Vol. 8 Issue 2, August 13, 2020
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Restart & Recovery Survey: Covid-19 in Hamilton; Visible minorities disproportionately impacted by COVID in Canada, With CERB ending, what's next for unemployed?; Who's Hiring in Hamilton during COVID-19?; Hamilton LMI July 020

Hamilton may be in Phase 3 of reopening – but what does this mean to you and your business?

Workforce Planning Hamilton is working in collaboration with the Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force (ERTF) to distribute the RESTART & RECOVERY Survey: Covid-19 in Hamilton.

The Restart & Recovery survey aims to:
  • Dig deeper into the challenges Hamilton businesses are facing
  • Understand what kind of support are in need during these trying times
  • Explore the long-term impact the pandemic is having on all sectors of businesses in Hamilton and our workforce

The survey should take less than 15 minutes and is strictly confidential. We are seeking feedback from all Hamilton businesses operating prior, during, or after the Phase 3 reopening.

The Restart and Recovery Survey is open to businesses in the following communities: Hamilton, Dundas, Ancaster, Flamborough, Waterdown, Stoney Creek and Glanbrook to provide local relevant feedback.

This is a difficult time for many businesses but your voice and experiences are invaluable during these challenging times.

We encourage all businesses to also share the survey with their networks to spread the survey across our community, as the feedback is crucial for recovery. 

Survey closes August 19th, 2020; Complete it today!

New race-based data shows visible minorities in Canada disproportionately impacted by COVID recession. Certain visible minority groups had job losses almost double that of white Canadians.

This is the first time Statistics Canada has tracked race-based data on job losses, a move that many economists have praised given how uneven the virus’s impact on different sectors of the labour market has been during the past four months.

With the end of CERB Looming, What’s Next for the Unemployed?

After billions in payments to millions of Canadians affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit is coming to an end. The labour market is nowhere close to fully healed, and millions of people still need some level of financial support. The federal government will need to figure out how to help those in hard-hit industries, while also encouraging people to accept work that pops up. In the coming weeks, a new “parallel benefit” will be unveiled for those who don’t qualify for EI, such as gig or contract workers.

Who's Hiring in Hamilton During COVID-19?

New job board provides opportunities for businesses and job seekers
With support from the city’s Economic Development Office we are sharing a new platform for Hamilton businesses and their local employment needs. During these unprecedented times there is a desire for real-time information on job opportunities across many sectors in our city.

Hamilton Labour Force Information:
July 2020

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of Hamilton, Hamilton Economic Development, and the Flamborough and Stoney Creek Chambers of Commerce, are closely monitoring and assessing new developments pertaining to COVID-19, as well as its impacts on Hamilton business.

Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca