June 10th, 2023

Dear Residents,

The draft 2023-2024 Budget can be found on the community website by clicking the link below. Also, please see detailed information below explaining the two different columns (options) on the draft budget. The Board of Directors will be voting to adopt a budget at the June Board Meeting on June 21st.

Also below you will find the latest edition of HCL Magazine!

Have a great week and as always, if you have any questions, please call the Hackberry Creek office at 972-401-4946.



The draft 2023-2024 Hackberry Creek Association Budget has been posted on the community website. Registered website members may click the link below to view the budget. The draft budget includes two options, both with the same assessment rate of $0.29 per $100 of capped tax values. This is a reduction of $0.02 per $100 of value from the previous year. The only difference between the two budget options is one column showing the addition of a full time maintenance person. Please see further below describing the net budget effect of this option.


The Board is considering the addition of a full-time maintenance person as an additional expense for the budget year. However, the intent is that this expense will be offset in savings in labor in several other categories by utilizing an in-house employee instead of outsourcing this work. It is also the intent that having a full-time onsite maintenance person will result in a faster, more concierge level of service in addressing maintenance and other items of the neighborhood—for example immediately addressing an issue rather than having to wait a week for a third party vendor to address. Please see the anticipated expense breakdown below:

It is further the intent that a full-time maintenance person can do additional tasks not normally budgeted as part of the operating budget - for example: painting of all metal work / signs / lamp posts. By way of example a quote received last month for painting all wrought iron fencing along Royal Lane and behind Southern Oak Park was over $30,000 if outsourced. Part of that is of course the cost of material (paint) but a large part of that number is labor. A maintenance person can also be tasked with routine drain cleaning (small street drains and large storm drains), curb number painting, assistance with special events set-up and tear-down, after hours emergency issues, street trash / debris pick-up, gutter and downspout cleaning at guard houses, daily policing of all parks and blowing off of Village Greens play surfaces, signage installation / removal, organization and inventory of gate house storage rooms, and more.


If you have a question or comment please post it on the Budget Forum by clicking the link below.



The June Board Meeting will be held on June 21st, 2023 at the Hackberry Creek Country Club. More information and an official board meeting notice with agenda will be published at least 6 days prior to the meeting.


The June / July issue of Hackberry Creek Living is now online! Click the cover image below to read the latest edition!



Randy Smith

Village Manager


The Village Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Association, including supervision of all contracted services (landscaping, maintenance, etc.) for the Association property and works hand-in-hand with the Board of Directors to deliver the high quality of service that Hackberry Creek residents deserve

Teddlie Phillips

Compliance Coordinator


Under the direction of the Village Manager, the Community Standards Coordinator conducts inspections of residential properties within the community to determine if violations of deed restrictions exist with specific reference to property maintenance and aesthetics. The Community Standards Coordinator works with Hackberry Creek homeowners to ensure compliance when violations are found, while maintaining accurate records of complaints and inspections made.

Shonda Trotter

Administrative Coordinator


Under the direction of the Village Manager, the Administrative Coordinator works with homeowners to provide new homeowner orientations, vehicle registrations, membership support, processes new vendor applications, invoices, and provides the onsite team and Board of Directors with support with all facets of Hackberry Creek operations.

Dennis Osebe

Weiser Security Captain


The Security Captain at Hackberry Creek is tasked with the daily oversight of Gate Guard and Security operations and is responsible for scheduling and staffing all guard houses, ensuring security protocols are followed at all times. The Security Captain also monitors vehicular traffic and speeds throughout the community, issuing citations as needed and works hand-in-hand with the onsite team to ensure all residents, guest, contractors and other personnel have been appropriately screened before being granted access to the community.

Hackberry Creek Homeowners Association
Professionally managed by CCMC
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