Below is a chart that represents one week of data from all locations. As the chart reflects there were a total of 774 speeding offense by 554 unique vehicles.
93 Vehicles had multiple tickets (more than one) over the course of one week.
The breakdown is as follows:
461 vehicles would have received 1 ticket if fines were being issued.
45 vehicles would have received 2 tickets each if fines were being issued.
24 vehicles would have received 3 tickets each if fines were being issued.
17 vehicles would have received 4-6 tickets each if fines were being issued.
4 vehicles would have received 7-9 tickets each if fines were being issued.
1 vehicle would have received 10 tickets if fines were being issued.
2 vehicles would have received 13-15 tickets each if fines were being issued.
As noted above - this is just one week of data from all 3 locations
The intention of the installation of radar cameras is to change behavior regarding speeding - not to generate revenue. No fines are being issued by these three radar cameras at this time.
Courtesy notices (no fines) are now going out in order to give those speeding an opportunity to alter their driving behavior, if needed. This grace period is also a good opportunity to educate/remind guests and visitors on our speed limits to avoid future fines.