Friday, January 13, 2023
School Calendar
Dates to Remember

January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 17: Hallsville Primary School Literacy Night
January 18: Board of Education Meeting
February 10: Courtwarming Game
February 11: HHS Courtwarming Dance & PTO Trivia Night
February 15: Board of Education Meeting
March 10: 3rd Quarter Ends
March 14: 4th Quarter Begins
March 27-31: Spring Break

You can view the district calendar in ParentSquare or subscribe to the calendar here

You can subscribe to the District and Athletics & Activities events and calendar here
Summer School 2023
Save the Date!

Save the date for summer school!  

1st Grade - 12th Grade: 
  • Tuesday through Friday
  • June 13 - June 30, 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 

Kindergarten Jumpstart: 
  • Tuesday through Friday 
  • June 20 - June 30, AM Class 8:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
  • June 20 - June 30, PM Class 12:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.  
More information will be released to families in March! 
Congratulations, Grayson & Jude
DBRL Book Cover Winners

Each year, Daniel Boone Regional Library sponsors a book cover contest for 1st-6th grade students, challenging them to design new covers for their favorite books. We are proud of all our students that submitted their artwork and the two winners from our district! Congratulations to first grader Jude Thurman with a Pokemon cover and fourth grader Grayson Masters with The Last Firehawk: The Ember Stone cover. 
Grayson Masters, 4th Grade
The Last Firehawk: The Ember Stone
Jude Thurman, 1st Grade
Now Hiring!
Come work for Hallsville Schools

Hiring season is upon us, and we are looking for great people to join our faculty and staff! The district currently has openings for the following positions: 
Please click here if you are interested in applying for a faculty or staff position within the Hallsville School District. For more information or assistance, please email
Registration Now Open! 

The Hallsville PTO will host their seventh annual Trivia Night at the Bob Lemone building on Saturday, February 11. Tables of 8 are available for $160. All money raised goes back to the schools through field trips, technology, scholarships, and more. Registration forms are now available here. Please email with any questions. 
Assessment and Accountability
Update from Assistant Superintendent

During the December Board of Education meeting, Assistant Superintendent Julie Esquivel provided an overview of 2022 MAP and EOC results. The summary included reviewing the preliminary results in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. In 2022, Hallsville students statistically met or slightly exceeded the Missouri average in percent proficient and advanced and the MPI calculation for most assessed areas. In addition, longitudinal results demonstrate that Hallsville students consistently meet or exceed the state in nearly all content areas and grade levels.

Within each result reviewed, two graphs for each grade level are presented, showing the overall percent proficient and advanced for Hallsville students compared to the state and data comparing the Hallsville and Missouri MAP Performance Index (MPI) metrics. While reviewing the preliminary results, it is important to note that there are five years of data displayed; however, revised tests were administered in all content areas between 2018 and 2021, and therefore results cannot be compared before and after the change in each assessment. In addition, the 2022 MPI calculation has changed and is not comparable to previous years' MPI calculations. Overall, Missouri and Hallsville scores continue to be lower, and the recovery from the impacts of the pandemic will continue for some time. You can read the full review here
Bond Construction Update

In December, the district met with Klingner and SM Wilson to finalize the listing of alternate bids for the project. The final listing of alternates includes several items at the stadium site:
  • Installation of an artificial playing surface on the football field
  • Construction of a replacement locker room shell with utilities
  • Paving of the concourse from the ticket booth north, along with the row of ADA parking at the fence
  • Procurement and installation of replacement LED stadium light fixtures

SM Wilson has prepared their second round of construction estimates based on Klingner's design development documents. Estimate totals increased slightly due to the following factors: 
  • The middle school wing addition area is up from 15,600 SF to 16,128 SF
  • The middle school wing addition now includes HVAC controls from Reliable Controls through IFS sole source to match the existing controls system.
  • Subcontractor feedback was received throughout the Divisions of work, and some estimate values went up slightly from last round. 

The budget summary can be found here, and the budget details can be found here

In addition, the Board approved the winning bid for package #1, precast concrete for the middle school wing, and the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contract amendment for this specific aspect of the project. Bid package #1 was let in advance of the other bid packages due to the longer lead times for material procurements.
Teachers of Tomorrow
Students Enter the Classroom

Hallsville High School students participating in Teachers of Tomorrow, a class elective for students interested in the education profession, spent the first semester focusing on classroom management, curriculum, and learning more about the field of education. This semester, students will spend time in classrooms, learning from their host teachers and working with students. HHS students will also have the opportunity to create lesson plans and teach them to younger students.
Senior Madison Threlkeld assists with a math game.
Juniors Meredith Blakemore and Alexis Wildenhain reviewing sight words.
Senior Dawson Wehmeyer participating in stations.
Board of Education
December Highlights

The Board of Education holds their regular session meeting on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the primary school cafeteria. The January Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18. When available, the agenda can be viewed here. You can also view the full highlights of previous meetings here

Music teachers Susan Lewis, Ryan Lewis, Leah Cox, and Chelsea Otten were recognized for their hard work and dedication to the music and choir programs. 

Lauren Lloyd was recognized for being selected as Hallsville Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year. HHS sophomore Jay McCain nominated Mrs. Lloyd. 

Erin Snelling was recognized by Mr. Cooley for being selected as a member of the Nourish the Future Teacher leader Community for 2023 from a field of nearly 100 candidates. The Nourish the Future Teacher-leader Community aims to help advance teaching skills and help students learn more about relevant, cutting-edge science topics.

Ada Tharp, Pam Scott, & Amanda Gerling were recognized after the district audit for the work and processes they have implemented in Central Office. 

Hallsville Primary School staff were recognized for their work on Polar Express Day. 

The auditor presented their annual report findings for the June 30 end of year audit. The district had the best reading attainable, and no deficiencies were reported. 

The Board approved the School Counseling Program, Library Media Services Program, District Finances, and the triennial evaluation of the Wellness Program. With each evaluation, program goals, evidence of change, concerns, and future recommendations are made. 

The board approved a two-year agreement with JAMM Consulting, LLC for fiscal years 2024 and 2025. Mr. Hoffman will continue to assist the district with the annual budget, and the two year agreement will assist with the superintendent transition for a period of at least one year to ensure historical budget knowledge is maintained and considered. 

Versailles has announced that it is leaving the Tri-county conference effective July 1, 2023. The conference is looking for a school to replace them; however, this may not be possible for the 23-24 school year. The state's northern half has been experiencing shifts in school enrollment numbers for several years, impacting school classifications for MSHSAA activities and leading to discussions about conference memberships.

DESE continues to work on transitioning from MSIP 5 to MSIP 6, which has delayed the Annual Performance Report until a later date. Assistant Superintendent Julie Esquivel provided an overview of the preliminary MAP and EOC results to the Board. 

In 2022, the Foundation served as the scholarship review committee for multiple Hallsville High School scholarships and awarded two scholarships from the Purdy endowment, each $1,000. They are working to renew and reinstate our 501c3 status. The Foundation's future focus is large gifts to facilitate purchases/donations or establish endowed funds for the purpose of scholarships.

You can view Officer Cummings October Board Report here

This was the second reading of policy and regulation updates. Policies went into effect after the second reading and were approved by the Board of Education.

This is the first reading of policy and regulation updates. Policies go into effect after second reading and approval by the Board of Education.

Each year, the Missouri School Boards Association (MSBA) awards seventeen scholarships to Missouri high school seniors. One scholarship winner is selected from each of the seventeen MSBA-designated regions of the state. Those seventeen winners then compete for one larger scholarship. There were four John T. Belcher scholarship applications this year, and the Board selected Olivia Gill’s application to be submitted to MSBA.
School & Community Events
Be Involved!
Hallsville Youth Opportunities & Events
Hallsville Lady Indians are hosting a 5th & 6th grade Girls Volleyball League for students interested in the sport. Registration is now open and will close on Monday, January 23. Practices begin in February, and games will be held in March. Please click the link above to register today! 

The Boone County Office of Emergency Management is hosting Storm Spotter Training for students and adults on Tuesday, January 24, from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at The Crossing Church in Columbia. The National Weather Service will present educational information on planning, preparedness, and some science behind severe storms we may face in Mid-Missouri. This is a free event and is open to the public! 
Upcoming Events
Community Events & Resources

The Hallsville PTO will host their seventh annual Trivia Night at the Bob Lemone building on Saturday, February 11. Tables of 8 are available for $160. All money raised goes back to the schools through field trips, technology, scholarships, and more. Registration forms are now available here. Please email with any questions. 

FACE of Boone Country strives to improve access to high-quality services that support the health and well-being of Boone County youth and families. They support families in connecting to resources ranging from counseling and parenting support to after-school activities and basic provisions such as food and clothing. To schedule a free appointment, call 573.771.3223 or visit their website here
Improve lives through learning.
Hallsville School District
421 East Highway 124
Hallsville, MO 65255

Phone: 573-696-5512
Fax: 573-696-3606
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