Speaker Pro Tempore 18th District
Sumner and Trousdale Counties
What's Happening at the Capitol
The First Annual Session of the One Hundred Thirteenth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee convened at noon on Tuesday, January 10th and is in full swing this month. My team and I have submitted all of the bills in our foster care and adoption package, and I will continue my work in policy focused on foster care and adoption, education, and healthcare. You can look over my bill list and contact me with any questions.

As always, I am honored to continue to serve the people of District 18, and I look forward to a great session!
Visiting The Trousdale County Elementary School
Senator Haile pictured with Representative Slater and Director of Schools Clint Satterfield
At the beginning of January, Representative Slater and I had the opportunity to visit Trousdale County Elementary School! We met with members of the County Board of Education John Kerr, Deanna Bode, Racheal Petty, and Barbara Towns, along with the Trousdale County Elementary School administration and faculty. During this visit, we discussed the Tennessee Literacy Success Act which is designed to help support students to read at grade level. I was also allowed the opportunity to visit classrooms during reading instruction.
Trousdale County Schools was named as an Exemplary School District for the 2021-22 school year! The county's 2022 TCAP participation rate was a miraculous 100 percent which is a perfect representation of the district's mission to "graduate and accelerate all students for the careers of tomorrow." Congratulations to all the staff, parents, and students on this achievement!
Speaking at White House Area Chamber of Commerce
On January 18, 2023, I spoke at the White House Area Chamber of Commerce! I began the presentation by discussing Tennessee Department of Transportation's infrastructure proposal which includes the use of managed lanes, and I went on to give a brief overview the legislation I am working on focusing in the areas of foster care, adoption, and abortion. Education was another important topic that was discussed, and we finished our time with some questions which allowed me to provide further clarity on each of the topics.

If you would like for me to visit your group, feel free to reach out to Jinny Benedetti in my office for scheduling purposes.
Inauguration of Governor Bill Lee
Saturday, January 21, 2023, Governor Bill Lee was inaugurated for his second term, and I was glad to be asked to participate in the ceremony. The theme of the celebration was ‘Tennessee: Leading the Nation.’ I am looking forward to continuing to serve alongside him.

In case you missed it, you can see the inauguration ceremony online.
Meeting of the Joint Adoption and Foster Care Caucus
On Monday, January 30, the Joint Adoption and Foster Care Caucus met. There was a great turnout, and I enjoyed sharing my passion for enriching the lives of Tennessee children with so many who share the same goal. During the meeting, I, along with a few of my fellow sponsors, spent time discussing many of the adoption and foster care related bills which we are proposing this year. These bills will help children and families, and they range from changes in DCS to eliminating the sales tax on diapers and formula. I appreciate your support as we continue our efforts toward improving the lives of Tennessee’s children. 
Meet Our New Intern
We are excited to announce that we have added a new member to our team for this session. Katherine Wiseley, originally from Batavia, New York, joined us this week as a part of the Tennessee Legislative Internship Program. She is currently enrolled at Belmont University, majoring in Politics and Public Law. Her goals after graduating include continuing her education in Legal Studies and continuing to help out the community which is at the top of her list.
Constituent Spotlight
We want to spotlight a different member of our community each week. Do you know someone in the 18th District who has done something extraordinary recently? Send us an email ([email protected]), with subject line "Constituent Spotlight Submission" and tell us about them. We will read through each submission and decide on one person to highlight in our newsletter each week.
425 5th Avenue North, Suite 708
Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 741-1999