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Hallmark Institute of Photography


In This Issue
Video Special
What's Happening
Student Profile
The Gallery at Hallmark

About Hallmark

Hallmark Institute of Photography was established over 30 years ago to provide an accelerated academic path to a career in professional photography. Our unique ten-month in residence program is designed to equip the motivated student with all of the tools that he or she will need to successfully launch a career in the very competitive imaging marketplace.


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Video Special

Hallmark Portfolio Deadline 2011

Looking back at Hallmark Portfolio Deadline 2011


What's Happening at Hallmark...

Graduation View from Stage




The Class of 2011 enjoyed their graduation festivities in Hallmark's spacious Auditorium this Friday, June 24th. Certificates of Completion were awarded by Hallmark Institute of Photography President, George J. Rosa III, and special awards were handed out for outstanding portfolios as well as academic honors. The staff, graduates and their guests were honored by the presence of Keynote Speaker, Joe McNally, internationally acclaimed photographer who has contributed to a number of stories for magazines such as TIME and Newsweek, and was also a staff photographer for LIFE Magazine and a 23-year contributor to National Geographic. Joe talked about those that tried to discourage him as a young photographer and encouraged the students not to listen to naysayers as he loves photography even more now than he did when he first began in the industry. Pictured: Accepting a challenge from President George Rosa to capture a visionary moment, 2010 Hallmark Graduate Michael Cali quickly took to Rosa's seat to shoot this image, while he addressed the graduating Class of 2011. 


To follow the class week by week, visit http://hallmark.edu and then click on the "Follow our current class week by week" link on our home page.



Student Profile:

Matt Burgett

Matt Burgett   

Born and raised in Mentor, OH, Matt Burgett first picked up his mom's Minolta film camera at the age of 5. As he got older, he got his own digital camera and was always taking pictures. But it wasn't until his senior year of high school when he was "trying to figure out what to do with his life" that he started to consider photography as a career. It hit him the day he received a post card invitation for one of Hallmark's Open House events. While he looked at other schools, he felt Hallmark was perfect for him because it was "all photography, all the time." He says his family pulled together to make it possible for him to attend and have been extremely supportive. Matt currently does some work for a small publication in Chicago and hopes to expand his role shooting fashion and editorial work upon his graduation in October. 

To read other student profiles from our current class, please visit our website.



The Gallery at Hallmark

Transitions, Hallmark Class of 2011 


For more information about gallery events visit the website: http://gallery.hallmark.edu



Conor Donnelly 

Vice President for Student Recruitment
[email protected]