Coming up at Celebration
Monday, 6:45 PM, ManDay Night Football | Short devotional then we watch the first half of the game. Come for food, faith lesson, fellowship and football. Details contact Geoff at 402-637-5009.
Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, GriefShare Support Group | If you lost someone close to you or know someone who has, contact Penny Warren, 402-250-3659 to receive more information.
Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, Wednesday Night Small Group | We will be doing a study on the book, “the Power of the Blood Covenant.” We will discuss and share one chapter each week for 18 weeks (with a holiday break). Contact Millie Speck to order a book - $13.99.
Thursdays, On Fire for God Small Group | We are watching the 4th season of The Chosen Series with group discussion right after.
Oct 28, 10-11:30 AM, Daytime Small Group | Meeting every other Monday and we will be watching and discussing The Chosen series through Dec. 9th.
Nov 2, 8 - 9 AM, Men's Breakfast | Save the date!
Nov 12, 6:30 PM, Hope for the Holidays | This class provides help, support, encouragement and advice to survive the holidays. Featuring video instructions and group discussion, it helps you deal with the pain of grief during the holiday season. The workbook is $5, sign up on the CONNECTION CARD for more info.
Nov 22, Ladies Bunco Night | “Fall” in love with Bunco! Never played, no problem, we’ll teach you. Bunco is an easy and fast game that allows for chatting. Invite a friend! Please reply back to this message to RSVP and let us know if you would like to volunteer to help out.