קישור שלום ~ Kishur Sholom

Staying Connected with the Temple Sholom Community

31 December 2024 ~ 30 Kislev 5785 ~ Hanukkah, Day #5

Parashat Vayigash

Chaverim y'karim - dear friends,

Doesn't Hanukkah just seem like it goes on forever?? That's fine by me! I'm a big fan of the menorah-lighting, latkes, and singing. And of course, doughnuts: award-winning and delicious from Israel pictured here!

If you are looking for more about Hanukkah to read or listen to, I have a few more resources below - including a couple of "greatest hits" of 2024.

2024 has been quite a year. Though I suspect the same could be said for every year. While we are a third of the way through our Jewish Year (5785), our secular calendar turns a page this week and it brings about a chance for reflection and renewal: perhaps more as Americans than as Jews. What is the America we hope to build and create? America has always been morphing and changing - ever since its powerful arrival on the world's stage nearly 250 years ago. The foundational ideas and documents remain points of debate, discussion, and development.

I had the distinct pleasure to study some of those concepts and writings back in September with a diverse group of rabbis under the auspices of the Tikvah Fund in NYC. I wrote about my experience about the connection between Jefferson and Talmud in a recent piece for the blogs of Times of Israel. For me, a highlight of 2024 was that rabbinic symposium and this chance to bring together the mental acuity and strength of American and Jewish thinking - let alone be with small group of rabbis from throughout the Jewish world. We, as American Jews, have the best of two worlds in terms of ideologies and practice.

May 2025 give us the chance to live into ideas of equality and debate, of enlightenment and law, of seeking richness of life and development of community. May both our nations, for America and the Jewish People - and by immediate extension, Israel - find peace, success, and prosperity. May the hostages - of America and Israel - be brought home soon, speedily, and safely.

Lastly - remember to join us if you can between football games on Wednesday, January 1 for the last night of Hanukkah!! Details below.

Wishing everyone continued joy for Hanukkah and that we can find much blessing in 2025.

L'shalom v'livracha, with peace and blessing,

Rabbi Mark Cohn



Candle-lighting on Night #8!!

JOIN via Zoom on the last night of Hanukkah ... Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at 5:30pm for the candle blessings, a few songs, and maybe even a bissel (little bite) of Torah. Have your menorah ready if you want to light at the same time at home ... total experience: figure about 20 minutes!


"When a cri de couer becomes liturgy" (24 Dec 2024) by Daniel Gordis in Israel from the Inside. Rabbi Daniel Gordis does a remarkable job opening up the song/poem Maoz Tzur and explaining an additional verse added last year by Professor Vered Noam, the first woman to receive the Israel Prize in Talmud.

"10 Years of Hanukkah Doughnuts" (29 Dec 2024) by Hilary Faverman in the blogs of Times of Israel. Pictured above are doughnuts from Roladin in Tel Aviv ... wait until you see how they ranked in her chart this year!!

Tablet Magazine's Top Ten for 2024

Fall Edition of Sapir Journal's Autumn Edition, 2024, "The University." Relatedly, you may be interested in a webinar with Vanderbilt Professor Shaul Kelner, "Academia's Palestine Exception" next Tuesday, January 7 at Noon. Kelner's essay, "Turning Critical Theory on its Head" will prove as good background.

"In Memorium: 18 Prominent Jews who died in 2024" (31 Dec 2024) by the JTA Staff in Times of Israel.

"Our Favorite Conversations of 2024" from The Tikvah Fund - included in the conversation is Rabbi Mark Cohn from July when he spoke with the host, Jonathan Silver.



JANUARY 3, 17, 31




Led by CJ Kelly

Simchat Torah Challenge - Vayiggash


JANUARY 4*, 11, 18, 25

*Led by Rabbi Cohn

Temple Sholom

122 Kent Road ~ P.O. Box 509

New Milford, CT 06776

(860) 354-0273

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