Applied Recognition Featured in CBC News
for Facial recognition Technology
As the technology becomes more common, some experts worry about its effect on people's privacy. Facial recognition software is being used anywhere from border crossings, to cellphones and laptops, even in shopping malls. [...]

Don Waugh, the founder and co-CEO of Applied Recognition , a company that creates facial recognition software is [...] well-acquainted with how accurate facial recognition software can be. Continue article here.
Better Money Choices Mentioned In Financial Post For Retirement Savings

One of the key challenges retirees face when they shift from “wealth-accumulation mode” to “drawdown mode” is in the timing and optimization of multiple income sources. These may include employer and government pensions, registered and non-registered investment income, annuities, any continuing earned income or business income, rental income and many more. [...]

Available to financial advisers for $1,000 a year (do-it-yourself investors can negotiate a price directly), I recently put Cascades through its paces for my wife and me. A few weeks earlier, I had done the same with Better Money Choices , a do-it-yourself program being developed by Doug Dahmer, the Burlington, Ont.-based founder of Retirement Navigator. See full article here.
Part. 3 of Leadership for Innovation Series:
Talent acquisition and retention (August 21)

Join us on Tuesday, August 21 for the final clinic of our Leadership Series, led by Judy Lindenbach, where we will discuss how business owners can attract & acquire new talents and understand best practicing methods for on-boarding & retention.
Opportunity for people starting their own business, to see how experienced entrepreneurs make their pitches to potential angel investors in order to raise investment capital to grow their businesses to the next level.
Applications Deadline: August 17, 2018

This award recognizes a young individual (student, postdoctoral fellow, researcher, entrepreneur, etc.) under the age of 35 who proposes an innovative and compelling evidence-based policy that will make a positive difference to Canadians
Applications Deadline: August 24, 2018

S tartup Canada   has partnered with   Evolocity Financial Group  to invest in women-led companies in STEM to provide micro-grants to women-led companies.
Applications Deadline: August 31, 2018