HUPOST Editor: Aleksandra Nita-Lazar | Staff Editor: Olivia Galun | February 2024

Are you curious about this year's World Congress program? We have uploaded a preliminary program structure with pre-congress courses, plenary and scientific sessions, networking events and much more!
Important Dates 2024:
  • February 29: Online registration and abstract submission open including travel award submissions
  • May 31: Abstract submission deadline
  • July15: Early bird registration deadline
HPP Papers of Note in the Journal of Proteome Research

The hallmark update paper each year is the HPP Metrics publication, is now online, lead by Dr Gil Omenn and the leaders of neXTprot, the Peptide Atlas, the HPP, C-HPP and B/D-HPP: “The 2023 Report on the Human Proteome from the HUPO Proteome Project

C-HPP Workshop on “Characterizing the Building Blocks of the Human Proteome”

Date: April 24-26, 2024
Location: Madrid, Spain

The C-HPP is holding a workshop in Madrid, Spain, at the National Center for Biotechnology, CSIC, Campus of the University Autónoma of Madrid, Darwin, 3, Spain.

The main foci for the Workshop are short business meeting for reports and C-HPP Chromosome team updates.

Choose Your Favourite Topic for HUPO 2024 Pre-Congress Training Courses

The Education and Training Committee (ETC) is conducting a survey on possible topics to be included in the Pre-congress training courses at the 23rd HUPO World Congress 2024 in Dresden, Germany.

Please select from the topics or suggest alternatives to be considered for the pre-congress training courses. The deadline to submit your response is February 13, 2024
ETC Webinar Series - Registration Open!

Speaker: Oliver Raether

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Time: 7am PST / 10am EST / 4pm CET

Webinar Description:Trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) is a powerful analytical technique that separates and characterizes gas-phase ions based on their mobility in a buffer gas. TIMS has been widely applied in various fields, such as proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and pharmaceutical research. It offers sensitivity, speed, and resolution for complex and challenging samples. 

Speaker: Rosa Isela Gallagher, PhD

Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Time: 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 10pm CET 

Webinar Description: RPPA is a high-throughput protein array technology that simultaneously measures hundreds or thousands of samples on glass slides with high precision and reliability, using specific antibodies. RPPA and mass spectrometry-based protein profiling are complementary technologies for protein profiling. In attending this webinar, attendees will learn about RPPA's high-throughput capabilities and laser-captured microdissection technology. They will understand how these technologies precisely measure protein expression, modifications, and phosphorylation in tumor cells.

Apply Now for the HUPO 2024 Early Career Researcher Manuscript Competition!

Seize the opportunity to showcase your recent achievements in the dynamic field of proteomics! We invite early career researchers to apply for the 10th edition of the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Manuscript Competition, taking place at the HUPO 2024 World Congress in Dresden, Germany, October 20-24. This competition offers a unique platform for postdoctoral fellows, young clinicians, and junior faculty members to gain visibility within the proteomics community, emphasizing their significant contributions to the field.

Three finalists will be selected to present their manuscript, published during the 2023 and 2024 calendar years, in an exclusive plenary session at HUPO 2024, where an expert committee will evaluate the oral presentations to determine the "Proteomics Highlight of the Year." The first-place winner will receive a cash prize of $1,000 USD, while two runner-ups will each be awarded $500 USD. Don't miss this chance to showcase your proteomics expertise and be recognized among peers at HUPO 2024! 

Deadline to Apply: April 1, 2024
Don’t Miss the First ECR Online Panel of the Year: “Getting Recognized for your Work”

Date: Wednesday February 28, 2024
Time: 4pm GMT (5pm CET)

Are you a Ph.D. student, postdoc, or early career researcher looking to get recognized for your work?

Join the next HUPO Early Career Researcher online panel discussion, "Getting Recognized for Your Work", at 4pm GMT (5pm CET) on Wednesday February 28. The panel will feature:
  • Dr. Laurent Gatto (Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, UCLouvain)
  • Dr. Stacy Malaker (Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Yale University)
  • Dr. Juan Antonio Vizcaino (Scientist and Team Leader, Proteomics, European Molecular Biology Laboratory).

This is a perfect opportunity to ask any questions that you may have about getting recognized for your work and putting yourself in a favourable position for your future career. 
Vote for Your Favourite Mentoring Session Topic at HUPO 2024 in Dresden, Germany

The HUPO Early Career Researcher Committee (ECR) is committed to providing networking and career development opportunities for researchers who are beginning their professional journey.

As such, HUPO ECR organizes mentoring sessions during the HUPO World Congress to foster professional development and a space for mentorship. Three mentoring sessions will take place at HUPO 2024. To help select the topics to be covered, we would love to hear from the early career researcher proteomics community! Be part of the decision-making process and share your insights in our anonymous survey tailored for those shaping the future of research.

The survey closes on March 11, 2024 at 11:59pm HST
HUPO ECR Welcomes a New Member!

The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee is delighted to welcome Pathmanaban Ramasamy to the team.

In a new monthly feature within HUPOST, we will be highlighting extraordinary HUPO volunteers who lead and support many of HUPO's various Committees and Initiatives.

HUPO Marketing and Outreach Committee (MOC)

The MOC has been at work developing new ways to promote the HUPO mission, the visibility of proteomics within the scientific community and its popularization among the public, as well as gathering funding support. The MOC has been very successful in networking with other HUPO committees and initiatives and using a range of tools and activities. The MOC members are from different fields and backgrounds and at various career stages representing the diversity of HUPO.
Vera Ignjatovic (Chair) is the Assistant Director for Translational Research at the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, and a Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University. She applies proteomics to many areas of pediatric specialty care (e.g., critical care, neurology, cardiology), and sees great potential for proteomics to answer questions that can inform clinical care and improve outcomes, particularly when proteomics data are combined with detailed clinical information and other laboratory data, maximizing the ability to develop biomarker-enhanced clinical prognostic and predictive models.

Vera works closely with clinicians to harness the power of proteomics in answering questions such as: Which children being evaluated in an emergency center with signs of potential sepsis are most likely to need care in the ICU? Among children and teens who have a concussion, who will have a delayed recovery and need a comprehensive treatment protocol? Does a specific protein or a set of proteins help to better predict a specific outcome?
Your opinions and ideas matter! We are gathering feedback about this newsletter in order to better tailor it to our readers' needs.

Please tell us what you like and what you think needs to be improved.

Only 3 minutes of time - complete the survey here...
Date: March 09-13, 2024
Location: Portland, USA

Join US HUPO on March 9-13, 2024 in Portland, Oregon as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary! US HUPO 2024, with a theme of “Bridging ‘Omics to Function”, will feature a full program of outstanding plenary speakers, a great variety of 14 parallel scientific sessions and oral presentations, as well as educational short courses and topic-specific evening workshops. Our oral presentation sessions cover diverse and fascinating proteomic topics, such as Enabling Pandemic Proteomics, Automation and Large-Scale Proteomics, Microbiome Multi-omics and Proteomics to Advance Equity.

It’s an event not to be missed!

View the full agenda and register today at
Date: March 18 - 20, 2024
Location: Kyoto University, Japan

Are you interested in defining the formats and standards that describe the next generation of mass spectrometry data?

Then join us at the next HUPO-Proteomics Standards Initiative (HUPO-PSI) Spring Workshop in the beautiful city of Kyoto, to work on to work on developing and updating new and existing standards, such as mzML, mzIdentML, mzSpecLib, mzPAF, mzQC, and the Universal Spectrum Identifier (USI), in the light of new methodologies and technologies.

The job board on the HUPO website is a valuable resource for both employers and individuals seeking ideas and opportunities.

If you have a job posting and would like to advertise it, send your information to and we'll post it for you. For more information and job listing details - visit the website here.
Disclaimer: HUPOST provides general information for subscribers. Submissions are welcomed from HUPO members. Articles are to be submitted to HUPO office by 20th of each month (date subject to change without notice) for review by the Editor for suitability. HUPO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the contents.
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