"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength" Isaiah 40:31
2021 - A Year Of Hope and Renewal
While the world continues to struggle with the effects of the worldwide pandemic, we are seeing great hope and promise for the coming year.
Progress in the Challenges
Dear Friends of 25:40,

At a time when the world sees darkness and doom, we see hope and light. God continues to bless 25:40 as we minister to the needs of vulnerable children in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. God continues to open new doors and opportunities for ministry. Two of our after school programs were offered classroom space to use by the local school officials who are encouraged and excited about the work we are doing. We are seeing great enthusiasm for our local soccer teams and many young men are learning soccer but also learning about Jesus! Children are being cared for with the love of Christ. We are truly blessed and grateful for your support which makes this possible.
Soccer in Port Alfred
Our soccer teams led by our 25:40 staff are exploding. Our lead in Port Alfred is Sandile who along with one of our newest staff members, Sandiswa, are working hard to manage the 60 to 70 boys (and some girls) who show up every day to practice their soccer skills and also participate in Discovery Bible studies.

Sandile Sandiswa
Moving Forward into 2022
Three Ways to Support 25:40
  1. Pray - We believe in prayer and we're asking for faithful prayer partners to lift up our requests to God on a regular basis. We are starting a special prayer newsletter in January. You will hear more about how to sign up for that but please consider joining our prayer team
  2. Champion - Do you know of anyone who would be interested in our work? We are asking you to share what God is doing with those in your circle of influence. We are developing new materials to help you do that and I will let you know when those are available. Do you know anyone that I can meet with to share of our work? I'm available to personally meet with individuals or groups to share more of what God is doing through 25:40.
  3. Give - Would you consider making a special year-end donation to help with our growing needs? These are exciting times to see God at work but our needs continue to grow and we are asking if you would support our work over the coming year.
Thank You!
We greatly appreciate your support. Any amount whether great or small matters. Thank you for being part of the 25:40 team!
Dan Williams