HUPOST Editor: Ben Garcia and Staff Editor: Sanj Gandham
September 2021
HUPO ReConnect 2021

Pre-Congress Webinar Series

HUPO ReCONNECT 2021 is swiftly approaching and we have another webinar lined up on October 18, 2021: Real-World Precision Medicine: Proteogenomics to Accelerate Drug Development and Patient Care. This HUPO session showcases clinical researchers discussing their stories and strategies to move proteomics towards better patient/clinical care. During this interactive broadcast, learn about the insight of:

  • Microscaled proteogenomics technology for predicting response of triple negative breast cancer
  • Development of robust targeted platforms for clinical laboratory tests, drug development, and clinical trials

Pre-congress webinars are free, click the button below to register. See the full HUPO ReConnect congress program.
2021 HUPO Award Recipients

It is with great enthusiasm that we present the 2021 HUPO award recipients! Please join us in congratulating these outstanding scientists on their accomplishments and contributions. The awards will be presented online at HUPO ReCONNECT 2021 during the Closing Live Session on November 19, 2021.

Distinguished Achievement in Proteomics Sciences Award
Award sponsored by the Journal of Proteome Research (ACS Publications)
Nicolle H. Packer, Macquarie University, Australia

Clinical & Translational Proteomics Sciences Award
Award sponsored by Clinical Proteomics (BioMed Central)
Ying Ge, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Discovery in Proteomic Sciences Award
Award sponsored by the Journal of Proteomics (ELSEVIER BV)
Paola Picotti, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Science & Technology Award
Award sponsored by the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) 
Nicolai Bache, Evosep Aps, Denmark
Ole Vorm, Evosep Aps, Denmark

Distinguished Service Award
Stephen Pennington, University College Dublin, Ireland
HUPO Proteomics Knowledge Resource
HUPO Proteomics Knowledge Resource

The Proteomics Knowledge Resource (PKR) has a vast range of content including posters and recordings from HUPO Connect 2020. Members may access the content year-round, on-demand and for free. We will continue to add new content, including this year's recordings from HUPO ReCONNECT 2021. If you're not a member, join now. Here's an overview of the content you'll find:
New Video Added

Check out the new recording we've added to the PKR. Watch the video "OD9" by Seer under the HUPO Connect 2020 Industry Seminars tile.
Human Proteome Project (HPP)
The Final Countdown to the Functional Human Proteome

Our understanding of human biology at the molecular level has gone from sequencing the human genome in 2001 to experimentally validating over 90% of the human proteome in 2020. Now that the protein “parts list” is almost complete, it is time to turn to our efforts to annotate the function of these human proteins, i.e. to complete the functional human proteome. The C-HPP neXt-CP50 pilot project launched in 2018 aims to characterize 50 functionally uncharacterized but identified PE1 proteins (uPE1 proteins). Read more...
Bringing the Community Together to Evaluate and Improve Glycoproteomics Software

Profiling of intact glycopeptides at scale from complex biological mixtures (glycoproteomics) remains a considerable analytical challenge and a frontier in proteomics. It is recognised that the lack of efficient search engines tailored to the unique challenges associated with large-scale glycopeptide analysis continues to hinder the rapid expansion and democratisation of glycoproteomics technologies beyond specialist laboratories. Read more...
Early Career Researcher (ECR) Initiative
Meet the Speakers for the HUPO ReCONNECT ECR Mentoring Sessions

We are so excited to announce some of the mentors that are confirmed for our ECR Mentoring Session at HUPO ReCONNECT 2021. The three sessions taking place throughout the congress will cover three different topics and are shaping up to be ones to remember!

  • How to successfully balance a personal life while in academia 
  • Scientific Integrity 
  • Getting started on writing manuscripts, grants, and fellowships 

Congratulations to our three HUPO ECR Manuscript Competition finalists

The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Initiative would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who entered the ECR Manuscript Competition. The competition was fierce. We would like to further congratulate our three finalists who will be presenting their research in a dedicated session at HUPO ReCONNECT 2021 on November 17th at 23:00 (UTC).

  • Dr. Yangsheng Liu (Yale University, USA
  • Dr. Stacey Malaker (Yale University, USA)
  • Dr. Mehdi Bouhaddou (University of California, USA)

A cash prize of $1,000 will be given to the winner and prizes of $500 will be awarded to the runners-up. Learn more about our finalists here... 
HUPO ReCONNECT ECR Networking Hour on
November 16th, 2021 at 21:15 (UTC)

Are you attending HUPO ReCONNECT 2021? If yes, join us for the ECR Networking Hour which is an open forum session to bridge the digital, cultural, and continental gaps so that early career researchers can meet, share, and create connections for future collaborations and support in their job search. Participants are encouraged to engage with their cameras on and join in our icebreaker and proteomics-related networking activities. In preparation for the ECR Networking Hour, participants are also encouraged to set up a LinkedIn or Twitter handle to keep the engagement going beyond November 16th.
Submit an Abstract to the Graduate Student Poster Competition by September 10th

The ECR Initiative highly encourages all graduate students to submit an abstract for the HUPO ReCONNECT poster competition, sponsored by Molecular Omics! The competition serves as a platform to highlight the important contributions of Master’s and Ph.D. students to the proteomics field. In a dedicated session on November 15th at 20:00 (UTC), eight finalists will have the opportunity to present their poster and be evaluated by an expert committee, which will select a winner ($300 prize) and two runners-up ($150 prizes). The deadline to apply is September 10th, 2021, at 11:59PM (PST). Find all the information on how to apply to the competition here...
Early Career Researcher Initiative Welcomes New Members from Asia

The ECR is actively working on diversifying its team members to be more representative of the global proteomics community. It is with our utmost pleasure to introduce our two new members Dr. Mio Iwasaki, an Assistant Professor at Kyoto University, Japan, and Dr. Dongxue Wang, a Research Scientist at the National Center for Protein Science in Beijing, China. We look forward to their contributions moving forward. Please read more about Dr. Iwasaki and Dr. Wang here.
Looking for Translators
Gained in Translation

Can you speak more than one language? Are you interested in contributing to a global effort to make proteomics more visible? Are you interested in increasing your visibility within the scientific community? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, HUPO Marketing and Outreach Committee (MOC) would love to hear from you. We are looking for individuals who are willing to translate existing and new HUPO material from English to different languages. Get more information here...
Job Board
Postdoctoral Fellows - MD, USA 

The Translational Geroproteomics Unit (TGU) is seeking diverse, highly motivated, and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellows to tackle important questions in aging biology using proteomic approaches. This is a full-time and fully funded primary research fellowship for individuals interested in leveraging mass spectrometry-based proteomics to have a translational impact on age-related diseases linked to hallmarks of aging such as cellular senescence and loss of proteostasis. Find out more...

Scientific Officer - IL, USA 

Northwestern Proteomics invites applications for the position of Scientific Officer. This is a senior thought leader position that is responsible for implementing the strategic objectives under the guidance of director Neil L. Kelleher. Northwestern Proteomics is at the leading edge of technology for top-down and single cell proteomics, and proteoform mapping, and spearheads worldwide collaborations in developing the human proteoform atlas. Click here for more details...

Disclaimer. HUPOST provides general information for subscribers. Submissions are welcomed from HUPO members. Articles are to be submitted to HUPO office by 20th of each month (date subject to change without notice) for review by the Editor for suitability. HUPO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the contents.
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