
As I mentioned earlier this week I'm running for office in a special election this May. That's pretty much got my full attention right now. I'm doing much introspection, talking to my closest friends about the campaign, and trying to get my campaign website up to speed. This week I'll also do my first media interview with The Portland Mercury.

I'm also studying the main issues facing Portland. It does look like City and County leadership is actually making some progress on some of the hardest issues of the day, but I'd love to be a part of improving the situation as best I can. I've been actively doing this type of work for 27 years and I'd love a chance to try my hand as an elected officeholder.

I've also been spending some time getting to know the 3rd District better. It's quite a big stretch of land full of thousands of neighbors (see the image below). I'm having all sorts of fun thinking of ways to reach out - since I'm not taking donations I have this idea of a homemade version of Postcards to Voters. We'll see. Mostly I'm going to keep living my life and doing what I do - put out my best thinking on ways to improve our lives and live healthy and happy together.

If you have endorsed my run for office already, thank you! If you'd like to, there's still time! I didn't intend it this way - but really the endorsement page is like a giant 💘valentine's to me. I have some sweet friends, I tell ya - thank you!

I hope life is treating you well and I'd love to hear back from you. I'm especially interested in hearing about things that are going well in your City or Town that we might be able to implement in Portland. And if you live in Portland - share your solutions to the issues we're dealing with right now and win a place on my new campaign Facebook page!

Take care, and perhaps I'll see you tonight at the Portland Light Festival downtown - it's the last night!


PS - if you'd like to come to sing together I'm hosting a singalong at the Eastside Jewish Commons on Monday, 2.13 at 7 pm. No RSVP is necessary. We'll sing songs of love and draw from the Rise up Singing book.

Also, please pencil in May 11th (some kind of birthday party for me) and May 16th - Election night party!
26 Reasons to Love Portland Right Now

When the spark goes out of a love affair, all the marriage counselors agree, it's time to remember what attracted you in the first place. This Valentine's Day, a lot of Portlanders are struggling to rekindle a romance with their hometown.

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