Reminder about your flu vaccination
Article 48 Health and Safety
Section F. Influenza Vaccinations
(page 78 of your contract)
As a patient safety initiative, influenza vaccinations are a condition of employment for all Medical Center employees, regardless of job function, including clinical and nonclinical staff, contracted clinical personnel, and volunteers. All employees will be required to either obtain the influenza vaccine or wear a mask for the duration of the influenza season (October-April) when in contact with any patients.

When there are medical and/or physiological reasons why an employee cannot wear a mask, the Medical Center will consider these circumstances on an individual basis. Thus, the Medical Center will reasonably accommodate employees who are unable to wear a mask due to such medical and/or physiological reasons.
Medical Exemption Deadline: November 1st

Influenza Vaccine Deadline: December 31st
Additionally -this year, in accordance with the State mandate (N.J. Act 1576) vaccine declinations are only permissible by Medical Exemption to be completed by your medical provider and received by Employee Health by November 1st.

Medical Exemption forms are available in Employee Health Services.
For questions or concerns, contact your Labor Rep. Aisha Harrison: [email protected] or (800) 292-0542 x127