Talk and Adult Sunday School resume this Sunday, Feb. 2.
Candlemas Service at St. Paul's: This Sunday, February 2 at 5:00 Lura Forcum graciously invites all in attendance to her home for a potluck supper following the service: 183 E. Queen St., Pendleton. Bring a dish to share.
"The Path" Bible study has begun! Light discussion of the book will be offered for those who wish to participate during the coffee hour. For a more in-depth discussion, please join Adult Sunday School in the Tom Davis Library at 9:30 am. Copies are still available if needed.
Discovery Class Thursday Nights at 6:00 pm have begun. Join us to explore the various aspects of life as Anglican Christians at Holy Trinity and in The Episcopal Church. Click here for the class schedule of reading
Episcopal Day School Enrollment for 2025-2026 begins in February Please click here for more information.
ECW Night of Fellowship: Thursday, February 20 at 5:30 at Erica's in Pendleton. Hope to see you all there!! RSVP Lynn Smith
Book Signing: Anna Fitch Courie, the Chief Well-being Officer at CU will talk about and sign her new book Walking with God: the 40-Day Fitness Program and Biblical Journey in the parish hall following the 10:30 service on February 23. Light refreshments will be provided. Click here to view the flyer.
3rd annual Holy Trinity Women's Retreat "The Feminine Face of God," March 21-23. Check your Inbox for an email which was sent earlier this week and look for more details in the upcoming issue of Tempo. You may click here to access the registration form, which is due Mar. 1!
Opportunities for Service and Fellowship
HT Cares is calling all bakers to bake cookies for parishioners who don't get to worship with us often, if at all. Goodie bags will be assembled this Sat, Feb 1 at 11 am and will be distributed later that day or the next. Your participation is appreciated.
Rise Against Hunger Event: Sat, Feb 1, 2025 Holy Trinity is partnering with seven area churches in a Rise Against Hunger event. To volunteer, click here to access the the sign-up form. You can volunteer from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm to help measure, seal, label, and package meals. Slots from 8:30 am to 10:00 am for set up and/or from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm for cleanup
Red Door Dinners have begun! Please be on the lookout for communications from your group. It’s not too late to join. Click here to find out more or reach out to Jerae with any questions.
How sweet it is to support Haiti missions! Singing Rooster Valentine's Day Sales have begun! Click here for more info.
The Foothills Chorale will host their annual fundraising gala at Holy Trinity on Sat, Feb 15 beginning at 6:30 pm. Chorale members will perform treasured love songs and a silent auction will take place. Click here for more details or to purchase tickets.