Get the most out of your membership by knowing the benefits that you may have missed! We will share a few fun facts each month from what we have shared on our social media the month prior but in more detail just for you.
Open Membership: Just because we are the Hanford Chamber of Commerce, doesn't mean we only exclusively service the city of Hanford. Our membership is open to businesses, big and small, in surrounding Kings County areas! Non-local businesses can grow a loyal Hanford audience by joining our Chamber. Our organization is able to accommodate your location to ensure you are receiving the same caliber of benefits.
In-Office Display Center: Members are encouraged to drop-off their marketing materials at our office for us to include in our display center. This display is the first captivator when you walk through our doors. People of the community and visitors of the area who walk in are curious as to who our Chamber supports and also ask for references for their particular needs. By having your business cards & flyers on hand, we are able to quickly refer clients and promote your business.
New Monthly Newsletter: Our new monthly newsletter is specifically catered to inform all of our valued members. Because our weekly e-blast is distributed to over 1,400 contacts across several different interest points, it can be difficult to reach our members on a more personal level. This new form of communication is our effort to keep you up to date on all the happenings & opportunities available just for members.
Federal Labor Law Posters: Federal Labor Law Posters are required by the Federal Government to be posted in your workplace common area for employees. We found that one poster can cost upwards of $100 which is a price some businesses are unable to afford. Our Chamber distributed over 15 posters at no cost to its members that requested one by our deadline.