Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

You are welcome at Hutto Lutheran Church

regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, belief, income level or education. We invite you to be a part of this faith community

Our Mission

We are one body in Christ, sent in Faith to share God's Love, through Worship, Service, Fellowship and Witness.

Church Calendar can be viewed by clicking here.

Worship links to live streaming

July 30, 2023; Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 10:30 AM

Paraments color: Green

Scripture Readings for Sunday

We hear Job cry out from the depths in pain and despair. We see the demon possessed man's life torn apart. And yet we hear the love of God for us. The psalmist declares how out of love God knit us together in our mother's womb, and Paul tells us in Romans how nothing we may face can separate us from God's love.

Job 3; Psalm 139:1-14; Romans 8:26-39; Mark 5:1-20

From the Pastor's Desk

Grace and peace to you!

Mental health is something we all need in life and something that we can all struggle with. And yet, it is something that our culture still does not talk about as openly as we do about other challenges in our lives.

Have you ever struggled with mental health? Do you know others who do?

Sunday, July 30th, you are invited to worship as we lift up our mental health and those we love to God in worship as well as hear about local resources for support.

Here are a few resources to explore until then:

National Alliance on Mental Illness:, 512-420-9810

Bluebonnet Trails Community Services

Appointments or Information: 844-309-6385,

Crisis Line: 800-841-1255

Faith Based Resources:

In case you didn’t know it, God loves you deeply. You matter. This world would not be the same without you!

God’s peace,

Pastor Amanda


Mental Health Sunday July 30th

You are invited to worship as we lift up our mental health and those we love to God in worship as well as hear about local resources for support.

Prayer Shawl Ministry will be Thursday, the 27th at 1 PM in the Office Conference Room. Come together to enjoy a time of creating beautiful prayer shawls and fellowship.

Hutto Lutheran Church Potlucks:

Thank you to all who have participated in the potlucks on the last Sunday of each month. We will be having these Potlucks on the last Sunday of the month for those months that have 5 Sundays. The next potluck will be this Sunday, July 30th.

Thank you to Donna Jones with the HRC

Donna Jones' last day with the HRC will be this following Monday. She has accepted a position with the Hope Alliance in Round Rock. Many thanks to Donna for all of her work as the HRC's first executive director.

Christian Education will be starting for the Fall on September 10th

Youth Christian Education: for ages Pre-K thru High School will be starting. Click on the icon to go to the Sign-Up page. There is also a survey on this page for your preferred times. The Registration will be open until August 31st. If you have interest in a staffed nursery please contact Pastor Amanda

Adult Christian Education will be studying the book 'Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles'. Lead by Heather Duewer. Class time will be 9-10 AM Sunday mornings prior to worship starting September 10th. Click on the image to view the resource from Amazon. Heather Duewer has a few hard copies available for $10 each.

Plasma Physicist Ian Hutchinson answers a full range of inquiries with sound scientific insights and measured Christian perspective.

Wine and the Word will also not be meeting in June and July.

Bell Practice will not be meeting until after the summer.

Women's Retreat is October 13-15 at Camp Chrysalis, Kerrville. The link to fill out the registration for this event is here. A deposit of $80 is due by September 30th. Write a check to HLC or pay online referencing Women's Retreat.

Altar Flowers are a way to brighten the sanctuary. If you would like to provide flowers, you can sign up for a date in the Worship Assistant web page by clicking on the picture to the right, or on the flower chart posted in the Narthex.

Prayers for Schools

Meet after worship on Sunday, August 6th, and drive to a local school of your choice to pray for the new school year.

Please sign up using this link

Blessing of the Backpacks

Join us for worship August 13th as we bless students and teachers for the start of a new school year.

Monster Golf Fellowship

Join us after worship August 13th for an end of summer fellowship opportunity at Monster Golf 3916 Gattis School Rd

Round Rock, TX 78664.

Church Work Day August 26th


Help us clean out classrooms in preparation for Rally Sunday. If you cannot make the clean up on the 26th but would like to look at potential items set to be given away, items will be available to view after worship Sunday, August 27th.

Save the Date - September 10th - Rally Sunday

Join us as we kick of the adult and youth and children program year.

Save the Date - September 10th - God's Work our Hands Sunday

Men of the ELCAFrom the Southwest Texas Synod: The Synod Lutheran Men in Mission would like you to save the date of September 30th, 2023 on your calendar. We are going to be holding a men’s gathering at Zion Lutheran Church in Helotes on that day and would like to invite you to join us for the event. We are looking to begin rejuvenating our synods LMM presence in our churches and communities and that begins by getting the men together to renew old acquaintances and to make new ones.  This is our first step in this initiative and would like to have as many as possible join us. There will be more to follow in the coming days and weeks. If you have questions you may contact Dennis Hickey at or call him at 210-347-6338.

Restroom Survey Results: Thank you to everyone who provided guidance on the reconstruction of the restrooms with the survey and other comments provided to the council. After careful review of the surveys and discussion, the council concluded that we should rebuild basically the same as we had previously. We will upgrade to ADA Standards in one stall in both the men's and women's restrooms in the hallway.

Transition process update

The transition team is filling out the Mission Site Profile this summer with the goal of being finished by the end of July. The council is in the process of discussing a call committee to be ready when the Mission Site Profile is complete.

Please feel free to contact them with questions about the process.

Jane Bolgen, 512-413-7242,

Joe Cook, 612-702-5466,

Randall Craig, 512-508-0847,

Brenda Graham 512-759-1314,

Tami Johnson, 512-423-3798,

Jeff Svoboda,

 Becky Zimmermann, 512-630-4294,


Please hold the team in prayer. If you would like to send an email to the Transition Team you can send it to

Children, Youth and Adult Worship Sign up We are the body of Christ, and everyone's gifts are important! We need your help. Sign up to lead at the Hutto Lutheran Church Sign up Genius. If you want direction on leading let Pastor Amanda know and she can train you. You can sign up yourself by clicking here.

background image

Cross Trails Ministry Fall Festival- September 16th in Fredericksburg: 9am to 3pm. Craft and Food vendors, Music, Raffle, Kids Games, Fun Run & Quilt Auction. 

Click on the picture to the Link for more information.

Financial Status

The Financial Status of HLC thru the end of June 2023 follows:

Total budget $114,323

Total expenditures $145,930

Total income $108,676 for a

Income under expenses by $37,255

Income under budget by $5,556

This additional expense is due to the property maintenance that has been done on the campus; roof work, Narthex foundation repair and Fellowship entrance work.

Prayer List

Have a prayer request? Email the Office with a prayer request for you or someone you love. Requests will be left on the list for the month of July. Feel free to submit request again for continued prayers.


Nolan Davis Sturm, great grandson of Iola Sturm, Helmer Dahl; Debbie Cummins, Lois Haag, Matt and Sarina Fincher; Patti Krueger, niece of Jill Johnson, Donald Shephard, father of Barbie Johnson


Seeking personal prayer?

If your need is private, and you don't want your name publicly posted in this eLink email the Office directly.

Your request can get passed along to HLC's small confidential prayer team. In life's difficult times (we all have them), know that HLC is ready to lift you up in prayer.


Know someone who could use a prayer blanket?

Many thanks to our prayer shawl ministry team for blankets made for HLC congregation. Supplies for fleece tie prayer blankets available to make a blanket for anyone in the community in need of prayer. Email Pastor Amanda to find out more. 

Worship Participants


Council Rep

Rodney Westphal


Altar Guild

Barb Kinnaman



Barbie Johnson



Randall Craig


Assisting Minister

Joe Cook


Communion Assistant

Joe Cook


Children's Message

Jeff Svoboda

Altar Flowers



Thanksgiving Moment


Worship Volunteers

sign up to volunteer in worship

or email the office if you wish to put your name on the sign-up.

Munch 'n Mingle - provide snacks for before and after worship in the Narthex (will resume after Narthex is repaired)

Greeter - Welcome members and guests

Lector - Read the lessons for the day in worship.

Assisting Minister - One or two people to offer the prayers of intercession.

Communion Assistant - Assist with serving communion.

Altar Guild - Set up for and take down after communion.

Thanksgiving moment - One person to share briefly (two or three minutes) something they are grateful for.

Altar Flowers provide flowers for both sides of the altar.

Celebrations for July


26 Laauren Johnson

27 Keith Hunter

27 Mark Lidell

28 Hayden Meacham

28 Beth Noren

30 Joel Ullrich

31 Christy Noren


10 Randy & Dianne Overby

20 Chris & Brenda Graham

20 Lance & Catharena Rydell

30 Dennis & Rosemary Schmidt

Celebrations for August


01 Jenna Arnold

04 Mercedes Cook

06 Peggy Almquist

07 Rosemary Schmidt

08 Natasha Davis

11 Dennis Pompa

13 Storm Britten-Ilouno

14 Sue Christensen

17 Bradley Jameson

17 Lance Rydell

20 Chris Noren

20 Bayley Olson

21 Bruce Duewer

21 Dwayne Martin

22 Jane Bolgen

25 Debbie Cummins

29 Joseph Bailey

31 Bowen David

31 Anna Meacham


01 Dwayne & Paula Martin

07 Rob & Jen David

20 Eric & Dawn Montoya

25 Mike & Donna Fowler

27 Rodney & Cindy Westphal

Hutto Lutheran Church Council

Name & Ministry Team

You may send a person an email by clicking on the bold ministry team position


Executive Committee

Cathy Bryant - Council President

John Campbell - Vice-President

Jane Bolgen - Secretary

Rodney Westphal - Treasurer

Council Members

Meg Jameson - Education

Cathy Bryant - Stewardship & Finance; Outreach & Fellowship

Jane Bolgen - Outreach & Fellowship

Irene Hackbarth - Financial Secretary; Outreach ;Fellowship

Frank Simon - Stewardship & Finance, Worship & Music

John Campbell - Stewardship & Finance

Emily Page - Property, Worship & Music

Kirtus Kolar

Office Info

Pastor Amanda will be in Hutto Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00-1:00 and additional times as needed during the summer months and also available by phone or email outside those times. You can reach her by phone 512-636-9784 or by email


Office Hours

Office hours are Tuesday to Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM or by appointment.

Contact info

Reach the office by leaving a message on the Church phone (512) 759-2064 or email the church office at 


Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 23