Thursday, August 20, 2020
Back to School: Dates to Remember
Virtual Meet the Teacher, Schedule Release, & Lockers

Please view the dates and times below for Grades PreK-12 back to school events. All events are published on the district’s website which you can view via the app from your phone! 
Hallsville Primary
Hallsville Primary School

Teacher Placement available in Tyler SIS: 
Friday, August 21

Back to School Parade:  
Tuesday, August 25 from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.  

PreK-2 teachers will be lined up outside Hallsville Primary School for a drive-by and wave from 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity to make a few signs or decorate your vehicle as you drive by and say hi to your new teacher! 

Virtual Meet the Teacher Videos:  
Teachers will email videos to families the week of August 25 with information on themselves, grade level, and a sneak peek into their classroom! 

Supply & Medicine Drop-Off
Families can bring supplies and medicine on Wednesday, August 26 from 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. and on Thursday, August 27th from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. All supplies should be in bags that are labeled with the student’s first and last name, grade level, and teacher. Families can also pick up a car-rider tag to be displayed in windshields. 
Hallsville Intermediate School
(3-5th Grades)

Teacher Placement available in Tyler SIS:  Friday, August 21

Back to School Parade: 
Tuesday, August 25 from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. 

Third, fourth, and fifth-grade teachers will be lined up outside Hallsville Intermediate School for a drive-by and wave from 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity to make a few signs or decorate your vehicle as you drive by and say hi to your new teacher! 

Virtual Meet the Teacher Videos:  
Teachers will email videos to families the week of August 25 with information on themselves, grade level, and a sneak peek into their classroom!

Student supplies can be brought in the first day of school!  
Hallsville Middle School
(6-8th Grades)

Teacher Placement available in Tyler SIS: 
Friday, August 21

Students should write down their schedule or type it into their phone so that they have it on Tuesday, September 1! 

School Supplies, Lockers, & Room Locations

All middle school students are encouraged to come to the middle school on their assigned date to put school supplies in their lockers, find out where their classes are, and talk to staff members. For the health and safety of our students and staff, we are asking that only students enter the buildings.  

6th Grade: Tuesday, August 25 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 
7th Grade: Wednesday, August 26 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 
8th Grade: Thursday, August 27 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 
High School
Hallsville High School
(9-12th Grades)

Teacher Placement available in Tyler SIS: Friday, August 21

Students should write down their schedule or type it into their phone so that they have it on Tuesday, September 1! 

First Day of School and Orientation

Our high school staff has plans in place to provide a building tour on the first day of school, teacher introductions, and overview of the year to our incoming 9th grade and new students. The building staff is also working on videos that detail information regarding the A+ program, department information, handbook items, and other items to share with students and families. 
Bus Routes
Available 8/25

Bus Routes are still being finalized for the first day of school on Tuesday, September 1! When they become available, families will receive an email with the routes and they will also be posted on the district’s website here.  

Please remember the pick-up and drop-off times are approximate and may vary up to fifteen minutes either way, especially the first few days of school. Please have students ready early and at the stop. As mentioned in the district’s fall re-entry plan, all students are expected to wear a face covering when entering and riding the bus. 
School Supply Lists
Find them on Peachjar! 

School supply lists for each building can be found on the district website here or on the Hallsville app under the Peachjar tab.  

District Calendar
School starts September 1! 

School for students will start on Tuesday, September 1. The school district calendar is available on our website in PDF and Google form. You can see when school starts, monthly teacher workdays, school events, and more! You can also view the district calendar in our app!   

Immunization Records
8th & 12th graders

If you have a child entering 8th or 12th grade, there are immunization requirements that must be met before your child can start school on Tuesday, September 1.  

Parents of students still missing these vaccines will receive an emailed letter from Nurse Casey Brown. Please be sure to look for this email to verify that your child’s immunizations need to be updated.

Your child may not attend school or participate in athletics until the required documentation is received. Please feel free to contact Casey Brown, our school nurse, at with any questions. You can view the State of Missouri Immunization Requirements here
School Menus
Provided by OPAA! 

OPAA! Food Management has placed safety as their top priority for our students, staff, and their employees. They are continuously working with our local health department in preparation for the upcoming school year. You can read their update on steps they are taking while serving safe and nutritious meals here.  

School meal information is now available on the District website under Parent Resources. In addition to the menus (which are viewable in the Hallsville app), you can also download the Free and Reduced Lunch form. Forms can also be sent home with students if requested. Please email your child’s building level secretary for a paper copy.  

2020-2021 Meal Prices: 

Breakfast $1.25, Reduced Price $.30
Lunch $2.20, Reduced Price $.40

Please make sure your child(ren) has money in their lunch account prior to the first day of school. You can monitor your child’s lunch balance online through the SISK12 parent portal or the Tyler SIS Student 360 app. Payments are accepted at school as well as through  

Return to School Plans
Creating a Safe Learning Environment

We look forward to seeing our students at school this year after being apart for almost six months. The Board of Education approved the district’s Return to School plans last night at the meeting. Our plan for returning to in-seat school is built around the following foundational priorities:

Our Commitments
  • Providing environments that are as safe as possible for our students and staff
  • Ensuring access and equity for all students
  • Communicating with staff, families, and community partners

Part of providing an environment that is safe for our students and staff is relying on our employees and families to complete a daily self-check of COVID-19 symptoms prior to arriving at school. If you have been in close contact with a confirmed case within the last 14 days, you should stay home. If you have experienced one of the following symptoms, that otherwise can not be explained within the last 14 days, you are recommended to stay home:
● Fever or chills
● Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Fatigue
● Muscle or body aches
● Headache
● New loss of taste or smell
● Sore throat
● Congestion or runny nose
● Nausea or vomiting
● Diarrhea

Students and employees should not come to school under any circumstances if they are sick. Building level principals should be notified if a student is going to be absent if absence is potentially related to COVID-19.
Paint the Town Purple and Gold
Tuesday, September 1
Please join us for our second annual Paint the Town Purple and Gold to help welcome students back to school for the 2020-2021 school year on Tuesday, September 1. We have missed our students over the past few months, and can not wait to welcome them back on campus for the first day of school! 

Community members, neighborhoods, families, and students - help us to line the streets and roads leading to the school with motivational signs for the upcoming school year supporting all students. Many students already know that their parents and teachers support and value the importance of education, but let's join together in showing them that the community supports their educational experience as well.

Some example sign slogans are as follows:
Good Luck Indians
You’ve Got This
Chase Your Dreams
Always Try Your Best
Hallsville Loves You
Welcome Back Hallsville Students

Note: Please place signs out the evening of Monday, August 31 so they will be viewable by those students riding early morning buses to school. When placing your sign, keep in mind the traffic’s view of the roads and sidewalks. Please remove signs by Saturday, September 5.
School & Community Events
Hallsville Youth Optimist
Football & Cheer

Registration for the Hallsville Youth Optimist football and cheer is now open! Registration and parent meetings are happening soon. More information can be found below on Peachjar!

Upcoming Events
Community Events & Resources

The Hallsville Food Pantry will take place on Tuesday, August 25 from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. at the Hallsville Baptist Church. Food is provided at no cost for families in need. Please contact the church at 573-696-3621 the third week of the month to set up an appointment. Dates for each month are also posted on the district’s calendar which can be found online here or on the app! 

You can view all Peachjar flyers here or by individual building here.
Improve lives through learning.
Hallsville School District
421 East Highway 124
Hallsville, MO 65255

Phone: 573-696-5512
Fax: 573-696-3606
Contact Us: