Sunday, 1/28: Celebrating Our Parish
★ Wear Dress Uniform to Sunday Mass to earn a dress down day on Monday, Feb. 5! (Bring a parent note to school confirming participation.)
★ Popcorn for Parishioners at the 10:00 AM Mass
★ ICS Open House 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
★ Used Uniform Sale 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
★ Garden Seed Sale
★ Robotics Team Demonstration
★ Eco-School Info Table
★ Student Scavenger Hunt
Monday, 1/29: Celebrating Our Community
★ Wear Green Eco-School Shirts
★ Celebrating Our Community First Responders with a Breakfast “Drive-Thru!” (RSVP here)
★ Treats for the Neighbors of ICS
★ Baby Shower for Life Choices of Metuchen
Tuesday, 1/30: Celebrating Our Students
★ Comfy Cozy Dress Down Day
★ Morning Gathering “Guided Gratitude Reflection”
★ Engineering Challenge
★ Faith-based Reflections
★ Movie Day - afternoon movie with concessions fundraiser to raise money for new recess equipment - Student Council's goal is a Gaga Pit (Individual snacks & full size candy donations needed by Friday, 1/26!)
Wednesday, 1/31: Celebrating the Nation
★ Wear Regular Uniform w/ Red, White, & Blue Accessories
★ ICS Open House 8:15 AM - 11:15 AM
★ Flag Ceremony - Family Members in the Service are Invited to Join Us (feel free to come in uniform)! (RSVP here)
★ Veteran/Military Breakfast
★ Senior Breakfast and Tour
Thursday, 2/1: Celebrating Vocations
★ Wear Dress Uniform
★ Celebrating Fr. Keith and Fr. Edgar
★ 8th Grade “Saints Alive” Presentations
★ School Mass followed by Faith Families
★ Bingo Fundraiser during Faith Families (students bring in 15+ coins to use as Bingo chips - proceeds to be donated to Camilla Hall)
★ 12:15 PM K-8 Dismissal / 12:00 Early Education Dismissal - After Care is available
Friday, 2/2: Celebrating Faculty, Staff, & Volunteers
★ Delayed Opening - Doors open at 9:30 AM & school begins at 9:50 AM (K-8) / Doors open at 10:10 AM & school begins at 10:15 AM (Early Education) - Before Care is Not Available
★ “Team” Dress Down Day (Wear clothing from your favorite team - from pro sports to your own dance troupe!)
★ HSA Breakfast Buffet for Faculty & Staff
★ Celebrating Our Volunteers