For Immediate Release
VANCOUVER, B.C. -Today's changes to the recreational halibut fishery, will ensure that in 2012, recreational anglers will experience the shortest halibut fishing season in memory, said Sport Fishing Institute of BC President Robert Alcock. "Minister Ashfield closed the recreational halibut fishing on September 5th last year and caused extensive economic damage to the sport fishing industry", said Alcock. "Today he served notice that recreational halibut fishing will end in the first week of August, which will wreak havoc in the sport fishing industry and which will not conserve a single fish."
Ashfield announced that he will not accept the unanimous recommendation of Canada's 300,000 recreational anglers and create a "fixed number' fishery that would allow recreational anglers to enjoy a predictable fishery during periods of low halibut abundance. Instead, Ashfield simply tinkered with the flawed allocation system established in 2003 which will ensure that Canada's 436 commercial halibut quota holders can continue to harvest 85% of Canada's sustainable Total Allowable Catch (TAC). The TAC is established annually by the International Pacific Halibut Commission and the amount of halibut that Canada and the US can harvest without endangering the long-term stability of halibut stocks.
During the 2011 election, Prime Minister Stephen Harper told Island residents that "Our government recognizes the importance of the halibut fishery in BC. The jobs and regional economic impact of the commercial, recreational and related tourism in BC are substantial. We remain committed to finding a solution to BC's halibut allocation issue in advance of the 2012 season that strikes a fair balance between all sectors."
"Recreational halibut fishers took the Prime Minister at his word," said Alcock. "Sadly, today we have learned the hard way that the Prime Minister's word is of little value, particularly to the hundreds of businesses, thousands of sport fishing industry employees and the hundred thousand Canadians who enjoy recreational halibut fishing."
According to a recent study conducted for the BC Seafood Alliance (the commercial sector's industry association), the recreational fishery in BC produces $642 million in annual sales, pays $150 million in wages and benefits, creates more than 7,800 jobs and 3,950 person-years of employment and contributes $240 million to the province's Gross Domestic Product.
For more information please contact
Robert Alcock
Sport Fishing Institute of British Columbia
or visit