Why do certain people make us feel very tired?
Why do certain people make us doubt ourselves and who we are?
Why do other people give us energy and inspiration?
Why is it that around certain people we feel very strong, and around others we feel weak?
What can we do to make all our relationships happier and healthier?
In this 5-week program, we will meditate on mindfulness, compassion, and self-compassion in a way that leads to happy, healthy connection. We will see what is at the root of destructive relationships and learn the patterns that all destructive relationships fit into.
This material is life-changing.
- 5 pre-recorded sessions of 90 minutes each
- Life-changing readings from psychology that will change how you look at the world
- Meditations for each day of the week, and daily practices to bring energy, safety, and flourishing to you
Dates: You can do it on your own schedule.
Place: Class recording
Host: Happiness Sangha
Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov
Registration: here