

15 MarCheshvan, 5784

October 30, 2023

אַחֵינוּ כָּל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל

הַנְּתוּנִים בַּצָּרָה וּבַשִּׁבְיָה

...הַמָּקוֹם יְרַחֵם עֲלֵיהֶם

Please continue to daven for Acheinu Bnei Yisroel in Eretz Hakodesh that Hashem have mercy on Am Yisroel and we merit the Geulah Shelaima B'karov!


Review of Halachos of Birchas HaRayach

1) One who recites a Bracha on a pleasant smelling item and puts it down with the intent of not smelling it anymore, and then wants to smell it again , must recite a new Bracha, as the intent to put it away is considered an interruption (Hesech Hada’as)

If, however, his/her intent was indeed to pick it up again soon and smell it again, no new Bracha will be required. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 217:1)

Even if he/she left the room, as long as there was intent to return shortly and smell it again, no new Bracha will be required. (Mishna Berura 217:6 and Sha’ar HaTzion 217:11 and 12)

2) If one was away for a long period of time, went to Shul to daven, went to work, or took a nap, a new Bracha will be required. (Mishna Berura ibid. see also Ketzos HaShulchan Siman 62:19)

Thus, on Yom Kippur when it is customary to smell Besamim in Shul throughout the day, only one Bracha is recited, and that Bracha will suffice for as long as one is in Shul. (See Mishna Berura Siman 46:14 and Siman 612:18 . See also Taz Siman 639:20 , Mateh Efraim Siman 622:3 and Elef L’mateh there S”K 2, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 133:20 and Shu”t Shevet HakeHasi Vol. 2 Siman 98 for more on this topic)

Purposely taking your mind off the Besamim, in order to obligate yourself to recite a new Bracha each time (as many people do on Yom Kippur in order to use the Bracha on Besamim as a way to reach the 100 Brachos needed daily, which is difficult to accomplish on Yom Kippur) should not be done, and is considered a Bracha Sh’Aina Tzericha, an unnecessary Bracha, and is forbidden. (Mishna Berura Siman 612:18. Parenthetically, See Sha’ar HaTziyun 556:1 that on Tisha B’Av Besamim should not be smelled, as it is a pleasurable activity which is forbidden on Tisha B’Av)

Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other topics, and Answers. These Q&A are taken from the Q & A  pages on the Halacha For Today website.



Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from, or based upon, the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha. 

Questions can be emailed to [email protected]  

Reader's Question:

What is the reason why a “temporary” minyan does not say "Magen Avos" on Friday nights? What is the connection between saying that portion and needing a permanent minyan?


The reason this bracha was enacted was to ensure that nobody is left alone in the dark field (where they used to daven on Friday nights) if they davened a little longer Shemona esrei. 

Thus, it was only enacted in such a scenario, and not applied to a temporary minyan in a Bais Avel, Bais Chasanim or other temporary minyan where this reason won't apply.

See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 268:10, based on Talmud Shabbos 24b.

Each day, we will B'Ezras Hashem post a short inspirational thought, quote or idea to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in Heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.    


When you aim for greatness, you discover it is a moving target.

Submitted by daily reader, N.

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Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us  

  תנא דבי אליהו כל השונה הלכות בכל יום מובטח לו שהוא בן עולם הבא, שנאמר הליכות עולם לו, אל תקרי הליכות אלא הלכות 

- one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is destined for a portion in Olam Haba -  the world to come.   (Talmud Niddah 73a)


Please visit  www.HalachaForToday.com for  archivesQuestions and Answers,and other features. 

Important Disclaimers:

The Halachos in this email and on my website are based on my personal understanding of the texts quoted, and are for learning purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha L'Maaseh. If you have questions or require further source information, please email [email protected] and I will respond as soon as I can. For a Halacha L'Maaseh Psak, please contact your local Orthodox Rabbi.

All Halachos on this site were written from an Ashkenazic perspective and follow the rulings of Ashkenazic Poskim. Though I endeavor to point out whenever Sephardic rulings and customs differ from what I write, by no means have I adequately researched the Sephardic point of view of any Halachos that I write and my dear Sephardic readers should please review all rulings with their own Chachamim.

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