September 2020   
    הקשר HaKesher  
                                                 "The Connection"      

   Come be a part of our growing Reform synagogue. All are welcome!

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TBT Board Members
   Sheila Luber  
  Past President:
    Ann Rosenfield

 Vice President
    Kerrie Zurovsky
   Terry Hoogstede
   Mark Schindel
    Lester Dober
    Jillian Frankl
TBT Committee Chairs
Budget & Finance
   Chuck Shattuck

    Terry Reynolds
    Michael Rosenfield

Program Oversight
    Kathy Schindel

TBT Team Leaders
Adult Learning
    Mel Siegel

Bikur Cholim
    Suzanne Schlosberg
    Evie Lerner
    Linda Brant

Calendar Keeper
    Kathy Schindel

Chevra Kadisha
    Ralph Uri

Communications & PR
    Kathy Schindel
    Shiela Luber

    Sheila Luber


    Julie Geveshausen

    Eileen Katz

    Jan Freeman-Bauer

Program Coordinator
    Lauralei Garrity

Religious Education
    Melissa Wikler


Social Action

Venue Logistics
    Mark Schindel

    Jeanne Freeman
Newsletter Sponsors

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September Calendar of Events 

 Events and Activities

For additional Details on High Holy Days events, see TBT Hightlights below. Note that some of these events are being held via Zoom.

  September 15 - 1:00 pm -  Board Meeting
  September 18 - 5:00 pm - Erev Rosh Hashanah
  September 18 - 7:00 pm - Erev Rosh Hashanah
  September 19 - 10:00 am-Rosh Hashanah Morning                                                 Service
  September 19 - 1:00 pm - Torah Study and Discussion
  September 19 - 4:00 pm - Tashlich and Shofar 
  September 27 - 2:00 pm - Erev Yom Kippur
  September 27 - 7:00 pm - Kol Nidre Service
  September 28 - 10:00 am-Yom Kippur Morning Service
  September 28 - 11:00 am-Yizkor Service
  September 28 - 1:00 pm - Torah Study and Discussion
Rabbinic Judaism
Rabbinic Judaism is on Pause through the High Holy Days


   October 4 - Sukkot Celebration
   October 30 - Meaningful Conversations

For more details about any TBT events, see our complete schedule of Services, School activities, and Events online:

Leadership News
 President's Message  
Sheila Luber 

The High Holy Days are nearly here and our amazing rabbi is assembling a series of thoughtful worship experiences for us to savor. We are so lucky that Rabbi Johanna is able to harness the power of technology to bring the beauty and ritual of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur into our homes. Driven by her love for TBT, she has learned how to use professional editing software to translate the essence of our in-person services into five short films for us to view on our various screens. You can bet they never taught this in rabbinical school!  
There are other events as well leading us through our (awesome) Days of Awe, including a Rosh Hashanah Roll-By for your family to pick up a "Mitzvah Madness Gift Bag" of goodies, enriching Zoom Torah Study sessions and a virtual Break-fast with your fellow TBT members. If you're comfortable, join us for the sounding of the Shofar and Tashlich outside at the Old Mill for a hint of normalcy with masks and distancing enforced for our safety.
Though reservations are not required in the usual sense, RSVPs are appreciated for individual services and events. Starting with your reply, you set your intention to participate, and in doing so, you differentiate the High Holy Days from any other time of the year. 
While it may feel different, even odd, not to assemble in the sanctuary, it is possible to evoke the spirit of togetherness. For example, we can all login to watch Rabbi's videotaped services at the times they are scheduled to begin. That's a small, yet significant gesture that allows us to celebrate "with" our TBT family. After all, the High Holy Days are an expression of who we are and where we've been as a people. This is such a worthy commitment that is bigger than each of us. 
Knowing we are practicing as a unified community might even provide the emotional calm we crave in today's crazy world, enabling our observances to ground us. We can share the High Holy Days knowing that friends and loved ones are doing the same alongside us. We can weave a web of unity when we need it most. We can preserve the intimacy and connection to our Jewish rituals and each other, softening the edges of our separation as we look forward to the New Year together.  


Divrei Tikvah  RJohannaHeadShot
From Rabbi Johanna Hershenson

Enter September, 2020 

Forest fires and smoky skies. Labor Day, as if summer felt like summer this year. Back to school, at home.  
High Holy Days Season, 5881

How do we celebrate the onset of our New Year from home and still have a sense of the past year passing? There is no question this year's High Holy days feel small and lonely. We miss each other. We like dressing up and greeting the New Year together with poetry and music and some degree of pomp and circumstance. This year, we contemplate drive-bys, Zoom gatherings, and virtual services.  
I invite us all to begin thinking about how we might avoid the pitfall of noticing everything we don't get to do together for the Holy Days and instead focus our energy on the small ways we might bring the season into our homes, minds and hearts. 
We will have opportunities to drive-by, distance in a park for shofar and tashlich, and engage in meaningful conversations on Zoom following prerecorded service videos. Have we considered decorating our homes for the Jewish New Year? I know it is not a normal custom. Neither is it prohibited or even discouraged. Buy some apples and honey and make a point of sharing them at a meal with family and friends. Bake a round challah. Buy party noisemakers and sound them at a Rosh Hashanah dinner. Set up an "altar" for watching our service videos. Candles. Kiddish cup. A piece of Jewish art. A tablecloth under the computer or device screen. 
I promise you that I am working hard to produce service videos that capture the essence of the High Holy Days and the joy and culture of our congregation. As a rabbi, I find that the obstacles provided by the pandemic call for creativity. I have a deep yearning to reflect the beauty of the people who make up our congregation in our observance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 


~~ Rabbi Hershenson's office hours are by appointment. If you would like to set up an appointment, please contact her by email at:, or by phone at 541-213-9880.

Spotlight on Musicians

Janet Gesme
Cellist and Violist

This is the fourth in a series of  bi-monthly spotlights on our musicians. Eileen Katz, Newsletter Ed.

As we approach the High Holy Days, it's a good opportunity to recognize Janet Gesme who joins our musicians on Yom Kippur playing Kol Nidre for Cello by Max Bruch. Through the music, Janet says that she feels the centuries of Jewish tradition and the warmth of the congregation.

Janet grew up in Springfield Missouri, the youngest of four children. She and her three older siblings took piano lessons from their mother at young ages. Janet started taking viola lessons at age 9 and fell in love with the instrument, so much so that by middle school she was practicing six hours a day without prodding!

Janet's other love is language which started with high school German. It was in high school that Janet set a goal of learning ten languages. At summer camp, Janet was introduced to Ukrainian through a nearby camp for children affected by Chernobyl. It was there that she put Russian on her list of languages she wanted to learn.

At the University of Missouri in Columbia Janet met her husband, Michael. Having earned his Master of Music and Orchestral Conducting, Michael started applying for jobs and was offered the position of Professor of Music at COCC. So in 1996, with their first child on the way, the two packed up and moved to Bend which at the time had a population of 30,000.

As part of the COCC music curriculum, Michael also became the conductor of the Central Oregon Symphony. Just two months after moving to Bend, Janet played viola in the symphony with her newborn son in the audience being cared for by her mother-in-law.

Janet continued her study of German, eventually earning a Master's Degree in German Language. She began teaching German at COCC and still teaches a group of dedicated students there. It was also in Bend that Janet learned Russian and Spanish. Through a foreign exchange student living in her home, Janet learned some Hungarian. Now she is focusing on Korean. You can see that she is on her way to her goal of learning ten languages!

Janet and her husband have two children, a son Alex and a daughter Zeta. Over the years, they have also housed an assortment of folks needing a place to stay.

When Janet had just moved to Bend twenty four years ago, she met Julie Geveshausen who was the organist at First Lutheran Church. Janet played cello and viola there. When Julie started playing for TBT in 2010, she asked Janet to offer her talents at the High Holy Days. Lucky for us, it's been a yearly TBT tradition since!

TBT Highlights
High Holy Days 2020/5781
Lauralei Garrity

Happy New Year RH
The High Holy Days are almost here!

Over the last few months of preparation, we've endeavored to create an experience that is as enriching and memorable as ever while finding new ways to spend time together. The 2020 High Holy Days programming allows for both virtual and physical connections. We invite you to celebrate in the diverse array of ritual and social opportunities described below.
2020/5781 High Holy Days Schedule:
For more information on services and events, visit the Temple Beth Tikvah website and keep an eye on your email and inbox for links to Zoom meetings.


Friday, September 18th
5:00 pm:   Family-friendly: Apples and Honey for a Sweet Year
7:00 pm:   Erev Rosh Hashanah: Opening Our Minds and Hearts to Possibility

Saturday, September 19th
10:00 am:  Rosh Hashanah Morning: Rising to the Occasion
1:00 pm:   Rosh Hashanah Meaningful Conversation: Rising to the Occasion

4:00 pm:   Hear Ye, Hear Ye Walk-by Sounding the Shofar/Tashlich at the Flagged Bridge at the Old Mill, 4:15, 4:30, and 4:45 (please choose one)

Visiting gravesites to honor departed loved ones and members of the community

Sunday, September 27th
2:00 pm:    Pilot Butte Cemetery
3:00 pm:    Gan Shalom, Deschutes Memorial Garden Cemetery


Sunday, September 27th
7:00 pm: Kol Nidre: From Good Intentions to Thoughtful Conduct

Monday, September 28th
10:00 am: Yom Kippur (including Yizkor): Greater Good Consciousness
1:00 pm: Yom Kippur Meaningful Conversation: Greater Good Consciousness
6:00 pm: Virtual Break-fast with Rabbi Johanna (prepare your own meal)

Need help?

If you need additional help to access our services and events, please email Program Coordinator, Lauralei Garrity at

How do I access HHD services and events?

Visit the TBT website for further information about the HHD schedule, Tzedakah opportunities, and more. For links to private Zoom meetings, check your inbox for the weekly Happenings on Wednesdays or special HHD emails from Temple Beth Tikvah.

Do I need to RSVP for services, adult education opportunities, or Tashlich?

RSVPs are appreciated to affirm your personal commitment to participating in this year's special High Holy Days. To RSVP, click here.

What about Yizkor?

We are providing two versions of the Yizkor Memorial Booklet. A virtual booklet will scroll on-screen during the Yizkor portion of the Yom Kippur morning service. A physical booklet will be included in your High Holy Days Mitzvah Madness gift bag.

Please submit your names and payment for the Yizkor Memorial Booklet by Tuesday, September 1. To complete the form for Yizkor click here.

Do I need a Mishkan HaNefesh (HHD Prayer Book)?

You don't need a prayer book since our High Holy Days services and events will largely be virtual. Rabbi Johanna will provide on-screen all relevant prayers and readings. However, prayer books are available upon request.

If you would like to borrow a Mishkan HaNefesh prayer book, email by Thursday, September 8.

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Tzedakah-High Holy Days Fund Appeal
High Holy Day Committee

Each year at the High Holy Days we ask you to consider making a donation to support our ongoing Social Action programs. This year, the High Holy Days Tzedakah Project has designated two opportunities for tikkun olam - The Giving Plate and REACH. These funds are invaluable to the ongoing Social Action efforts of Temple Beth Tikvah.

The Giving Plate Imagine not knowing when or where you'll find your next meal? Every month the Giving Plate provides food to 4,000 individuals across Deschutes County through three hunger-relief programs serving low-income families, children and the elderly. All donations matter whatever the amount when you help someone whose belly is empty. Please consider even a small contribution or a generous one if you can to deliver peace of mind to those in need.

REACH delivers assistance and outreach to those experiencing homelessness, providing access to critical resources and referrals to local agencies. Assistance includes medical and health services, transportation support, employment placement, and donations of items such as sleeping bags and tents.

This year, C.O.J.Y - Central Oregon Jewish Youth - participants are using donations to the Tzedakah Fund on behalf of REACH to purchase items for Hygiene, First Aid, and Survival, which they will put together in kits and give to program director Stacey Witte for delivery to the homeless community. The goal is to deliver 50 combo-kits!

We ask you to please open your heart and your purse and donate. You can designate which of the funds you want your donation applied to or allow your donation to be divided between the two. According to Pirkei Avot, "Deeds of giving are the very foundations of the world." Thank you for your generous support.

Donations to our Tzedakah Project are accepted until October 15th.

To make a donation to our Tzedakah Fund projects click here.

Tikkun Olam-Do the Work
Lauralei Garrity
Tikkun Olam -- A Do-the-Work Group's first meeting will take place after the High Holy Days.

Tikkun Olam offers a brave space for TBT members to engage with one another on some pretty challenging topics. As a course, a study group, and a support group all in one, the Tikkun Olam -- A Do-the-Work Group explores race, gender, ethnicity, and identity, from the perspective of Jewish wisdom and teaching.
It's fair to say that having these kinds of conversations can be scary, frustrating, tiring, and flat out emotional. Together, we will build an environment and a means of expression that honors one another and supports us through these tough feelings. 

As we repair the world, each in our own way, the Tikkun Olam -- A Do-the-Work Group empowers us through education, practice, and communal support.
More information to come.
Want to see what the group has to offer you? Have questions about how it will work? Please contact TBT's Program Coordinator and co-facilitator of the group, Lauralei Garrity.

Board and Committee News
TBT Board Notes
Next Board Meeting:  September 15, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. 

Due to COVID-19, all board meetings are being held via Zoom. If you would like to attend, contact Lauralei Garrity at

Your TBT Board meets monthly and members are invited to attend. Dates and times of Board meetings are on the TBT calendar at:

If you would like to read minutes of previous board meetings, you can request a copy from Board Secretary, Terry Hoogstede .
Adult Education 
Chamsa: Five Congregations Learning Together
Johanna Hershenson

I am delighted to share with our members the collaboration of seven Reform Rabbis in five Reform Congregations called Chamsa: Five Congregations Learning Together.
As the nature of how the pandemic is managed in our country and state unfolds, it is clear that we will continue to provide the mainstay of our services, religious school, and adult learning virtually for the months ahead. Many of us have had enough Zoom for a lifetime and this news is disappointing. Synagogues all over the country are experiencing the same virtual fatigue that we in Temple Beth Tikvah find alienating over time. 
Several colleagues and I launched our collective in our monthly Havdallah program on August 22nd. More than eighty adult learners from URJ congregations in Arizona, California, and Oregon came together to celebrate Havdallah and meet the rabbis offering a program of adult learning that will be shared among our synagogues in the coming year. 
We have thus far organized a Discovering Judaism year-long course, sponsored by the URJ, and will soon release a schedule of mini-courses that will be available throughout the year. While classes are still virtual, they include adult learners from other congregations and other rabbis each with their own style and expertise. 
Stay tuned for an exciting shared learning experience!

October Newsletter Deadline:  September 24th 

This newsletter is emailed to both members and non-members each month.  If you have something you want to include in the newsletter, please e-mail it to Eileen Katz: by the 24th of each month for the following month's publication.  As always, you will continue to receive "e-minders" before important events take place.

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TBT Tributes
Temple Beth Tikvah gratefully acknowledges the following contributions:
  • Randy Danto, In Memory of Bruce Danto
  • Vivian Freeman, In Honor of the B'nai Mitzvah of Toby & Ian Spencer
  • Lester & Diane Dober, In Honor of their 60th Anniversary
  • Lester & Diane Dober, In Memory of Lloyd Livstone
  • Richard Lazarus, In Memory of Belle Lazarus
  • Ralph & Marcia Uri, In Memory of Max & Fritzi Uri
  • Jo-Ann Ray & Larry Barker, In Memory of Morris Waldman

Donations listed above were made to the Temple's general fund unless otherwise specified.

You may honor the lives and achievements of friends and relatives via a tribute with a donation to TBT. You can do this online by clicking here, or by sending a check and the name and address of the person being honored to TBT at P.O. Box 7472, Bend, OR, 97708.

Donations may be designated to a specific fund, including:

   - General Fund
   - Gary Reynolds Memorial Fund
   - Youth Education Fund
   - Music Fund   
   - TBT's Goodwill Fund
   - Social Action/Tzedakah Fund
   - or the Corrie Grudin Memorial Fund

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About Temple Beth Tikvah

For Jewish families, retirees and singles at every level of faith in Central Oregon, Temple Beth Tikvah provides a comforting embrace for the soul of your DNA. We are a dynamic Reform Jewish congregation with friendly, giving, active people drawn to Bend and Central Oregon because of the active lifestyle we find here.
We come together in different ways, inspired and informed by our common thread of Jewishness. Whether you were born Jewish, love someone who is Jewish or choose to be Jewish. Practice Judaism a little, a lot or not at all. TBT can serve as the heart of your vibrant, connected life.
We can be your primary source of friendship, purpose, spiritual and intellectual pursuit. Or a side note adding flavor and dimension how and when you want. Whichever you choose, TBT offers an inclusive, communal foundation on which to build your relationships, experiences and practice. From social activities to social action, worship to study, participation to leadership. It's your choice, in this community of yours. 

Please contact us at 541-388-8826 or for more information.
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