Gallery Helios Pte Ltd
Happenings at Gallery Helios
August - September 2011
in this issue
:: Editor's Note
:: Peek Picks
:: Hypnosis Course
:: Featured Practitioner
:: What's On
:: DeepDive EFT Workshop
:: New Code NLP
:: Quote of the Month
Lazy Days Eternal Summer  Greetings!

August! The height of summer in the northern hemisphere. 


Once upon a time, summer vacations were about spitting watermelon seeds into the shrubbery (littering), hanging out at beaches (loitering) and watching the sun go down at 9pm (generally not a punishable offence) . And yes, gulping huge amounts of ice cream; those were the days, when calories didn't need much scrutiny. Summer weekends were about bike riding, hiking, skiving and basically making the most of the gift of sunshine. Ode to the long, lazy days of leisure. 


Whether you are currently on summer vacation or have just come back from summer vacation, I hope you are rested and refreshed for the journey into September and the beginning of Fall, where nature gifts the earth her best bounties. 

We look forward to seeing you at our classes and events, and hope that this edition finds you recharged and ready for the rest of the year.


Siewfan Wong


Editor's Note 
The Child and the Shadow

Shadow Play by Michael Hartford

The child was wary of the shadow, and so she tossed it into the basement and locked the door.


The shadow felt hurt and lonely and started to cry. He cried and cried and his voice echoed through the house haunting the night. Pretty soon the child saw shadows everywhere - in the closet, under the bed, on walls.


The child shut her eyes and stuffed her ears and hid under the sheets. She went "nah nah nah" refusing to hear the pleas of the shadow. Falling into a fitful sleep, she dreamt that the shadow crawled into bed with her and clutched her feet with his icy hands.


When night was deepest, she woke. Trembling but determined she stood at basement's door. She drew a deep breath, pushed and turned on the light. Gazing back at her were her own scared and tired eyes. 


Outside, dawn transformed the night and splashed the sky with red and gold.



WWW Peek Picks
Gurucharan Singh explains why Kundalini yoga is different than other kinds of yoga

Why is Kundalini Yoga different than other Yogas?
Why is Kundalini Yoga different than other Yogas?
Please note: Our kundalini yoga classes with Adam Fazlur take a 2 week break and re-commence in on Fridays in September.
Foundation Certificate in Hypnosis 
by Antoinette Biehlmeier

Antoinette Biehlmeier
This is a 4 day-workshop covering the foundational requirements of using hypnosis with clients. The student will be introduced to traditional and Ericksonian hypnosis techniques. It includes practical lecture, live demonstrations, pair work, supervision and reading assignments.

 The student will need to:

  • Attend the 4 day Foundation Course in hypnosis workshop
  • Have skill assessment doing a hypnosis session including the client interview, hypnosis induction, script, arousal and grounding.
  • Alternatively a recording of a session with a friend can be used.
  • Complete the workshop hypnosis theory reading and question assignments
  • Produce a written summary of the sessions with 5 clients using hypnosis while under supervision


Workshop Details

Dates: 8 - 11th of September 2011

Time: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm

Location: Regression Therapy Centre,

Address: 125 West Coast Grove, Sungrove, Singapore

Certifying Institution: Regression Academy, UK

Fees: S$ 1,250 includes

  • 2 hypnosis books
  • workshop material
  • tea-breaks
  • supervision and
  • certificate


For bookings and enquiries, please email Antoinette Biehlmeier


Featured Practitioner 
Simon Wong, NLP Master Trainer, Facilitator and Coach

Simon WongSimon Wong is a certified ITANLP trainer. He is also a Master Trainer from NLP University. He holds an MBA in Strategic Marketing and is the owner of NLPCOACH Pte Ltd, and a director of Gallery Helios. He has been conducting NLP trainings for more than six years now. He is also a Solution Focused coach and a certified executive coach from Henley Business School.  He has a rich background in corporate work that includes sales, marketing and senior management. He is known to be particularly grounded in the practical uses of NLP tools and processes. Read More 

What's On in August & September 


Courses and Events




Meditation Practice



Feldenkrais ATM



Kundalini Yoga


August 3

Essential Oils Workshop


August 11 & 25

Meditation with Essential Oils


August 20 & 21

DeepDive EFT Workshop


September 7 - 11

NLP Core Skills Certification


September 8 - 11

Foundation Certificate in Hypnosis


September 27 - October 2

New Code NLP Practitioner & Coach Certification 

Click link to register or call us to learn more. 


DeepDive EFT Workshop
EFT, NLP and the Enneagram

Unfolding Wisdom

This DeepDive EFT workshop is for new comers who want to work on themselves, as well as those who have some previous experience of EFT, kinesiology or other Energy Psychology techniques. 

Many of you are already familiar with Basic EFT, either because you have some experience. May be you have done some self-studying with Gary Craig's excellent DVDs or downloaded his 79-page Manual. 

In this workshop, we will cover the basics, and try other interesting variations including:

Various Aspects Technique

Sub modality Management

Anchoring Positive Mind States

Affirmation Tapping

Enneagram Personality Types

and other tips and techniques from other healing fields.


Dates: 20th and 21st August 2011 
Time: 9.30 am to 6.00 pm
Facilitator: Siewfan Wong
Fees: $500 includes 1 private session worth $150


New Code NLP
Practitioner and Coach Certification by Michael Carroll

Michael Carroll

Michael Carroll is the only NLP Master Trainer in the world certified by NLP co-creator Dr. John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair.  He also holds a BSc in Psychology. Michael is the Founder and Course Director of the NLP Academy and a founding member of the International Trainers Academy of NLP (ITANLP).  

27th September to 2nd October 2011

New Code NLP and Coaching Certification with Michael Carrol

New Code NLP and Coaching
New Code NLP features the latest work of NLP co-creator John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair. Michael Carroll joined forces with John and Carmen to further develop and promote New Code NLP Coaching courses internationally. You will learn directly from Michael Carroll how NLP works successfully in the coaching environment. NLP Coaching has the distinct advantage over typical left-brain style coaching as it utilises unconscious processes to enable the client to congruently achieve the objectives established in the coaching plan. Read More


Quote of the Month 


"Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead religions."
                                   Oscar Wilde, 1894

Who is Who at Gallery Helios? 
Practitioners, Coaches, Teachers

airwellSiewfan Wong  - Co-Founder of Gallery Helios, DeepDive Coaching, Chios Master Teacher, EFT, Enneagram, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Coach, MBA

Antoinette Biehlmeier - Co-Founder of Gallery Helios, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Regression Therapy, Nutripuncture, Dorn Method, NAET, InnerDynamics & InnerTune Therapy, NLP Coach

Simon Wong - Director, Academy@GalleryHelios, Cert. NLP and NLP New Code Trainer (ITANLP). Master Trainer and Facilitator (NLP University), MBA Strategic Marketing

Ho Kah Keh, Director, Academy@GalleryHelios, Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Coach, Leadership development, Performing Arts, Branding

Anthea Lim- Operations at Gallery Helios, Rolfing Structural Integration�, NLP Coach

Claudia Hofmaier - Indigo Quantum Biofeedback  & Raindrop Therapy, ITEC, CARE, QCE, Mind Energy Coach 

Mukhtiar Singh - Homeopathy, LIFE System� Biofeedback, Esogetic Colorpuncture, Earth Holographic Crystal Therapy,Dorn Method

Hega Schultz - Business and Career Coaching, NLP Master Coach, Systemic Coach, MBA

Suurjiyt Tulsi - Director of Sales, Academy@GalleryHelios

Visiting Practitioners, Instructors and Teachers

Michael Carrol
 - NLP Master Trainer

Ann Tay
 - Energy and Regression Therapist

Jean-Loup Fayolle
- Nutripuncture instructor

Adam Fazlur - Kundalini Yoga facilitator

Tee Beng See - Meditation facilitator

For online booking and more detailed information, visit 


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Save 12%
Raindrop Therapy with Claudia Hofmaier
$88 for a trial session of Raindrop therapy for new clients


Offer Valid: Until 31 August 2011