HUE NEWS | October 2022
In this issue of HUE News:

  • Pro Tip- Building High Performing Organization
  • HueLife Team Update
  • Client Spotlight- Ramsey County
  • Partnership
  • Community of Practice
  • Mission Update: YouLEAD 2023
  • Upcoming Courses

We look forward to seeing you in the virtual space and in-person!

-The HueLife Team
Pro Tip
We are dedicating this issue to the lessons learned from implementing the concepts of High Performing Organization (HPO) and developing High Performing Teams. The pro tip of the month includes the download that you can use as a checklist when embarking on the journey of building a high-performing team or re-designing your organization towards excellence.

HPO concepts play a vital role in an organization's health, culture, and growth. Embracing diversity and developing the team's agility, adaptability, and change mindset is critical to supportive teamwork, efficiency, and productivity. Organizations that value performance should invest in their workforce and provide opportunities for engagement and development that will lead to increased growth and sustainability.
Our High Performing Team
As our team continues to grow and welcome new members, we knew that the commitments to high performance and healthy team will be critical in order to maintain the level of service we desire.

We dedicated one of our quarterly retreats in 2022 to developing our own High Performing Organization pillars. We used Consensus Workshop with an alternative naming mechanism (demonstrated in Mastering ToP Program). The process worked so well for us that we are now utilizing that same approach with our clients who are seeking team's commitment to high performance and excellence. 
Partner Spotlight
Insights Discovery & Lumina Learning
Building stronger teams through better communication and awareness, organizations are able to make significant progress towards creating a culture of inclusion in the workplace, an environment where individual personalities are embraced and differences are celebrated.

Human Understanding and Engagement begins with self-awareness. Lumina Learning and Insights Discovery programs and tools have been instrumental to our work! Our team of certified practitioners stand ready to develop and deliver a top-notch experience for small and large teams as well as individual coaching.
Megan Jacobson is the Insights Coordinator for the HueLife team and would be happy to answer any questions you have about starting your own journey as a practitioner or discuss planning a workshop. Our sessions are all custom designed to be as unique as the clients we serve.
David Ahles is the Lumina Coordinator for the HueLife team and would be happy to schedule an introductory session for you or your team. Lumina Spark quick read is available on your App Store. Download your Lumina Splash and let us know if you would like to have one of our team members provide 1-1 coaching for you.
Where Are They Now?
Ramsey County, MN
Ramsey County, MN Transforms Workplace Culture for Essential Workers in Wake of Pandemic
Paired with frustrations fueled by the lockdown and dramatic shift in the workplace, civil unrest erupted when the life of an African-American male, George Floyd, was taken at the hands of a Caucasian police officer, Derrick Chauvin. This event triggered massive protests and riots across the world. Globally, civil unrest rose by 10% in 2020, despite nearly every country placing restrictions on public gatherings. This matter divided Ramsey County staff, and the organization’s leadership sought help to bridge gaps between employees and provide clarity about organizational norms, expectations, values, and principles by which employees are to conduct themselves.   
New Partnership
“The right training transforms people within your organization into an innovative working force, prepared to lead your industry.” – FindCourses.Com
We are proud to announce that HueLife is now listed on FindCourses.Com, an online catalogue of professional training providers. We are excited to be in partnership with an organization that believes that “professional training is the catalyst for people to grow and organizations to evolve.” It is our hope that by engaging on this platform we will continue to serve you by holding ourselves to a higher standard. 

Help us take our training and development opportunities to those who need it by sharing your reviews and ratings on
Community of Practice
Community of practice is a FREE peer learning opportunity. We are committed to providing our training program graduates with the space to reflect on recent facilitations, practice designing upcoming events, or simply learn from the experience and expertise of others in the room, including some of our master facilitators who are eager to share their ideas and insights.
You will also meet awesome people in this community of learners from different locations, industries, and fields. We generously share what we know, what we are learning, and what we are inventing. This is a space where you can continuously learn from one another and improve your facilitation skills in current real-world settings, while you are building your network. Everyone is welcome!

To help us plan our 2023 schedule and format, we would like to hear from you! Click on the link below to let us know your preference for frequency, time, format, and suggest any ideas you would like us to consider. How can we be more supportive of your learning journey?

Global Synergy Group
Mission Update - YouLEAD Program Continues
It’s been a little over a month since the YouLEAD 2022 participants returned to Ukraine. Reflecting on their experience and learnings, most agree that facilitated workshops, trainings, and multiple visits and presentations had a great impact on them as individuals and as the team. They have committed to continuing their connections through working on a joint project: YouLEAD 2023 Program for a new cohort of future leaders of Ukraine.
YouLEAD 2023 Action Planning
Trust Building Workshop
Insights Discovery Workshop

“I can single out the one workshop that was devoted to activism and intersectional feminism, it made a significant contribution to my understanding of these topics” – says Nastya. Thank you Grace Verbrugge for facilitating this workshop!

Evelina remembers Dr. Richard Fursman workshop the most: “During the Insights Discovery training we better understood ourselves and each other. Also, by learning more about other people and their personalities, we became a better team.”

Ksyusha adds “My biggest insights were from all the facilitations we had, including workshop about how personality matters, GSG success and strategy, then the workshop about building trust and communicating effectively and lastly the workshop on the farm about consensus. I think the information gained after those workshops will help us much in being a good community/team member, in our own projects and mainly in creating YouLEAD 2023 even better than we had!”
Effective October 31st all ToP® Registration Fees are increasing by 40+%
Current Tiered Pricing
  •  Corporate/Large NP =950
  • Public/Gov = 750
  • Med NP/Ind = 650
  • Sm NP/student =400
New Tiered Pricing
  • Corporate/Large NP =1,250
  • Public/Gov = 1,050
  • Med NP/Ind = 950
  • Sm NP/student =650
Upcoming Courses
HUE Conversations

January 12 - Twin Cities, MN

January 23 - Madison, WI

February 1 - Liberty, NY

February 15 - VIRTUAL

February 28 - Carmel, IN

March 28 - Rochester, MN

ToP® Facilitation Methods
November 14 &15 - Rochester, MN 5 spots left

December 6 & 7 - St. Louis Park, MN COURSE FULL

December 7 & 8 -Orlando, FL

January 10 & 11 - Kansas City, MO

January 19 & 20 - Las Vegas, NV

February 7 & 8 - Madison, WI

February 16 &17 - Orlando, FL
ToP® Strategic Planning

November 8 & 9 - Minneapolis, MN

December 7 & 8 - Asheville, NC

January 9 &10 - Orlando, FL

February 28 - March 1 - Twin Cities, MN
Approaches To Environmental Scanning
November 14 - Asheville, NC

February 9 - Madison, WI

March 21 - Twin Cities, MN
In Case You Missed It
Have you seen what's new with HueLife? In case you missed it, check out our latest Newsletter below and be updated with what's happening!

HueLife 2022 Tour Locations
Join Our Community of Change Agents

We wouldn't be where we are today without the support of community members like you. Help us broaden our reach so that we can continue to inspire action for the greater good by fostering Human Understanding and Engagement (HUE)! Follow our social media channels. It only takes a few seconds and a couple of clicks so what are you waiting for?
ToP Facilitation Methods and ToP Strategic Planning are eligible for 14 CEHs from the following boards: BOSA, PMI, APA, AICP, CHES-MCHES, NAICS
CEUs are also offered from Normandale Community College for any ToP course offered at their university.
HueLife | | 651.204.0441 |