Vol 11, Issue 3, November 18 2022

Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your Weekly Updates & News From WPH!

In this Week's Edition: Hamilton's Labour Force Information October 2022, Hamilton's Living Wage, Local Labour Market Plan Webinar, Who's Hiring in Hamilton, Happening in the Community: (Hamilton Light Rail Transit Community Dialogue, St. Charles Adult & Continuing Education, Photo Portraits & Flu Vaccines, Trades Gateway Program, HWDSB: Continuing Education, and News: "Networking as a young person in the age of COVID-19

 and "3 reports that caught our eye the week of Nov. 14, 2022"

Labour Force October 2022

Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for October 2022

Hamilton's Living Wage

This year’s living wage calculations emerge from a backdrop of record–breaking inflation and Consumer Price Index increases, and workers at the bottom end of the wage scale are most vulnerable to these kinds of fluctuations. A living wage is an effective tool to combat working poverty by making sure that employees can make ends meet where they live. By incorporating expenses that a worker must cover, such as shelter, food, transportation and more, our living wages are much closer to reality than a politically set minimum wage.

Learn more at http://www.ontariolivingwage.ca/

Local Labour Market Plan Webinar

(Click image to register)

You are all invited to Workforce Planning Hamilton's LLMP Webinar on Thursday November 24th at 10:00 AM.

WPH has created a report to provide an update on the state of the Local Labour Market in 2022 and reflect on preliminary insights for 2023.

Free registration here!


Who's Hiring In Hamilton?

View WPH Job Board to explore more!

Umbrella Family & Child Centres of Hamilton is currently seeking Child & Youth Program Staff

Click here to apply!

Lifemark Health Group is currently seeking a Physiotherapy Assisant

Click here to apply!

Good Shepherd is currently seeking a Nights Youth Support Worker

Click here to apply!

(Click image to apply)

(Click image to apply)

Happening In The Community!

Hamilton Light Rail Transit Community Dialogue

Join Employment & Settlement programs at the YWCA Hamilton will be hosting Hamilton Light Rail Transit Community Dialogue group discussion in the next week. The Join Program will host a guest speaker who will be discussing the LRT Project and how community benefits can be used to implement the project in a more equitable way that benefits community members.


Topics of discussion will include:

Affordable Housing, Employment & Accessibility


Participants will receive:

  • A Tim Hortons gift card
  • Two bus tickets for in-person attendees


Please note that the session will be delivered in-person and online at the same time.



Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022

Time: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Location: 75 MacNab Street South- Room 108

Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022

Time: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Location: Zoom platform 


For registration please click on REGISTER or contact the following:

Lissette Mendez at [email protected] or/and (365) 324-0253

Thaer Trad at [email protected] or/and (289) 527-6454

St. Charles Adult & Continuing Education

St. Charles Adult & Continuing Education will be starting a new credit session on December 6.

Classes can now be done in-person, online or a combination of both.

Teacher Led eLearning Adult Secondary School (stcharles.ca)

Photo Portraits & Flu Vaccines

📸 It’s an exciting Community Saturday at Hamilton Urban Core this weekend! 💉

On Sat Nov 19th, starting at 9:30am join us to have:

Your very own personal or family professional photo portrait taken and then help defend yourself

against the flu by getting your shot at our accessible & friendly flu vaccine clinic!

(Not to mention joining us for some great food and snacks!)

It’s all happening this Saturday at the Core!

Hosted by Hamilton Urban Core Community Health Centre

For more info: 905-522-3233 or [email protected]

Trades Gateway Program

This online program provides an instructional platform for newcomers with international experience in a skilled trade. Participants will receive information about skilled trades professions in Canada, identify their trade, relevant career and training opportunities, and the Trade Equivalency Assessment licensing process.  


Trades Gateway is a comprehensive program with 4 components: 


  • Orientation and E-learning – Newcomers have increased awareness of the trades professions and understand why/how to register with applicable trades colleges.  
  • Trade-Specific Webinars – Newcomers have increased knowledge about their trade. They can receive trade-specific training to study for the qualification exam. 
  • Trades Application Navigation and Support – Newcomers can develop their portfolio, meet CAP requirements and increase access to employment services.  
  • Group Support – Guidance for job searching, resume creation and other job readiness activities.  


To be eligible for the program, participants must: 


·        Be a resident of Ontario eligible to work in Canada  

·        Possess intermediate language Skills (CLB 4+)  

·        Be an internationally trained & experienced tradesperson  

·        Be a newcomer, permanent resident, convention refugee, or protected person 


Groups run throughout the year. The introduction session for the next group will begin in early December.


To register, eligible participants can visit the Trades Gateway website and fill out the form. 


To learn more about the program, please click here to watch our video. 


For any questions regarding the program, please contact [email protected]

HWDSB: Continuing Education

Click the image to view program list!


Networking as a young person in the age of COVID-19

Last week, I found myself at a three-day conference with an estimated 3,000 people in attendance. As a remote worker living in a one-bedroom office space and living space, interacting with that many people came in stark contrast to my usual routine.

Most of my days consist of exchanging air with my fittonia plant (the only other living being in my apartment) and working through problems with my virtual team of three. Being in a room with thousands of people was equal parts electrifying and draining. I suspect that large social gatherings will take some getting used to for even the most social people, and that’s okay.

As we navigate what we hope to be the tail-end of the pandemic, I am mindful that networking opportunities may be uniquely challenging for youth. Building and strengthening professional networks are key components of career development that many young people have not had the opportunity to develop during the pandemic, as deep disruptions have impacted their career and/or education trajectories. Networking experiences such as symposiums, summits or conferences could be a first-time experience for many young people in the workforce.

Read more here!

3 reports that caught our eye the week of Nov. 14, 2022

Skills for the Digital Transition (OECD)

This report presents the most recent trends in the labour market demand for digital professionals and skills, highlighting where bottlenecks are emerging and policy action is – and will be – needed to support individuals who aim to thrive in the digital transition.

The Future of Learning at Work (Valoir)

This report assessed the perceptions of more than 1,000 employees in North America and Europe, finding:

  • Career advancement opportunities are second only to salary in choosing an employer.
  • Opportunities for career advancement are a top reason to choose an employer (after salary).
  • Old training models are insufficient. Employees rank mentoring and coaching as the No. 1 way they learn at work.

Inside Employees’ Minds (Mercer)

After two years of continual existential crises, employees are more focused on securing their financial, physical and emotional health and well-being than on achievement and climbing the ladder. This year’s Inside Employees’ Minds study shows significant declines in employee satisfaction across the board, most noticeably in compensation, benefits and career goals.

Read more here!

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If you have new updates you want to share with the community please reach out to Travis MacCarl via email: [email protected]
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
Hamilton businesses can call the COVID Concierge at 905-521-3989 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm) or Contact Us online. Learn more at hamiltoncovidconcierge.ca
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca
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