WEEKLY E-blast news & updates
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We are sad to announce the death of LOL member Joe Atkinson. Celebration of Life will be on Friday, Dec. 6 at 11am at Lord of Life. Reception in the fellowship hall immediately following.
Please pray for his wife, Francine, and their families and friends in this hour of grief.
"God of new life, we commend Joe into your care and trust that you have raised him to new life with all those who have gone before us. We ask that you surround those who grieve, especially Francine and their family, with your comfort in their loss and your love in their lives. We ask this all in Jesus name. Amen. "
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Midweek Advent Worship - Spend your Wednesdays at Lord of Life. December 4, 11, 18. Dinner, Cookies and Cocoa at 5:45pm. Worship at 7pm.
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This Sunday, we celebrate Baptismal Anniversaries. If you were baptized in the month of December, please light your baptismal candle, or any candle, during worship as we recognize and celebrate being a beloved child of God. | |
There will be a rose on the altar, a prayer quilt, and a blessing basket out this Sunday to celebrate the birth of
Benjamin Alan Nazaroff, born Dec. 4, to Patrick and Kat Nazaroff. Patrick is the Director of Faith Formation at Lord of Life.
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Prayer Quilt this Sunday - Tie a knot and say a prayer of strength and healing for:
Kenneth McCall, father of a coworker of Neal Stockham with terminal brain cancer.
Look for the table in the Welcome Center.
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Christmas Toy Drive - We are collecting unwrapped toys for Interfaith's Holiday Toy Drive. Be sure to keep those older kids and teens in mind. There is a collection box at the Welcome Desk until THIS Sunday, Dec. 8. Look for some good Black Friday deals with the family! | | |
Harvestwood Breakfast - Annual breakfast to support the residents of Harvestwood will be Sunday, Dec. 8 at 9:45am. Harvestwood is a senior living community just around the corner from Lord of Life. For many of the residents, the gift that Lord of Life will provide will be the only Christmas gift they receive this year. Join us and help spread some of the joy of this Christmas season. There are two ways you can help:
- Breakfast is provided by the LOL Men’s Group. All men of Lord of Life are invited to help cook on Saturday, Dec. 7 or help serve on Sunday, Dec. 8. Email Neal Stockham or Stephen Pfeil for details.
- OR you can come and eat! Join us for breakfast and make a contribution to support this special project. All supplies are donated, so 100% goes straight to the residents of Harvestwood.
We can’t wait to see you there!
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Have a Holly Tamale Christmas - Support our youth group upcoming mission trip to Nashville by buying some delicious tamales Sunday, Dec. 15 from 9am-12:30pm in the Welcome Center at Lord of Life. $15 a dozen. Stop by or preorder on Realm. | | |
Seafarer Boxes - It is time to fill shoeboxes for sailors traveling through the Port of Houston this holiday season. Specific directions and ideas can be found here. Boxes are due (wrapped) on the table in the Welcome Center by Sunday, Dec. 22. Scarves, first aid kits, and other supplies are available for you to take with your shoe box. Stop by and check it out. | |
Meet & Eat - Sunday, Dec.15. This special event is an opportunity for church members to bring lunch and share meaningful fellowship with our homebound members. Volunteers are needed at every step: shopping, cooking, and eating! Please click the button to see where you can help most. Let's work together to spread joy and connection this holiday season! | | |
Poinsettias - Help decorate our Sanctuary for Christmas! Sponsor a poinsettia plant for just $10.00. Sales begin on Dec. 1 and run through Dec. 22. Your purchase supports Brookwood Community. Poinsettias will be displayed in the Sanctuary beginning Christmas Eve and may be picked up on or after December 29, 2024. Sign up on the Realm App or at the Welcome Desk. | |
Medical Supplies - Family visiting for the holidays? Need an additional walker or wheelchair? Call or email Parish Nurse Brenda. 281-367-7016. We have supplies.
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Music, Meals, and More - Every Wednesday at Lord of Life. Need a quick and easy meal option on Wednesday nights? Join us for food and fellowship. This week: Nachos and tamales, served 5:45-7pm. All are welcome. | |
Fourth Annual Ring & Sing Concert – FREE to our community! Sunday, Dec. 8, 5 pm at Lord of Life. Classic, beloved Christmas Carols featuring Lord of Life Choirs and Bells accompanied by a 30-piece orchestra. | |
Common Table - A social ministry for adults age 55+ in conjunction with Trinity Episcopal next door. Join us for our Christmas Gathering Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 4:30pm, Christmas potluck at Lord of Life. Bring your favorite covered dish and wear a Christmas outfit if you wish. To get more details, RSVP, or to get on the mailing list, email hgeiger100@gmail.com / 281-684-0144 or Arlynn at nickarly975@gmail.com | |
Bunco - Christmas Bunco party on Thursday, Dec.12 at 7pm in the Welcome Center. Just bring a $10 wrapped gift to exchange and a favorite holiday dish to share. We'll have lots of fun as we play bunco, eat goodies and welcome the holidays. Don't know how to play Bunco? We'll teach you.
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December Instrumental Music Opportunities
Family Orchestra (any instrument)
- Christmas Eve, 4 p.m. service
- 5th grade through adults
- Rehearsals at 4 p.m. on Sundays, December 15 and 22
Big Band (trumpets, trombones, saxophones)
Christmas Eve, 6 p.m. service
- Rehearsals at 2:30 p.m. on Sundays, December 1, 15, and 22
Contact Jeremy Kelsey for more information
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Strategic Planning - Our current council, pastors, some staff, and consultants recently gathered for a strategic planning session at Lord of Life. Together, we explored opportunities and challenges for the next three years, ensuring a strong foundation for the future. We extend our gratitude to all participants, including our current Council, as well as Pastor David, Pastor Cassandra, consultant Gigi Woodruff, Joe Cox, Linda Nicolosi, Jim Card, Patrick Nazaroff and Dan Fenn. | |
Council Nominations are now open for the new year! Submit your own name or someone else’s to be considered for nomination to stand for election to the Lord of Life Congregation Council, our governing body that helps us live out our values, mission, and vision. For more info about council responsibilities, email Pastor David Bauser or one of the nominating committee members: Lisa Beard, Billy Forester, Karoline Strauss, or Shellie Tyrrell-Herman. Submissions are due by Monday, Dec. 16th at noon. | | |
Weekly Bible Studies/Discussions | | |
We believe that the church is a place for all people to feel connected and supported. How can we pray for you today?
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Book Study - “Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps” by Richard Rohr. Sundays at 9:45am in the library/Rm. 21 upstairs.
Women of the Word - Sundays at 9:45am, Pastor David’s Office.
"Finding Joy in Christ"
Young-Ish Adult Bible Study - Sundays at 9:45am, upstairs, Rm. 25. The book of Exodus for normal people. A great way to get to know other people in their 20's-40's.
The Breakfast Club - Men's Study/Discussion Sundays at 9:45am in the Conference Room. The Gospel of Mark.
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Take your faith Beyond Sunday. Weekly conversations with Pastor David Bauser, Faith Formation director Patrick Nazaroff, and special guests. This week on the podcast: "What does the Bible say about..." LISTEN NOW. | Chocolate with Jesus Bring your Bible. Eat chocolate. Led by Rev. Tammy Fincher - Mondays, 12:30pm | Pastor's Bible Study - every Tuesday at 11:30am in the conference room. In person or Zoom. Study the sermon texts with the Pastor. | Ladies Bible Study -Every Wednesday at 9:45 in the library (Rm 21) upstairs. Leader: Becky Skodack. To get on the email list, contact Mary Ross. Save the date, Dec. 11: Christmas Potluck | | |
For the Kids
Children's Ministries at Lord of Life
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9:45am on Sundays
Join us for Club 56 & Sunday School
Pre-kindergarten-2nd grades gather in Kids of the Kingdom Rm 1
3rd & 4th grades gather in Kids of the Kingdom Rm 3
Club 56 for all 5th & 6th graders, upstairs in room 26
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Parents Night Out - Saturday, Dec. 7 from 5:30-9pm. Sign your child up here for new activities, expanded play space, mini gingerbread houses, Christmas crafts, golf cart ride to see lights, and more! For ages 6 months – 6th grade.
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Music, Meals, and More
every Wednesday @ 5:45pm: All are welcome for dinner starting at 5:45pm with children’s music practice following at 6:30pm. There are opportunities for children from 4 years old to high school to participate in choir, chimes & handbells.
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Did you miss our Holiday Market in November? Hands of Faith's Holiday Market is traveling to Kinsmen Lutheran Church this weekend with more holiday items to showcase. Please let your friends know!
Friday 12/6 2pm to 6pm
Saturday 12/7 2pm to 6pm
Sunday 12/8 9am to 2pm & 4pm to 6pm
Kinsmen Lutheran Church, 12100 Champion Forest Dr., Spring
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Hands of Faith Fair Trade Ministry at Lord of Life
Change the world, one purchase at a time.
Monday-Thursday 10-2:30
Closed Fridays
Saturday 10-2:30
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Mark your calendar to Connect, Celebrate and Serve!
December 7 - Parents’ Night Out
December 8 – Harvestwood Breakfast Fundraiser
December 8 – Christmas Concert
December 15 - Meet and Eat
December 24 - Christmas Eve worship at
2pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm.
December 29 – 1 worship at 10 am
January 8 & 15 - New Member Discovery Class
January 9 – Lunch Bunch @ Family Promise
January 11 – Club 5/6 Lock In
January 12 – Lunch and Learn
January 27-February 2 – Host Family Promise
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Do you want to feature your ministry or event in our weekly Happenings? We’d love to hear from you! Send your announcement to the office by Wednesday at 2pm.
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