A protein’s identity doesn’t stop with it’s amino acid sequence and post-translational modifications. Waters SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS is the perfect platform to elucidate a protein or protein complex’s higher-order structure using multiple orthogonal analytical approaches. Learn more about Waters structural biology solutions on waters.com.
The SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS hosts a truly flexible array of analytical features and capabilities including:
The unique design of the SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS instrument facilitates advanced ion mobility experiments like multi-pass and IMSn experiments permitting a scalable separation space for proteins and protein-complexes including those under native conditions.
Collision Induced Unfolding & Native MS
CIU is a rapid analysis which generates data that can be used to differentiate the unfolding pattern of protein isoforms related to changes in tertiary structure, protein stability and protein-ligand binding. The Cyclic IMS is configured with a mass resolving quadrupole prior to the cIM device. This allows the optional selection of a protein’s m/z ion, simplifying data analysis and comparative data review.
Electron Capture Dissociation
ECD is incorporated in either the pre-or post-IMS spacer cell (can be switched between these positions) providing electron-based dissociation of ion mobility separated isomers or alternatively ion mobility separation of complex ECD protein fragment ions.
Surface Induced Dissociation
SID provides information about sub-unit stoichiometry for protein complexes. Combining SID with cyclic IMS allows the resolution of the different oligomeric states, which overlap in mass-to-charge but can be subsequently separated in the gas phase by ion mobility.
The Cyclic IMS is the heart of Waters HDX solution. Ion mobility delivers exceptional separation space enabling the fast chromatographic methods needed to minimize back exchange. The solution can be expanded with Waters™ ACQUITY™ I-Class Binary Solvent Managers, and Trajan HDX Technology to support high-throughput, large-scale studies.
The SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS instrument is a high performing instrument with an extremely flexible geometry. The advantages of the instrument for tandem mass spectrometry analysis are unparalleled, allowing pre-IMS, post-IMS and intra-cyclic collision-induced dissociation experiments to be performed enabling deep insights into
protein structure.