March 2023
Building Work • Arts Ed • Shows & Performances
Help us to make accessibility a reality!
Town Meeting begins March 20, and we're on the agenda. Article 34 will ask for CPA funding to pay for renovations to our Town-owned building that will allow us to make MCA more accessible to all.
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Learn more about the project for building an accessible elevator and restrooms, and for upgraded 21st century HVAC at

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Let your Town Meeting Members know how important it is to vote YES to approve this project

Watch our video to learn more about the problem, the solution, and the joy in providing the arts for all in our community.
In the Gallery
The Fortieth Parallel
Bruce Myren's panoramic series follows an investigation of the Fortieth Parallel of latitude. Stop by the MCA gallery on the middle floor during business hours (or by appointment) to compare each shot with its respective location, shown on the map in our main hallway

Learn more about this show and its artist online

March Dates
6 - class info. online
12 - registration opens @ 9am

Lexington School of Ballet will be performing at Dance Around the World, happening on
March 18 - 7pm
LHS Gym - free!

LSB registration is now open for Summer Programs & Classes
MCA Artist Updates
The Boston Public Library is purchasing a portfolio of 15 prints by Zoe Perry-Wood from Hanging in the Balance, Portraits from the BAGLY Prom, for their permanent collection. She also has work for the 10th year in the MassArt Auction.
Adrienne Sloane will be exhibiting at the PEG Center in Newburyport through May.
It's never too late
We do so much to make our community a better place to be. But it takes more than good ideas and elbow grease.
Please take a moment to add your support at
pARTners 2022 - 2023
Many thanks to the organizations that partner with us to bring art to life!