July 2019     
    הקשר HaKesher  
                                                 "The Connection"      

   Come be a part of our growing Reform synagogue. All are welcome!

In This Issue
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TBT Board Members
   Sheila Luber  
   Ann Rosenfield 
   Terry Hoogstede
   Mark Schindel
    Lester Dober
     Paul Jacobs
    Kerrie Zurovsky
TBT Committee Chairs
 Budget & Finance
   Chuck Shattuck

     Terry Reynolds
    Michael Rosenfield
Program Oversight
    Kathy Schindel
TBT Team Leaders
 Adult Education
   Mel Siegel
 Bikkur Cholim
   Suzanne Schlosberg
    Evie Lerner
    L inda Brant
 Calendar Keeper
   Kathy Schindel 
 Chevra Kadisha
   Ralph Uri
 Communications & PR
   Kathy Schindel 
   Sheila Luber

   Sheila Luber

   Julie Geveshausen
   Eileen Katz
   Jan Freeman-Bauer
 Religious Education
   Sara Jo Slate
   Lee Shapiro-London

 Social Action
   Lynne Connelley 

 Venue Logistics
   Mark Schindel
   Jeanne Freeman
Newsletter Sponsors

Tully's Yoga Ad

Quick Links
July Calendar of Events 

School Activities

Schools are out for the Summer

Other Events and Activities
  July 5 - 2:30 pm - Family Kitchen
  July 9 - 1:00 pm - Board Meeting
   July 12- 8 am - 12 noon, or 1 pm - 5 pm - Habitat for                    Humanity Build
  July 12- 6:00 pm - Shabbat in the Park
  July 20- 7:00 pm - Havdallah
  July 26- 7:00 pm - Erev Shabbat Service
   August 17- 10:00 am - Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Feldman
For more details about any TBT events, see our complete schedule of Services, School activities, and Events online:

Leadership News
                   Message From  Co-Presidents  
Sheila Luber and Ann Rosenfield

As a small congregation, TBT relies on its talented members to produce temple events that we all enjoy. To encourage more members to volunteer, we are shifting how we describe our working groups because, let's face it, the word "committee" can intimidate and overwhelm. We are converting some committees to "teams" for a more friendly, welcoming and flexible option that we hope will entice even the most casual volunteer.

We now have just three committees and they are focused on the Operation of our synagogue. Led by committee chairs, our committees are Budget & Finance, Membership and Program Oversight.

Volunteers who plan, organize and deliver the content for our events gather as teams, which are Ritual, Adult Learning, Social Action, High Holy Days, Onegs, Passover Seder, and a few others. Team leaders work closely with Rabbi Johanna, who in addition to providing liturgical substance, is a creative source of themes and topics. The teams bring these themes to life.

Though this change may seem modest, words do matter. We want to communicate that whatever you contribute as a volunteer is greatly appreciated and most definitely of value. So if you'd like to become part of a team, please email Ann or Sheila. We are happy to help you discover where you fit best.

Speaking of our incredible TBT member volunteers: Our thanks goes to Grant Herz who was instrumental in mobilizing and organizing TBT's first-ever participation in the Central Oregon Pride at Drake Park. Thanks also to the many TBT volunteers who staffed our booth. By all accounts, it was a successful and rewarding experience and we look forward to supporting the Pride celebration over the years to come.

Divrei Tikvah  RJohannaHeadShot
From Rabbi Johanna Hershenson

Summer solstice has passed and while we enjoy Central Oregon's sparkling summer weather and activity, the truth is that the days are already getting shorter. I am reminded of the Special's song that carried me through my cancer year..."Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think."
In Temple Beth Tikvah, in addition to taking advantage of summer by celebrating Shabbat in Shevlin Park and other outdoor venues, we are preparing for the High Holy Days and a year of programming designed to build our community ethos and inspire us to live meaningfully.
Social Action events like Backdoor Café, Family Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity builds, and a Havdallah with a Purpose to learn about The Giving Plate (our local food pantry) engage us in Central Oregon. Adult learning events such as Afternoon Philoso-tea (exploring Jewish thought and thinkers), a Jewish Discovery Course for prospective Jews by choice, and Havdallah gatherings will be complemented by a Facebook Torah Study and Discussion effort. Ritual events include formal and informal Shabbat celebrations as well as a Tisha B'Av reflection opportunity.
Most importantly, I hope we take opportunities in our lighter schedules, to meet and greet one another. Summer is a great time to hike and picnic together, to invite folks over for backyard barbecues and the like. Feel free to post an open invitation in our private Facebook page. Or pick up the Temple Beth Tikvah roster and give a call to someone you've met but would like to get to know better.
The Talmud teaches: It is not on us to complete every task, but neither are we free to desist from making an effort. Read a Jewish book this summer and share your thoughts with others. Volunteer when you see requests from our social action mavens. Say hello, when you run into a TBT member at Summerfest or concerts at Les Schwab or the Bend Athletic Club. Engage. Reach out.
Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think...grab summer by the sun's rays and bask in its warmth. Before we know it, school and Rosh Hashanah will be upon us...

~~ Rabbi Hershenson's office hours are by appointment. If you would like to set up an appointment, please contact her by email at: johannahershenson@gmail.com, or by phone at 541-213-9880.

TBT Highlights
Shabbat in the Park
Friday, July 12 at 6:00 pm
Lee G. Shapiro-London

Our big summer event is coming up! Shabbat in the Park! A pot-luck picnic with BBQ chicken and a service by the creek. Please join us in what is always one of the big events of the year. Please respond to your evite when you receive it, and I look forward to seeing you there!

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TBT Board Members, Committee Chairs and Team Leaders for the 2019-2020 year who graciously volunteered to serve are:

Board Officers:
Sheila Luber
Ann Rosenfield
Terry Hoogstede
Mark Schindel
Lester Dober
Paul Jacobs
Kerrie Zurovsky
TBT Committee Chairs
Budget & Finance
Chuck Shattuck 
Terry Reynolds & Michael Rosenfield
Program Oversight
Kathy Schindel
TBT Team Leaders
Adult Learning
Mel Siegel
Bikkur Cholim (Care For The Sick)
Suzanne Schlosberg & Evie Lerner & Linda Brant
Calendar Keeper
Kathy Schindel
Chevra Kadisha (End Of Life Care)
Ralph Uri
Communications & PR
Kathy Schindel & Sheila Luber
Sheila Luber
Julie Geveshausen 
Eileen Katz
Jan Freeman-Bauer 
Religious Education
Sara Jo Slate
Lee Shapiro-London
Social Action
Lynne Connelley 
Venue Logistics
Mark Schindel
Jeanne Freeman
                                                                              Back to Top
Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Feldman

Please join Maricela and Michael Feldman
     in celebration of the
          Bat Mitzvah
         of their daughter 
      Saturday, August 17
                                   10:00 am 
                  All TBT members are welcome
Kiddush Luncheon to Follow

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Board and Committee News
TBT Board Notes
Next Board Meeting:  July 9  1:00 to  3:00 p.m. 
Location:  Stonebriar Apartments Clubhouse, 21255 E. Highway 20, Bend.

Your TBT Board meets monthly and members are invited to attend. Dates and times of Board meetings are on the TBT calendar at:  https://bethtikvahbend.org/events/

If you would like to read minutes of previous board meetings, you can request a copy from Board Secretary, Terry Hoogstede  tahoogstede@bendcable.com .
Ritual Team News
Lee G. Shapiro-London

colorful star
As always, thank you to all volunteers who help set up for Oneg, Services, and help break down. And I'd like to put out a call for people to sponsor an Oneg - it's fun to help set up, get some different goodies  (a small cheese plate is always a big hit), and help out the normal crew. 
We'll have Erev Shabbat services on the 26th, and our Rabbi's theme of the month is celebrating those who have volunteered to help lead TBT - the Board, Committee Chairs, and Team Leads.
On a personal note, I want to thank Alex for a nice hand-over, and I look forward to being the Ritual Team Lead and am always open to suggestions about holidays, Shabbat, or other Ritual items. Please feel free to contact me at my email at any time.
Social Action Updatetikkun olam earth
Lynne Connelley

Thank you to all who have participated in our programs to feed the needy. Those programs are Backdoor Café organized by Burt Litman and Family Kitchen and Bethlehem Inn organized by Chuck Shattuck. Due to the efforts of our organizers and our teams of volunteers we have continued these programs for the past several years.

On June 14 we had a great turnout of TBT volunteers building two homes for Habitat For Humanity in SW Bend. Huge thanks to Bob Pollack who continues to organize our teams. Volunteers included new members, continuing members and guests of members: Leslie Conley, David Uri and friend Linda, Gail and Ali Fridstein, Steve Katz, Lynne Connelley, Jeff and Ginger German, Michelle and Taylor Mahoney and Jay Luber in addition to Bob. 

Our next build is July 12, so please call or text Bob at 310-622-5386 to volunteer for morning or afternoon crew. He already has 7 team members in place. Jewish Builders of Bend is a THING! Building for Habitat is rewarding not only for the long-term benefit of helping families put affordable roofs over their head (two of the builds in this SW Bend neighborhood are for veterans) but also the immediate satisfaction of learning a job and the instant gratification of being able to see your work. NO BUILDING EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED!!!

On June 22, TBT participated in the annual Pride event in Drake Park sponsored by Grant and Bill Herz and organized by Grant Herz and Michael Shapiro-London. TBT's booth highlighted our philosophy of inclusiveness we share with all who join and/or visit our congregation.

And finally, an organization we are very excited to present to TBT at the October Havdallah with a Purpose, The Giving Plate. This beautiful non-profit's mission is "Feeding the hungry today with compassion and hospitality." It is the largest food bank in Central Oregon. Since opening in 2010 they have distributed over 3 million pounds of food in C.O. Their Kids Corner is a cute loft area set up for children in which they are allowed to shop for themselves taking kid-size food items home with them. This concept is possibly the only one in the country. Did you know that in Central Oregon 1 in 4 children are experiencing food insecurity? The national average is 13%. Our Havdallah With a Purpose will be held at the Giving Plate's headquarters in Scandia Plaza. Ann Rosenfield, Sheila Luber, Lynne Connelley, and Rabbi Johanna and Zoe Hershenson were treated by the executive director to a tour. See pictures on the TBT Facebook.   When a date is confirmed be sure to put this on your calendar. You are in for a treat.

Membership News
Terry Reynolds and Michael Rosenfield 

The TBT Membership Committee held a new member get together on June 23rd at the home of Stan and Gail Fridstein. The smaller group of 15 afforded us the opportunity to better get to know each other and personally welcome our new members. 

We are hoping to have more events that involve some of our newer members.

August Newsletter Deadline:  July 24th 

This newsletter is emailed to both members and non-members each month.  If you have something you want to include in the newsletter, please e-mail it to Eileen Katz:  eileentam@aol.com by the 24th of each month for the following month's publication.  As always, you will continue to receive "e-minders" before important events take place.

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TBT Tributes
Temple Beth Tikvah gratefully acknowledges the following contribution:
  • Phyllis & Gerald Greenback in memory of Eva Greenbach
You may honor the lives and achievements of friends and relatives via a tribute with a donation to TBT. You can do this online by clicking here , or by sending a check and the name and address of the person being honored to TBT at P.O. Box 7472, Bend, OR, 97708.

Donations may be designated to a specific fund, including:

   - General Fund
   - Youth Education Fund
   - Music Fund    
   - TBT's Goodwill Fund
   - Social Action/Tzedakah Fund
   - or the Corrie Grudin Memorial Fund

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About Temple Beth Tikvah

For Jewish families, retirees and singles at every level of faith in Central Oregon, Temple Beth Tikvah provides a comforting embrace for the soul of your DNA. We are a dynamic Reform Jewish congregation with friendly, giving, active people drawn to Bend and Central Oregon because of the active lifestyle we find here.
We come together in different ways, inspired and informed by our common thread of Jewishness. Whether you were born Jewish, love someone who is Jewish or choose to be Jewish. Practice Judaism a little, a lot or not at all. TBT can serve as the heart of your vibrant, connected life.
We can be your primary source of friendship, purpose, spiritual and intellectual pursuit. Or a side note adding flavor and dimension how and when you want. Whichever you choose, TBT offers an inclusive, communal foundation on which to build your relationships, experiences and practice. From social activities to social action, worship to study, participation to leadership. It's your choice, in this community of yours.  

Please contact us at 541-388-8826 or info@bethtikvahbend.org for more information.
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