One of the toughest issues to address with engaged couples (if not the toughest) is contraception. Not only is it a topic which includes decisions on intimacy in a couple's life, but is the least understood teaching of the Church.
While contraception seems like it is only a single issue, it spills out into so much more. When couple's make the decision to contracept prior to marriage, it sets up other important choices on premarital sex, the gift of new life, whether or not to cohabitate and how they view the teachings of the Church. If they can side-step this one area, doesn't that make it easier to turn their back on more?
Our role is vital in this discussion, so we need to be knowledgeable so we can address the engaged couples questions in a straight-forward, compelling, and engaging way. Listed below are some good resources you may wish to give the couple as homework prior to your discussion.