Coming up at Celebration
Monday, 6:45 PM, ManDay Night Football | Short devotional then we watch the first half of the game. Come for food, faith lesson, fellowship and football. Details contact Geoff at 402-637-5009.
Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, GriefShare Support Group | If you lost someone close to you or know someone who has, contact Penny Warren, 402-250-3659 to receive more information.
Thursdays, On Fire for God Small Group | We are watching the 4th season of The Chosen Series with group discussion right after.
Nov 22, Ladies Bunco Night | “Fall” in love with Bunco! Never played, no problem, we’ll teach you. Bunco is an easy and fast game that allows for chatting. Invite a friend! Please reply back to this message to RSVP and let us know if you would like to volunteer to help out or donate a prize.
Nov 24, Bring a Turkey & Fixins to church | The Open Door Mission will be preparing turkey ’n fixins food boxes for the Heartland’s hungry. Help by donating turkeys or other items such as: canned vegetables/fruit, canned meat, instant potatoes, boxed stuffing mix, gravy mix.
Nov 25, 10-11:30 AM, Daytime Small Group | Meeting every other Monday and we will be watching and discussing The Chosen series through Dec. 9th.
Nov 26, 6-8:30 PM, Deck the halls at Celebration | Everyone is invited to help decorate the Ministry Center, all ages are welcome!
Dec 1, 10:45 AM, New Members Class | Reply back to this message to RSVP and to receive more information. Lunch and childcare provided!
Dec 8, Baptism Sunday | Is God inviting you to take the step of faith that is Baptism? If you are interested in Baptism or reaffirming your Baptismal vows contact Pastor Des at
Dec 15, 4 PM, Winter Wonderland Women’s Gathering | Join us for dinner, Christmas song sing along, optional cookie exchange and a time of fellowship. Reply back to this message to RSVP.