Jill and Eddie Champagne of Gulfport, Mississippi first started their cancer journey in 2012 when Jill was diagnosed with breast cancer. After Jill’s initial diagnosis, the Champagne’s decided to travel to Houston for a second opinion and her treatment. While in Houston, they found shelter at the St. Dominic Archdiocese of Houston and were blessed to attend mass every morning of their stay. By 2014, Jill’s cancer was in remission and she and Eddie were able to carry on with their very full lives.  

Unfortunately, in June 2020, Jill became fatigued and decided to have some bloodwork done. The next day she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) which was caused from her breast cancer treatments seven years prior. “It was like a rollercoaster”, said Jill, and they soon packed their bags and headed to Houston since they knew that was her best option for treatment.

Jill spent 28 days in the hospital for in-patient treatment and because of COVID...