Coming up at Celebration
Every Monday, 6:45 PM, ManDay Night Football | Short devotional then we watch the first half of the game. Come for food, faith lesson, fellowship and football. Details contact Geoff at 402-637-5009.
Oct 3, 6:30 PM, On Fire for God Small Group | We are watching the 4th season of The Chosen Series with group discussion right after.
Oct 6, 8-9 AM, Men’s Breakfast | Men of Celebration gather together for food, fellowship and spiritual growth.
Oct 9, 6:30 PM, Wednesday Night Small Group | We will be doing a study on the book, “the Power of the Blood Covenant.” We will discuss and share one chapter each week for 18 weeks (with a holiday break). Contact Millie Speck ( to order a book - 13.99.
Oct 13, Trunk or Treat Cookout | Let's bless our neighbors with a trunk or treat and dinner! We will be serving free hotdogs and burgers. So invite, invite invite. If you don't want to host a spot you could donate candy to be given out, we will collect donations every Sunday in the commons area. Contact Kristen Guiliano ( to reserve your spot!
Oct 14, 10-11:30 AM, Daytime Small Group | Meeting every other Monday and we will be watching and discussing The Chosen series through Dec. 9th.
Oct 18, 11:30 AM, Senior Lunch Outing | Meet at Cafe Diem 11:30 - 9839 S 96th St #109, Papillion, NE 68046 if you prefer to carpool from Celebration contact Jodi 402-917-4078.
Oct 20, 5:30 PM, Crossroads Connection | “Remember those in prison” (Heb 13:3). We are partnering with the ministry of Crossroads Connection. Crossroads is assisting inmates in their transition back to life while they are on work release. We will be hosting a Sunday evening service and meal for the inmates. Volunteers will help with meal set-up, serving and clean up. Everyone is invited to attend the service and fellowship! Text Josh Beckner at 402-332-7935 to RSVP/Sign up.