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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 4, Issue 2 (April 14/16)
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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

Check out Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot March 2016 for up to the minute labour market information

family_home_savings.jpg Workforce Planning Hamilton's latest Hamilton Labour Force Snapshot indicates that the unemployment rate remains high in the Hamilton CMA, but it is dropping. The number of employed people increased by 700 people since February. 

Top 3 findings in March 2016

  • In March 2016, there were 5,800 more people in the labour force than in March 2015.
  • The Hamilton CMA lost 1,900 jobs from February to March.
  • Hamilton CMA's unemployment rate remained lower than both Canada's and Ontario's.

Statistics Canada Report: Satisfaction with work-life balance

This recent fact sheet examines the satisfaction with work-life balance of mothers and fathers of children aged 17 and under who work full-time.

One of the findings: For employees, a flexible work schedule is associated with a higher level of satisfaction. In an effort to attract and retain the best candidates, some employers have implemented a variety of measures to offer a better work-life balance. 

According to the 2012 GSS, having a flexible schedule that enables individuals to choose when their work day starts and ends was associated with slightly greater satisfaction. In fact, 79% of employees with a flexible work schedule reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied with their work-life balance, compared with 73% of those whose schedule was not flexible.

Workforce Planning Hamilton has been involved with several worklife balance projects in the past. 

The Hamilton Healthy Workplaces initiative in 2011 gave employers the tools and resources to create a healthy workplace, as well as to survey their needs and perceptions. 

Reinventing the career: What should organizations do?

One of the most disruptive changes we've seen in business over the last decade is the end of the traditional "career."

People used to join companies for life: we would look for a great company when we got out of school, join the new-hire development program, pay our dues working up the ranks, and look forward to a nice retirement program 30-40 years later.

Today, the average worker stays at their job for 4.4 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and some research says that Millennials change jobs at twice that rate.
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