HUPOST Editor: Aleksandra Nita-Lazar | Staff Editor: Olivia Galun | January 2024
Do you want to know more about the largest international meeting in the field of proteomics? You can find initial information on our new congress website at
The website will be regularly updated, so stay tuned!
Important Dates 2024:
February 29: Online registration and abstract submission open including travel award submissions
May 31: Abstract submission deadline
July15: Early bird registration deadline
Dear HUPOST Readers,
As I begin my term as the HUPOST Editor, I would like to wish all the readers a Happy New Year 2024! Many thanks to the outgoing HUPOST Editor Ben Garcia whose dedication and innovation elevated HUPOST to the new heights (and now I have pretty big shoes to fill!).
When I reflect on the past year, two highlights of 2023 immediately come to my mind. The first one is the September HUPO World Congress in Busan, Korea, where the HUPO community could meet in person, interact, network, and learn about the extraordinary science everyone is doing. It was a great event as documented in the photos, which can still be viewed here as well as archived abstracts here.
The second, but not less important highlight of 2023 was the update of the HUPO Mission Statement and Strategic Plan, announced by HUPO President Jennifer Van Eyk, which reflects the changes in the organization aligned with the current global health and science objectives. In addition, all the Initiatives, Committees and Working Groups have been tirelessly working and providing numerous activities, webinars, workshops and training to spread the knowledge of proteomics.
As these activities will continue to expand and grow in 2024, undoubtedly the event we are all waiting for is the HUPO 2024 World Congress in Dresden, Germany in October. We hope to see you all there, and before that, please enjoy the other HUPO events throughout 2024 and the monthly HUPOST.
This month, please take a few minutes to complete the readership survey here which is designed to help us improve this newsletter.
Best wishes,
All members are encouraged to connect with their local and regional HUPO EC and Council members and submit ideas, suggestions, comments and questions to these wonderful volunteers. Your contributions and feedback help HUPO to thrive, be successful and serve the needs of its members and the international proteomics community.
Your HUPO EC Members:
President – Jennifer Van Eyk (2023-2024)
President Elect – Uwe Völker (2024)
Vice President – Peter Hoffmann (2024-2025)
Secretary General – Stuart Cordwell (2023-2024)
Treasurer – Rebekah Gundry (2023-2024)
Member-at-Large – Vera Ignjatovic (2023-2024)
Member-at-Large – Bernd Wollscheid (2023-2024)
ECR Representative – Ruth Huttenhain (2024-2025)
Your HUPO Council Members:
Byron Baron
Jonathan Blackburn
Marie Brunet
Subhra Chakraborty
Yu-Ju Chen
Marie Chion
Je-Yoel Cho
Fernando Corrales
Éva Csősz
Benjamin Garcia
Jennifer Geddes-McAlister
Concha Gil
Rebekah Gundry
Fuchu He
Lan Huang
José Ángel Huerta Ocampo
Tadashi Kondo
Ho Jeong Kwon
Qingsong Lin
Teck Yew Low
Lennart Martens
Christian Moritz
Aleksandra Nita-Lazar
Fabio Nogueira
Marlene Oeffinger
Christopher Overall
Nicolle Packer
Adriana Paes Leme
Magnus Palmblad
Chantragan Phiphobmongkol
Anthony Purcell
Henry Rodriguez
Jochen Schwenk
Nobuaki Takemori
Luis Manuel Teran
Tim Van Den Bossche
Yves Vandenbrouck
Olga Vitek
Juan Antonio Vizcaino
Susan Weintraub
Marc Wilkins
Bernd Wollscheid
Wei, Wu
Shamshad Zarina
Qian Zhao
This list can also be seen on the HUPO website here.
First, ProteomeXchange is a global consortium of proteomics repositories that provides standard data submission and dissemination pipelines for mass spectrometry-based proteomics datasets. The HUPO-PSI mzML, mzIdentML and mzTab formats together with the standard Universal Spectrum Identifiers (USIs) are integral to the work of ProteomeXchange resources. Second, the IMEx Consortium provides a non-redundant set of expertly curated physical molecular interaction data from a broad taxonomic range of organisms in the HUPO PSI-MI XML and MITAB formats.
The Global Biodata Coalition, a forum for research funders established to better coordinate the management and financial support of biodata resources worldwide, has identified these two resources as vital biodata resources using a set of criteria which includes their scientific focus, the size and reach of their user communities, their quality of service, their governance, and their impact on global life-science and biomedical research.
The HUPO PSI congratulates both resources on this achievement and are proud to see that the work of this long-standing HUPO Initiative is being internationally acknowledged by the broader research community!
ETC Webinar Series - Registration Open!
Speaker: Daniel DeBord, PhD
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Time: 6am PST / 9am EST / 3pm CET
Webinar Description: Protein identification is of fundamental importance in many areas of proteomics. Applications include determination of the presence or absence of an expected protein in a sample of interest, identification of an unknown protein present in a biological sample, and identification of a protein responsible for a biochemical activity in an isolated protein fraction. In some cases, mass spectrometry or affinity-based methods may be suitable options, but these methods can face substantial challenges when the protein of interest is unknown, with certain amino acid sequences or reliable detection of post-translational modifications (PTMs).To offer a solution based on direct sequencing and to provide more accessible tools for discovery in protein science, Mr. Daniel DeBord will present single-molecule sequencing output with automated cloud-based algorithms for proteome-wide mapping of sequencing data to enable accurate protein identification. In his talk he will emphasis on the protein sequencing technology using Quantum-Si’s Platinum™ benchtop protein sequencer with straightforward workflows and automated cloud-based analysis software.
Speaker: Oliver Raether
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Time: 7am PST / 10am EST / 4pm CET
Speaker Biography: Oliver Raether is Research and Development Manager at Bruker Daltonics in Bremen. He received his M.Sc. in engineering from the Hamburg University of Technology (1995). Over the past nearly three decades he and his colleagues have developed orthogonal time of flight mass spectrometers including since 2010 the timsTOF product line. He has produced 14 peer reviewed journal articles and is inventor/co-inventor of 71 patents in the field of mass spectrometry and, more recently, ion mobility spectrometry (h-index 13). His awards include the HUPO Science and Technology Award for contributions on Trapped Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation (2020).
Speaker: Rosa Isela Gallagher, PhD
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Time: 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 10pm CET
Webinar Description: RPPA is a high-throughput protein array technology that simultaneously measures hundreds or thousands of samples on glass slides with high precision and reliability, using specific antibodies. RPPA and mass spectrometry-based protein profiling are complementary technologies for protein profiling. In attending this webinar, attendees will learn about RPPA's high-throughput capabilities and laser-captured microdissection technology. They will understand how these technologies precisely measure protein expression, modifications, and phosphorylation in tumor cells.
Call for the 2024 HUPO Early Career Researcher Manuscript Competition
Have you recently worked on an original manuscript in the field of proteomics?
Apply to participate in the 10th edition of the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Manuscript Competition at HUPO 2024 in Dresden, Germany, on October 20-24. This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to gain visibility in the proteomics community, as it highlights the important contributions that postdoctoral fellows, young clinicians and junior faculty members make to the proteomics field.
Three finalists will be selected to present their manuscripts published during the 2023 and 2024 calendar years in a dedicated plenary session at HUPO 2024. An expert committee will evaluate the oral presentations to determine the “Proteomics Highlight of the Year”. The first-place winner will receive a cash prize of $1,000 USD and two runner-ups will each take home $500 USD.
Deadline to apply: April 1, 2024
HUPO ECR Welcomes New Members!
The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee is excited to welcome new members!
The ECR Committee was founded in 2015 and has since been dedicated to the next generation of proteomic leaders by organizing activities such as mentoring sessions, networking hours, online panel discussions, competitions, and more. With the start of 2024, the HUPO ECR is thrilled to grow the team and expand its international representation! Welcome to Nick Riley and Mashid Moballegh Nasery.
Your opinions and ideas matter! We are gathering feedback about this newsletter in order to better tailor it to our readers' needs.
Please tell us what you like and what you think needs to be improved.
USA First Lady Jill Biden Tours Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute
First Lady Jill Biden highlighted the new White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research during a visit to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as she toured research labs and met with scientists.
Biden visited Cedars-Sinai because of the organization’s longstanding commitment to research and clinical care aimed at improving women’s health. While women comprise half the world’s population, most medical research has focused on men, leaving women-focused research underfunded.
Do you have a good news story from your lab? We would love to celebrate your successes by sharing them in the HUPOST. To submit a story email:
(Gauteng, South Africa)
(Dresden, Germany)
(Saint-Malo, France)
The job board on the HUPO website is a valuable resource for both employers and individuals seeking ideas and opportunities.
If you have a job posting and would like to advertise it, send your information to and we'll post it for you. For more information and job listing details - visit the website here.
Disclaimer: HUPOST provides general information for subscribers. Submissions are welcomed from HUPO members. Articles are to be submitted to HUPO office by 20th of each month (date subject to change without notice) for review by the Editor for suitability. HUPO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the contents.