Hale PTA masthead

April 7, 2019

In This Issue
Summer Soiree Tickets LIVE
School Supply Program - BIG CHANGES
Summer Soiree Donations Needed
Plant Sale Deadline EXTENDED
Culture Night
Dine Out at My Burger
Lunchroom Relief for Staff
Twins Tickets
Let's Move NIghts
Wellness Committee Needs You
Spring Landscaping Clean Up
The PTA needs YOU
Keeping Up With the PTA
Volunteer Opportunities
Mark Your
PTA Meetings
Quick Links
Hello Hale Community,
I hope that you and your kids enjoyed the deserved break from school and have come back refreshed and ready for the rest of the year. We have some big things coming: Culture Night and Summer Soiree are both really fun events, you wont want to miss them. Also, read up on School Supplies for next year, there have been some changes you will want to know about!
Wishing you all the best,

Samantha Mendiola
Hale PTA co-chair

Tickets Are Live!
It's finally time to buy your tickets to this year's Summer Soiree!
What is it? 
It's an adult-only party to raise money for the Hale/Field PTAs. Your ticket purchase will get you admission to the year's most exciting party AND pre-party early access to the silent auction & Great Gatherings (coming soon!)
Sat., May 18 at 7pm
Town Hall Lanes (5019 34th Ave, Minneapolis)
Why is it important to go?
Profits from the ticket sales, silent auction, & Great Gathering ticket purchases benefit Hale Elementary & Field Middle School PTAs. It is our largest fundraiser of the year and provides a fun (& a little rowdy) environment for adults to socialize without the kids & get to know each other & the school staff. Yes, teachers & staff do attend!
Ticket sales are live!
Get your Summer Soiree ticket here.
See you on May 18!
Questions? Contact Samantha at haleptacochair@gmail.com.

BIG Changes to the School Supply Program  (Teacher & Administration Approved!)

The PTA School Supply Program is back with some B I G cha nges   for the 2019-2020 school year!

Starting this fall, the PTA is providing all students at Hale with the school supplies requested by teachers. There will no longer be school supply lists posted to the school website and we kindly ask that families refrain from making separate purchases.

After thorough research, we've identified a vendor that allows us to purchase supplies in bulk for the entire school at a reasonable cost, with other benefits to Hale as well. Teachers have already tested some of the products and we are confident that the supplies will set our students up for success!

Families are asked to make a contribution of $45 per student. You can make your contribution right now here.

This contribution covers the cost of all supplies for your child's classroom, specialists, and special education supplies. ( Not  covered: individual property such as backpack, gym shoes, clothing, etc.)

Purchasing supplies in bulk for the school provides several benefits including:
  • Provides teachers and specialists with full quantities of exact supplies needed.
  • Equitable supplies for every Hale student!
  • Save families money! Purchasing supplies in bulk for the school is more cost effective.
  • Save families time! No more wandering the aisles or shopping at multiple stores.
  • Vendor guarantees easy cost-saving replacement on durable products.
  • Product delivery to classrooms guaranteed before first day of school; eliminating stress for teachers.
Any additional contribution to the school supply program you are able to make is appreciated & welcome! This helps fund supplies for children whose families are financially unable to purchase them, and restocking supplies for teachers/staff throughout the year.

You can pay online here or by returning the flyer that will be coming home in your child's folder. Please complete registration & payment by the last day of school, Fri., June 7. 

Questions? Email Heather Ciardelli at  haleptasupply@gmail.com.

The Summer Soiree (the Hale/Field adult-only fundraiser) is happening Sat., May 18 at Town Hall Lanes.  
How can you help make this a success? Start thinking about parties you may want to host and any personal or professional donations you are able to secure or make. 
  • Make a donation for the silent auction here.
  • Submit a party for a Great Gathering here.
This is the PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year & the most fun! You can help make it a success!

Please contact halefielddonations@gmail.com with immediate questions.

Plant Sale Deadline EXTENDED to April 15!

For those of us who are sick of looking at the muddy wasteland out our windows, its time to kick your spring daydreams up a notch & start garden planning! And if you weren't already excited enough, the Plant Sale has a new, much more user-friendly website!

Paper order forms will no longer come home in your kids' folders, but you can print them here or pick one up in the Hale or Field offices.

Orders need to be submitted online or in the school office by April 15. And mark your calendars for Plant Sale pick-up day on Sat., May 11 from 8-10am.

If you're looking to volunteer on the day of the sale, we'd love to have you (it takes many hands to make pick-up day a success), so look for a signupgenius coming in April.

Culture Night
Travel the world, without ever leaving the neighborhood!
Culture Night is the collaboration between students & their families, school staff, & the PTA that celebrates the many peoples and cultures of the world.

Join us on Thurs., April 19 from 6-8pm.
Students: feel free to wear ethnic attire to school that day!

For questions or to volunteer, please contact Monica Komomua at haleptadirectory@gmail.com.

Eat Burgers & Pizza, Help Hale!
MyBurger in Richfield is the place to be on Tues., April 9.

The restaurant famous for burgers, beers, & milkshakes  is hosting a Dine Out fundraiser for Hale. Just tell the cashier you are dining out for Hale &  we'll receive 20% of sales . Dine in or take out. MyBurger is located at 6555 Lyndale Avenue, Richfield.
And don't forget, the first Tuesday of every month, Parkway Pizza will donate 5% of total sales to the Hale PTA. This includes dine in, take out, and delivery. 4359 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis

Lunchroom Relief for Staff

Looking for a way to volunteer at Hale AND hang with your student(s)? Volunteering in the lunchroom is a great way to do both!
Hale is currently looking for Lunchroom Relief for the Hale Staff. It allows staff to spend time on classroom prep and communicate with their teams. Sign up here  to volunteer and learn more!
The R.O.T. (Recycling. Organics. Trash) program also still needs ongoing volunteers! And when there's no one there to help the kids sort, EVERYTHING GOES IN THE TRASH!
The school has the ability, the kids have the desire, all we need is you to help. Sign up for once a week or once a month, but please just sign up here!

Twins Tickets

Join your Hale friends & cheer on your favorite team at Target Field!

MN Twins vs. LA Angels
Tues., May 14
6:40pm game start
Tickets $10
Forms (they came home in your child's folder) & payment due by April 19.

Questions? Contact Katie Frey at haleptatreasurer@gmail.com.

Let's Move Nights

Come get your wiggles out, play with your pals, & have a great time!

Kindergarten            1st & 2nd Grade          3rd & 4th Grade
Thurs., April 11        Thurs., April 25           Thurs., May 2
6-7:30pm                  6-7:30pm                    6-7:30pm
Triangle Park            Triangle Park              Triangle Park
Siblings are welcome. And kids, bring your parents, because they're required, too!
Questions? Contact Kim Holen at holenkim@gmail.com.

The Wellness Committee Needs YOU!

We wanted to extend an invitation for parents and caregivers to help us grow the Wellness Committee and continue promoting 
positive mental and physical health to our students. The committee would love your input on what you are seeing as needs as well as your ideas of ways we can support wellness in our community here at Hale.   
One of the immediate events we are launching at Hale is participating in National Screen Free week April 29 - May 5. We will be planning some events around this to substitute for leisurely use of screen time and the more people can help promote positive alternatives, the better success we will have in helping students branch out and explore more.  
For those interested in joining the Wellness Committee or sharing ideas, we will be meeting on April 16 at 7 p.m. at Sister Sludge. If you are interested in sharing some ideas and making an action plan to keep us moving forward, please email Leah at leah.kuypers@gmail.com.  If you can't make it but would like to share an idea, feel free to email Brooke (brookedarstrice@gmail.com) or Leah (leah.kuypers@gmail.com).  

Spring Clean Up at Hale is April 20

It's that time of year again to get our landscaping looking beautiful & our school is no exception. Guess who does our landscaping? Hint: It's not Mpls Public Schools.

Please help us clean up the Hale grounds! 
Sat., April 20
Come for an hour or stay for the whole thing, any help is appreciated. Bring just yourself or bring your whole family, but don't forget your rakes & gardening gloves!

Coffee, water, & donuts will be provided.
Questions? Contact Hale Landscaping Chair Shannon Elkins at shannonelkins@hotmail.com.

The PTA needs YOU! Yes, You!

Open positions on the 2018/19 board: Co-Chair
Chairs for Fall Carnival

Interested in learning more about what these positions are all about? Please email Samantha Turnock Mendiola at haleptecochair@gmail.com.

PTA Financials

The PTA continues to put your generous donations to good use. Last year the fourth graders started a tradition of creating legacy tiles with Miss Katy. The PTA covers the cost of this program and we look forward to seeing the new tiles go up any day now. We replaced the Monument sign and faded banners which should be installed in the near future. We purchased 16 pairs of snowshoes for our Winter Outdoor Activities Program. This month we also purchased iPad covers, replaced headphones, & provided coffee and donuts for Volunteer Appreciation Week. 

Want to hear even more about financials? Our April meeting will be focused on the 2018/19 PTA budget. Everyone is always welcome to attend any PTA meeting!

Thank You's

Thank you to everyone who participated and volunteered in our Talent Show this year, and thank you to Molly McLain for organizing this event!  Thank you to Erin Surdo, Greta Wicker, Jenni Lansing, & the army of volunteers who worked so hard to put on another amazing Science Fair this year! Congratulations to all the students who worked hard to create their amazing displays! Thank you to Stef Thompson & the PTA team for putting on the Science Fair Pizza party!  Shout out to Katy Sen, Leah Kuypers, & Dawn FP for an awesome time at the Roller Garden. Thank you to the countless volunteers who do so much for our school day in & day out. 

Keeping Up With the PTA

YOU can play a big role in the Hale PTA! We need a Co-Chair for next year. Don't worry, you don't need to be a Hale expert, we can teach you everything you need to know. If you're interested, send an email to   haleptacochair@gmail.com.

You've already updated your calendar with the Mpls Schools important dates (hello new last day 6/7!), but don't forget to plan for your  favorite PTA events. Find them all  here .

Do you have a friend who wonders why they don't  receive PTA communications? Tell them to sign up  here . Or follow us on Facebook  here .

Tried to contact your kid's new best friend & couldn't find them in  the directory? Spread the word that they can sign up  here . Or just update their info  here .

Interested in finding out about what happened at the last PTA meeting? Check out the meeting minutes here.

Want to attend a PTA meeting?  New this year, we will have FREE BABYSITTING at all of our meetings! Find a list of meeting dates  here . We'd love to see you there!!

We can help (or at least try :)

Is there  something at Hale that you don't understand ? Or maybe you're
curious & you don't know who to ask . Every parent at Hale was new or under-informed (way more than) once!

Ask us at  haleptainfo@gmail.com & we might be able to help .

Volunteer Opportunities
  • YOU  can play a big role in the Hale PTA! We need a  Co-Chair for next year . Don't worry, you don't need to be a Hale expert,  we can teach you everything you need to know . If you're interested, email Molly at  haleptacochair@gmail.com .
  • Would you like to help promote positive mental & physical health to Hale families? The Wellness Committee could use your help! Contact  Leah Kuypers at leah.kuypers@gmail.com for more information.
  • We are in need of someone (or two) to  chair our Fall Bearfest Carnival . If interested, contact  haleptacochair@gmail.com .
  • Hale is currently looking for  Lunchroom Relief for the Hale Staff . It allows staff to spend time on classroom prep and communicate with their teams Sign up here to volunteer and learn more!
  • Being a  room parent can be as big or small of a commitment as you want to make it, but it's so rewarding. If you want to be involved, contact Katy Sen at  katysen@gmail.com or Dawn FP at    tralfamadawn@hotmail.com .
  • To lend your photography skills to the  Yearbook, contact Cary Percy at   scpercy@gmail.com .
  • Parent volunteers are needed everyday in the  Hale lunchroom. Sign up  here .
  • Do you or someone you know work for a  large retailer that sells school supplies  (i.e. Office Max, Target, etc.)? The school supply drive was a success but we think it could be even bigger & better with a connection to  introduce the PTA. Contact  haleptasupply@gmail.com .
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