Happenings on the Hill

November 26, 2023

Want to submit something for HOTH? Send to by Wed. at 8:00 PM.

The Coupon Book Fundraiser ends on Tuesday, 11/27. If you wish to purchase the book that was sent home with your child, please send cash/check by Tuesday or submit payment online here. If you do not wish to purchase the book, it must be returned by Tuesday. Thank you!

Tricky Tray Basket Wish Lists

3s - DeGasperis - Coming Soon!
3s - Morsbach - Coming Soon!
4s - Clark
4s - Sneed - Coming Soon!
TK - Yandoli - Coming Soon!
KS - Coming Soon!
KZ - Coming Soon!
4B - Coming Soon!
4C - Coming Soon!
5B - Coming Soon!
7S - Coming Soon!
Help Wanted

The Marketing Committee is seeking a graphic designer to join the team. If interested, please email Lisa Perez.

The Gala Committee is seeking volunteers to assist with acquisitions. If interested, please email

The Gala Committee is in need of empty baskets for auction items. If you have baskets that you no longer need, please email

Volunteer for Christmas Greenery Distribution
Volunteer at the St. Nick Shoppe
Volunteer in the Early Ed. Office
Volunteer in the Library
Mark Your Calendar

Save the Date!

Our annual St. Nick Shoppe is almost here! Students will be able to purchase some wonderful gifts for family and friends. The ONLINE shoppe will be open to all students Thursday, November 30th through December 6th and the IN SCHOOL shoppe will be open to TK-8th grade classes on Friday, December 1st.

Preview Holiday Treasures Items
Preview Hot Items

12/8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception

More Information & Application

Extracurricular Activities

Register for Chess Club (Grades 4-8)
Register for Garden Leadership Club (Grades 5-8)
Register for Hand Chimes Club (Grades 2-3)
Register for Rug Club (Grades 3-8)

Now open to 5th grade!

Register for Mindfulness & Flow (Grades 5-8)
Register for Study Buddies (Grades 5-8)
Register for Study Buddies (Grades 5-8)
Register for Math Olympiads (Grades 4-6)
Register for Math Olympiads (Grades 7-8)
Register for Glee Club (Grades 2-3)
Register for IC Singers (Grades 4-8)
Register for IC Band (Grades 4-8)
Support Our School

For every 5 books you sell, you get 1 book FREE!

 * To receive credit for sales, the Student’s name must be submitted with book orders.



  1. Go to

     Please complete all fields and include the teacher’s name or classroom behind the student’s name in the Seller’s field. (Ex. Tom Miller-Mrs. Smith)

     Select book by State and Edition.

     Under ‘Select how you will receive your book,’ select “I have my book.”

     Select “Add another book” to order additional books and choose your delivery

➔   "Seller will deliver at end of sale” - Books will be sent home with your student



1. Please complete all customers’ order information and your Student’s information on the order form (found on the last page of the book).

2. Return the completed order form in an envelope with cash/checks enclosed to your teacher. Please include on your envelope: “Coupon Book Sale”, student’s name, phone number, and teacher.

3. Pay for and keep the book sent home. Your additional orders will be sent home with your child.

4. Please make checks payable to ICS.


Please see the book back cover to register your APP for additional savings on your phone! 


If you did not sell or purchase books:

1. Please immediately return the book to your teacher. Do not remove the Post-it note with your family name written on it. We track books that were sent home.

2. Our school will be charged if the book is not returned.


If you have any questions, please contact: Sarah Yandoli at


Orders & Payments Are Due By: November 27, 2023

Pay for My Book/Order More Books

New to Scrip? Email our Scrip Coordinator, Christine Benson, at to get started!

List of Scrip Retailers
View Current Bonuses
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Happening Around Town

-Click on a Selection Below for More Details-

Featuring ICS students Leah Beim, Dinah Betsker, and Elizabeth Miller

Purchase Tickets
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Immaculate Conception School
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