Vol. 8, Issue 5, August 29, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Please share the Hamilton Jobseeker Survey; Find out more about the In-Demand Skilled Trades project; Register now for the Growing your Workforce Conference.
Hamilton Jobseeker Survey: Opportunities and challenges
This year is the Year of the Survey for Workforce Planning Hamilton, as you may have noticed!

Workforce Planning Hamilton has created the Hamilton Jobseeker Survey to learn more about the challenges facing people who have been unemployed for over a year.

This brief ‘point and click’ survey asks questions such as:

  • How do you look for a job?
  • What personal factors make it difficult to find and maintain a job?
  • How can employment services help?

The information collected will be kept completely confidential and no individual will be identified or individual information will be released.

The deadline for the completion of this survey is Friday September 27th, 2019.  

People that complete the survey will be eligible to win one of three $50 gift cards of their choice.  
Please share this information with your clients, students, friends and family members.

Employers: Are you struggling to find skilled trades workers?

Workforce Planning Hamilton has been asked by the Ontario government to consult with employers in Hamilton about their experiences in finding skilled trades workers.

We are interested in discovering what skilled trades positions are hard to fill and how the skilled trades system can be improved.

The project includes a brief survey, and interviews and focus groups with employers who want to help to improve the apprenticeship system and are willing to share their expertise and ideas.

The first project step is a brief survey which we are asking local employers to complete.

Your responses will be anonymous. The survey closes on Friday, September 27th.

If you have any questions regarding the survey please email Viktor Cicman at [email protected] 
or call 905 521-5777 Ext. 16.
Growing your workforce, October 23, 2019
Workforce Planning West and Learning Networks of Western Region are pleased to introduce you to the Growing Your Workforce Conference. 

Hear from industry leaders who are experiencing success in local training, attraction and retention strategies. Access resources at the Workforce 
Solutions Marketplace, a link to provide employers with solutions to their workforce development challenges. Share your experiences and 
learn from others through dynamic breakout sessions. Register now and help shape the Western Region strategy for growing your workforce.

Location: Stratford Rotary Complex, 353 McCarthy Road, Stratford ON 

Labour Force Information, Hamilton, July 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca